Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1205

During the day, white clothes, ghosts.

It looks extremely strange.

Yang Ping didn\'t seem to notice it. He crossed the sidewalk and walked in the direction of the treasure Pavilion. The transformation of Qi strength in his body failed and suffered a lot of damage. However, this damage is nothing to the body of Jiuyang. It may be fatal to others, but the power of the body of Jiuyang shows.

Instant recovery.

Yang Ping knew the power of the body of Nine Yang and realized that the most terrible thing of the body of Nine Yang was not attack, but recovery ability.

Walking slowly, Yang Ping suddenly found that he had ignored a possibility. The Pearl who had been injured in the treasure Pavilion should know the news. Tao Chengqi estimated that he would try to stop her, but he didn\'t know the effect. After so long time, I still didn\'t see the Pearl and cast a shadow on my heart.

The ghost followed, did not attack, and could not see his face clearly, but the cold smell was getting stronger and stronger. In all passing places, flowers and plants were dormant, as if they were in full bloom in winter.

Qu wanting watched all the way and wanted to remind Yang Ping, but she held back.

"When a dog bites LV Dongbin, he doesn\'t know a good heart."

Qu wanting was still angry. She was very angry by Yang Ping before. She felt that she would help Yang Ping. Later, she was said to be nosy, so she didn\'t do it. Of course, the ghost didn\'t do it. Naturally, she wouldn\'t attack rashly.

The shape of the ghost is very strange. Ordinary people can\'t see it at all. It seems that the soul state exists, but Qu wanting has no doubt that the attack power of the ghost is a little stronger than that fat man.

China Airlines Group is 13 streets away from treasure Pavilion.

When Yang Ping came to Article 9, he stopped. It happened to be an alley, a strange alley full of ominous. Qu wanting, who was not far away, saw through the alley, frowned and hummed, "it\'s OK to play tricks and scare ordinary people. You want to deal with me..."

Suddenly remembered that Yang Ping was different from herself, Qu wanting was in a hurry.

If Yang Ping goes in, it is estimated that there will be more or less bad luck. The Yin in the alley is very heavy. Obviously, someone arranged an ambush in advance.

But he doesn\'t seem to feel the crisis. Go in quickly.

Qu wanting secretly scolded the fool. There was no danger prediction. She still went into the Jianghu. My subordinates are much better than you. But want to return, she quickly went to Yang Ping and wanted to remind him not to be impulsive.


The idea just got up, the ground of the alley suddenly collapsed, and Yang Ping disappeared.


Qu wanting rushed into the alley, and a messy underground passage was exposed in front of her. Where Yang Ping disappeared, there was a big pit several meters deep. When she looked down, there was no shadow of Yang Ping.


Qu wanting didn\'t want to jump in. Her feet fell to the ground and poured a cold air from the bottom of her feet, but the cold air couldn\'t deal with Qu wanting. She walked straight down the hole and appeared in another place hundreds of meters away.

Yang Ping disappeared completely.

Qu wanting panicked and stamped her foot and said, "look at your bravado. It\'s over this time."

She was very angry at Yang Ping\'s disobedience and hummed, "you know I\'m meddling. Let you suffer. No, you\'re completely finished this time. Those people won\'t let you go."

Although he said so, he kept persuading himself not to be impulsive. Qu wanting called and ordered: "everyone in the ultimate class will listen to the order and find out the news of Yang Ping immediately."

Soon, local forces in Longcheng joined the search. High streets and back lanes, beggars, pedestrians, bosses, even sanitation workers, these humble figures become the ultimate class of eyeliner, searching every corner of the city. Qu wanting is waiting. She used the power of the ultimate class to protect Yang Ping.

Unfortunately, there was no news of Yang Ping after a long time.

He seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Qu wanting was furious and shouted, "if you can\'t do this little thing well, why do you raise you!"

At the other end of the phone, I didn\'t dare to wear it. When I saw the monitor angry for the first time, I said, "we will find it."

Qu wanting hung up the phone and followed her breath. She wanted to find Yang Ping\'s trace. She saw no one around and no one peeked. She closed her eyes and then performed the tracking technique in the past life. Soon, Yang Ping\'s residual breath turned into a sign to guide her to catch up.

Suburb of Longcheng.

A farm.


Now it is midsummer, full of vitality everywhere. The farm is small, with fish ponds, running water, artificial waterfalls, and more than a dozen rooms covered with bamboo to entertain guests. On the cement concrete platform next to the stream waterfall, there is a person lying on the bamboo chair, looking comfortable and enjoying the sunshine.

Two bikini beauties are waiting on them. It doesn\'t cost much to choose from the model competition. Of course, this is for the Wang family, one of the four families in Longcheng.

No one expected that Zhu Yan, as their friend, enjoyed the most comfortable reception in the Wang family\'s industrial base.

Wang Qiming walked up to him and said with a smile, "how about the environment here."

Zhu Yan chewed the grapes in his mouth and didn\'t answer. He put his palm into the bikini beauty\'s clothes and enjoyed it. The bikini beauty first looked shyly at Wang Qiming. After getting the consent, she bit her sexy lips, endured Zhu Yan\'s violent actions, frowned, but dared not shout.

"They are all beauties cultivated by the family. After strict training, they are the best disguisers. They can help me find out valuable news. Although they are not as good as the Nine Tailed Fox in the island country, their identity is much more low-key and more useful."

Wang Qiming explained with a smile, "you can take it and enjoy it."

Zhu Yan got up, took back his palm and said, "come on, what\'s the purpose of you looking for me? I won\'t believe you Wang family wanted to make up with me. I killed many Wang family people in those years."

Wang Qiming smiled and corrected, "you\'re talking about the former Wang family, not the current Wang family."

As soon as Zhu Yan\'s eyebrows picked up, he seemed to smile.

Wang Qiming said frankly, "the Wang family is divided into two. Some fools don\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth. They even follow my fourth brother. However, I have controlled the Wang family for so many years. How can I not be prepared? 60% of the Wang family\'s property is in my hands and has been transferred out long ago."

Zhu Yan thumbed up and said with a smile, "clever."

Of course, there is sinister, but Zhu Yan didn\'t say.

"It\'s nothing. Compared with you, it\'s nothing. I want to ask you to do something, and the reward is very rich." Wang Qiming smiled mysteriously.

Zhu Yan said faintly, "I can\'t see what you can bring out to attract me? Money..." disdained to smile and hum, "I have more women than you. As for rights and status, do you think you can compare with me?"

People nearby heard that Zhu Yan had damaged the owner so much, and they were angry and stared.

But Zhu Yan didn\'t seem to see it, and his face was calm.

This is not like a losing power of Zhu Yan, more calm, calmer and more terrible than before. No one knows what happened to him. Wang Qiming disagreed and said, "the main replacement of Longcheng, aren\'t you interested?"