Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1204

In front of him was a fat man with a huge body and a stronger waist than the banyan tree on the side of the road, but he walked lightly and couldn\'t feel his weight at all. Standing in front of Yang Ping, he shot directly.

The fat man was decisive in killing and cutting, just like a sharp machete, which fell towards Yang Ping\'s head. From the handle to the tip, he cut the air and made a nourishing sound. The black space crack on the edge of the blade can be seen vaguely, which shows the strength of the knife.

If it is the initial stage of ordinary saints, it is estimated that one knife will not be able to take it.

If the fat man doesn\'t make a move, he will make a full blow and won\'t give Yang Ping a chance to live. Yang Ping was in a bad mood. Unexpectedly, someone attacked him when he went out. He was ready to operate on the fat man.

But someone stopped Yang Ping and blocked the fat man\'s attack.

Yang Ping didn\'t know if someone would help him in Longcheng, but when he saw the person who did it, his eyes twinkled with surprise. Unexpectedly, it was Qu wanting of Longcheng University. Qu wanting quietly appeared and took the fat man\'s knife. Qianqian\'s jade hand was shining with crystal light, grabbed it forcefully, pinched and exploded the blade, followed by a kick out and kicked the fat man away.

The fat man groaned and finally unloaded his vitality. He fell ten meters away, bleeding from the corners of his mouth and said, "who are you?"

Qu wanting is very low-key. She usually doesn\'t do anything. She just controls everything in the back. The ultimate class is the best example. But this time, in order to save people, she shows her true face, so the fat man can\'t help being very real. But the fat man felt that the girl was not easy to provoke. He caught the strongest blow with his bare hands, and his strength was above himself.

The sneak attack failed.

The fat man didn\'t bother and turned to go.

Qu wanting sneered and hummed, "want to go? How can there be such a good thing!" she was about to attack, but was stopped by Yang Ping. He shook his head and motioned not to do it again. Even killing the fat man would not help.

"You idiot, if you were attacked by someone, you pretended to be kind. If I killed all of you." Qu wanting was angry, stared at Yang Ping and scolded, "I said if you have less and less courage and are afraid of retaliation."

Yang Ping lost her smile. Naturally, she wouldn\'t tell Qu wanting about her situation. It\'s not necessary, because Qu wanting didn\'t look very friendly at him. After driving away the fat man, Qu wanting stared at him and asked, "Why are you still alive? It\'s a miracle."

"Don\'t you know you\'ve been following me?" Yang Ping said with a smile.

Qu wanting\'s pretty face was slightly red. She was pointed out and followed Yang Ping. The boss was unhappy. She said, "who do you think you are, tracking you? I just happened to pass by and was unhappy to see a fat man sneak attack. You used to be the leader of the Dragon City. You died so cowardly that I couldn\'t see it."

Once the Lord of the dragon city?

Yang Ping asked with a smile, "you have a lot to know."

Qu wanting was praised and couldn\'t help being proud. She hummed, "that\'s necessary. I not only know that you lost your strength, but also know that Zhu Xi almost died to save you, but you\'re also an idiot. There\'s only Qingshan cemetery in Longcheng who can keep you, but don\'t pretend to be a fork. Man, die to face and suffer."

Yang Ping\'s eyes flashed and suddenly said, "the news of Zhu Xi got from President Qu?"

Bad tone.

Yang Ping was very unhappy. Principal Qu didn\'t help him at all, but hurt him. He almost asked Zhu Xi to sleep in the coffin instead of the man.

Qu wanting was stunned, and then sneered: "why, do you want to be strong? You have lost your strength now, and so many people want to kill you. A big husband can bend and stretch, but he is protected by women. What\'s the big deal?"

Yang Ping didn\'t like to hear Qu wanting say so. He said with a black face, "if it\'s okay, please get out of the way."

With that, he knocked Qu wanting away and Yang Ping wanted to leave.

"You idiot, our family kindly helped you and showed you a clear way. You didn\'t appreciate it and deserved to be chased. Yang Ping, you\'re a bastard!" Qu wanting\'s angry cry came from behind. Yang Ping was indifferent. He finally knew why Zhu Xi went to Qingshan cemetery because he got the guidance of President Qu.

Not to mention whether President Qu really wants to help him, that coffin alone is not a good thing. Anyway, Yang Ping doesn\'t like the people in the coffin. Even if they are as strong as the North heavenly king, they don\'t fit in with each other.

After seeing the North heavenly king, Yang Ping got the same feeling from the coffin. I don\'t know if it was an illusion. Both the North heavenly king and the people in the coffin were hostile to him.

This is not a simple national hatred.

But an unspeakable hostility.

Qu wanting\'s voice could not be heard. Yang Ping walked along the main road and stopped next to the sidewalk at the traffic light. Looking at a group of people opposite quietly waiting for the green light, the car drove past the sidewalk.

Time seems to stagnate.

The traffic became static. Yang Ping felt that an order was maintaining the operation of ordinary people. The traffic lights represented order and kept cars and pedestrians in the same rules. Without rules, there was no place. However, if you want to jump out of the rules, you must take an unusual road.

The pedestrian overpass is a way to distinguish the sidewalk.

Thinking operation, Yang Ping stood beside the sidewalk and kept thinking about the road.

Only by going out of the way different from ancient martial arts can it be possible to break the Convention. Even the northern heavenly king can\'t imprison his ability, because different systems and origins naturally have nothing to do with each other. It\'s like two parallel lines that never intersect.

Yang Ping figured it out.

If you want to break the dangerous situation of Longcheng, you should first win the bet with the North heavenly king. Although this person is a little overbearing, he will not reduce his identity and go back on his word. Moreover, Yang Ping felt that the crisis of Longcheng came not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

The Qi power in his body wandered through the meridians, but it was forcibly melted by him and turned into a mysterious power. Once he shot, he was sure that the power was definitely more terrible than vitality. Qi strength cultivation will be transformed into vitality to a certain extent, but vitality cultivation can continue to sublimate to a certain extent.

The process of gradually turning all the power away is extremely painful.

He stood by the side of the road and passers-by passed by. When he saw someone standing still, he thought he was a fool. From time to time, someone threw a surprised look, but he ignored and despised it more. He is like a fool on the side of the road. He can\'t see the rules clearly and doesn\'t know where to go.



Yang Ping was so suddenly frightened that the old man who passed by almost fainted. He hurried away and looked at Yang Ping in horror. The surrounding crowd immediately became chaotic and felt that Yang Ping had a problem. What if he was hit by porcelain?

This is a moral issue.

But some people see the difference.

Not far away, Qu wanting saw Yang Ping and wanted to rush up, but she couldn\'t help it. Because someone had appeared before her.

"Still failed."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly. It is very difficult to completely refine the power in the body into another mysterious energy. It is unknown whether anyone has done it since ancient times, but so far, no one has done it.

This is an unknown road.

It may also be a road of no return.

The northern Heavenly King\'s imprisonment is so easy to untie.

Yang Ping relaxed and walked to the sidewalk. He didn\'t seem to see a person around him. He was almost floating and wearing white clothes. The surrounding air was instantly cold, but it was strange that the pedestrians didn\'t notice it.