Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1206

Zhu Yan\'s eyes burst out and stared at Wang Qiming. He wanted to see his real idea and authenticity. He said, "where is the source of the news?"

Wang Qiming was lucky that he was not killed in the treasure house last time, because Yang Ping was not interested in him. His main energy was focused on the K of hearts and many hidden experts, which made Wang Qiming escape. Who knows that Wang Qiming not only didn\'t repent, but intensified his resentment against Yang Ping. When he went back, he integrated his strength and was ready to make a comeback, and he did well. During this time, I recuperated and gradually plump.

Zhu Yan knew there was someone behind Wang Qiming, but he couldn\'t guess who it was.

He was the first to think of Lord bronze, but quickly denied it. Mr. bronze won\'t pay attention to the waste like Wang Qiming because he doesn\'t have much use value. Who else dares to insert it in the mixed theory of Longcheng?

"Don\'t worry about the source. As long as you are interested, you can compete for the position of the Lord of the dragon city. Competition, not everyone has the opportunity. You need to recommend people and assess them at all levels." Wang Qiming seized Zhu Yan\'s weakness, that is the Lord of the Dragon City, and continued to tempt, "in your reputation, you may have the greatest opportunity, because the Lord of the dragon city is only selected locally this time."

Zhu Yan\'s eyes flashed.

If this is true, no one in Longcheng is his opponent.

"Where\'s Yang Ping?"

Zhu Yan thought of a man, the young man who made him fear. If he didn\'t die, what\'s the use of competing for the Lord of the dragon city? Most importantly, Yang Ping is the Lord of the Dragon City recognized by everyone.

"Naturally, someone has to deal with him. We don\'t have to worry about it. Yang Ping is like a lost dog. If I don\'t have time to pay attention, I want to go up and abuse him. The Wang family suffered heavy losses. The main responsibility is still because of Yang Ping."

Wang Qiming\'s tone is filled with strong hatred. Now it\'s not Yang Ping\'s responsibility to fall into such a field. Who else.

"You have self-confidence, but you don\'t know where your self-confidence comes from? Wang Qiming, don\'t tell me hypocrisy. You say that the selection of the Lord of the dragon city is not worthy to mention shoes in your capacity." Zhu Yan sneered.

Wang Qiming\'s eyes flashed an anger, but it was well hidden. He smiled and said, "I\'m naturally unqualified, so there will be others to talk to you about." he looked out, his tone was respectful, bowed and said, "adults, please show up."

Jie Jie

A gloomy laugh came, followed by two people, one fat and one thin, in sharp contrast. However, one arm of the thin man was gone, and his sleeve was empty and moved with the wind. He was more indifferent than before. Last time, he was almost killed by Zhu Xi. He was terrified, but it was very simple to deal with some ordinary people.

The combination of the two is very powerful. Together, they exude momentum, which makes Zhu Yan\'s face dignified. Zhu Yan felt that these were two sub saints, but after the combination, he exuded a momentum no weaker than that in the early days of saints.

"My Lord."

Wang Qiming hurried to thousands, knelt on the ground and licked the combination of fat and thin.

The thin man looked at Zhu Yan and said carelessly, "Zhu Yan, you are the one we like. If you agree to our conditions, you can become the Lord of the dragon city."

The fat man was silent.

With a flash of eyes, Zhu Yan glanced at the thin man\'s arm and said with a smile, "haven\'t you consulted two yet?"

The thin man hummed, "you don\'t need to know our identity. You just need to know that only we can send you to the throne of the Lord of the dragon city. Next, you should obey my orders."

Instead of immediately agreeing, Zhu Yan said with a smile, "I don\'t know what conditions."

His reaction was calm.

It\'s not like Wang Qiming\'s awe, which makes the thin man very dissatisfied. In the thin man\'s view, the local forces of Longcheng are only local chickens and dogs, and there are not many they can use. He just likes Zhu Yan as a figure and wants to use it for his great ambition.

"You talk a lot of nonsense," the thin man said displeased.

Wang Qiming turned pale and hurriedly shouted to Zhu Yan, "apologize quickly. If adults are unhappy, the whole dragon city will perish. You don\'t know where adults come from. If you know, you will regret it. Kneel down and apologize quickly."

Zhu Yan didn\'t move and said faintly, "my Lord, if I kneel down, I\'m afraid I\'m not the person you\'re looking for. The Lord of the Dragon City, kneel down and lick my parents. How can I kneel down to others?"

Wang Qiming was terrified. Hearing Zhu Yan say such treacherous words, he scared the urine directly. If I talked to two adults like that, I would have died. Zhu Yan doesn\'t know how to live or die. Does he still think he is the owner of the Zhu family in Longcheng?

Zhu Yan is nothing now.

Zhu Xi controls the Zhu family, that is to say, Zhu Yan\'s status is quite different from before.

The thin man flashed a murderous opportunity in his eyes and thought that if he didn\'t want to use Zhu Yan, he might have slapped him to death. He held back his anger and said in a deep voice: "why, do you want to disobey my order?"

Zhu Yan smiled.

"Please say the terms. If appropriate, we may be able to cooperate."

The thin man snorted coldly and said coldly: "It\'s easy for you to become the leader of the dragon city. You must listen to us. If you don\'t listen, you will die miserably. First, you must take your daughter out and seal it for us to deal with. As for how to seal it, you can think of your own way. Second, after you become the leader of the Dragon City, you must lend me all your strength and I will take away the scepter. Finally, and most importantly, become the dragon city I\'ll give you a list of the main killers. All these people must be killed. "

Wang Qiming nodded frequently and felt that the conditions were quite good. As long as he had strength, it was worth doing anything.

But Zhu Yan couldn\'t help laughing.

The laughter was full of irony.

The thin man frowned and said in a cold voice, "what are you laughing at!"

Zhu Yan stopped smiling for a long time, shook his head and said, "I thought you two were great people and said such naive words. If you put forward such conditions, it would be a joke if the promised person could become the leader of the dragon city. You don\'t even know what the leader of the dragon city represents, and you showed it in front of me."

The thin man narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "arrogant. Dare to doubt me in your identity!"

Zhu Yan sighed, looked at Wang Qiming\'s eyes full of pity and said, "Wang Qiming, you have thousands of calculations, but you don\'t know that you have been used. These two fake goods are nothing, but the Yasheng realm. They don\'t even know what the Lord of the dragon city is and want to cheat?"

"Do you know?"

Zhu Yan smiled and glanced at the two people, making the thin man cold. It seemed that these eyes were not his, but those of a beast. They were very ferocious. He said, "I naturally know, but I\'m curious. Who are the people behind you? They swaggered and cheated in Longcheng. You two were the most active when you killed Yang Ping last time."

The thin man finally turned pale.

The fat man stood next to the thin man, United and ready to kill Zhu Yan at any time.

Zhu Yan shook his head, smiled, then took out a black token and said, "you\'ve been talking about the replacement of the Lord of the Dragon City, but I don\'t know that the candidate has already been determined. And this token is the real proof of the candidate!"


The thin man saw the color of the token and was shocked. Then he shouted, "go, there\'s a problem with this boy."

Zhu Yan smiled and said, "it\'s late."