Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1203

"Is it important?"

Du didn\'t answer his question. His voice was full of light sadness, but soon returned to normal and said, "it doesn\'t matter. You shouldn\'t come out. Even a big man of your level may disappear."

He laughed, looked at the sky with disdain and scolded, "thief, God, you want to take me, and you\'ve done it for decades. Now I\'m not still alive. When I get to where I\'m going, the first thing will poke a hole in you."

"Don\'t pretend, you can\'t take that step." Du throne couldn\'t help beating up and said, "it\'s like you couldn\'t break through a few decades ago and there\'s no hope in your life."

He said angrily, "I said, sister paper, who are you helping? It\'s not easy for me to run... Is it easy to slip out and relax? Do you still want to break the seal? You know, I\'m the only one who can break the seal. Even the dead monk can\'t help it."

The throne of Du didn\'t turn around and didn\'t answer, but the beautiful shadow radiated a myriad of light. The chains broke one by one, calmly walked down the stone, and then came to him and said, "do you really think I was trapped?"

He looked at the throne with strange eyes and said, "his figure is still so good."

The throne Du didn\'t have time to pay attention to his eyes and said, "the successor of wujialing is in trouble. What do you do?" she felt that the old man\'s position was very critical, because he was the only person who could compete with the northern heavenly king at present, and neither could Cihang Jingzhai.

Although he knew he smiled and said, "how do you maintain it?"

Du throne said unhappily, "I\'m talking about serious things. If you\'re not interested, don\'t blame me for being merciless."

He seemed to be afraid of Du throne. Alas, he said, "don\'t mention that kind of thing. Your body can last so long. How can those old women in Cihang Jingzhai be inferior to you?"

Throne Du nodded, if he had realized something.

He sighed with relief and shouted, "don\'t think too much. If I were the northern heavenly king, I would kill the boy directly and have nothing to do with so many things. Also, don\'t plead with me. You should know that the old monk is in the same position as me and won\'t let go of the people in wujialing."

The throne looked at him [email protected] ^^$

He spread out his hand and said helplessly, "you don\'t know. If he is still alive, he is the most promising person to get there. I don\'t understand Lei Feng\'s two masters. I watched him grow up. How can I not leave something to save the boy\'s life. I don\'t do it in the face of the two teachers and disciples, or I will kill the boy first."

Du Wangzuo understood, but listening to what he said so frankly, he couldn\'t help patting it on the ground again. He said in a cold voice, "I can\'t help you. What are you doing out here? You don\'t have anything to ask in this era."

After that, throne Du left the ghost forest.

He hurried up and shouted, "don\'t go yet. I haven\'t seen enough."


Yang Ping didn\'t know that the person Zhu Xi begged actually wanted to kill him more than the northern heavenly king, but he didn\'t do it because of face, but his intuition told him that the other party was unreliable, so he took Zhu Xi out of the Castle Peak cemetery, got on Zhu Xi\'s Maybach and left quickly.

China Airlines Group building, President\'s office.

Yang Ping finally pulled Zhu Xi back to the office. Despite his struggle, he suffered several times on his face. He didn\'t want the pain. He pushed her away and said angrily, "are you crazy? That kind of person can\'t be trusted!"

Zhu Xi stared at Yang Ping coldly and said sarcastically, "can\'t you believe it?"

Yang Ping touched his nose, shrugged and said, "at least it\'s more credible than him. Also, it\'s my business and I don\'t need you to manage it. I can solve it myself."

Zhu Xi couldn\'t help sneering and said, "that\'s also my business. Why do you care about me? Who are you and who are you qualified to tell me what to do? Please leave. You\'re not welcome here."

Yang Ping didn\'t leave. He still has to explain.

Zhu Xi said angrily, "get out!"

Yang Ping\'s face was ugly. He had never seen Zhu Xi so hysterical, but when he heard roll, he was uncomfortable. He tit for tat and said, "I won\'t go. What\'s the matter? Don\'t decide for me. Even if you go into the coffin, I won\'t be moved. You put a lot of pressure on me."

Zhu Xijiao trembled and stared at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping secretly said that it was bad. He seemed to say something wrong. He hurriedly explained, "I didn\'t mean that..."

"Get out!"

Zhu Xi pointed to the door and was sad. Unexpectedly, she begged president Qu. She would rather exchange her life for Yang Ping\'s safety in the Castle Peak cemetery. In the end, she was regarded as amorous and even looked down upon.

high pressure?

In Yang Ping\'s opinion, his own pay is just a burden.

This is the biggest joke.

It\'s sad to think that Yang Ping is now leaving himself and staying with the Pearl. In his dangerous things, where is the Pearl? I didn\'t expect good intentions to be rewarded. Zhu Xi hates that she doesn\'t work hard. She doesn\'t have anything to do in the Castle Peak cemetery. She also says those shameless words. Yang Ping must have heard it. Do you think there are no good men in the world except him?

The more you think about it, the more powerful it is.

Zhu Xi took a deep breath and said coldly, "well, you let me see one thing clearly. I\'m so stupid that I would help you."

When Yang Ping saw the tears in Zhu Xi\'s eyes, she was very uncomfortable. It was like countless sharp knives cutting in her heart. The pain could not be described. She couldn\'t stand Zhu Xi\'s tears, let alone her desolate face.

"Listen to me."

Yang Ping went to Zhu Xi and wanted to hold her hand, but suddenly, he slapped her and hit her hard in the face. Without feeling it, he firmly grasped Zhu Xi\'s slender hand and said, "I apologize for what I said just now, but you can\'t go to someone for help without my consent and sacrifice your life. What do you think of me?"

Zhu Xi still looked at him coldly.

The heart dies like ashes.

Yang Ping continued, "don\'t continue yourself as before. What you think will succeed will not succeed. This is not a business, this is the Jianghu. The Jianghu is dangerous, you know?"

Zhu Xi closed her eyes and said, "go away."

Yang Ping stopped talking.

Zhu Xi opened her eyes and shouted, "you all think I\'m redundant. What are you doing here? Yang Ping, I tell you, you\'re not the only man in the world. In the past, Zhu Xi was blind and humiliated himself, but from today on, I won\'t take care of your affairs. Let you live and die."

Yang Ping opened her mouth and didn\'t expect Zhu Xi\'s reaction to be so great.

Later, I realized that the previous words were too much. Zhu Xi was a very sensitive girl. She lacked love and paid so much since childhood, but in the end, she only got a sentence with great pressure. She wouldn\'t accept it if she were herself.

Yang Ping\'s face eased and his anger was suppressed. He reluctantly smiled and said, "don\'t be angry first. I take back my previous words."

"I figured it out."

Zhu Xi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes became very cold. She said faintly, "you are a useless man now. I am a businessman and won\'t waste energy on you. Go and don\'t let me see you again."

Yang Ping knows Zhu Xi\'s angry words, but he still can\'t help being angry. What is a loser? It\'s useless. The secret way is that it\'s false to get along for so long before?

Especially Zhu Xi\'s tone of pretending to be indifferent, Yang Ping was uncomfortable all over.

"Get out."

Zhu Xi said again.

Yang Ping\'s anger came up again. What\'s wrong with him? A big man was told to go away by a woman again and again. What are you doing here.

In anger, Yang Ping sneered, "OK, you let me go."

After that, Yang Ping left angrily.

I don\'t know why, getting along with Zhu Xi has no good results every time.

It seems that they are destined to be a pair of enemies. Yang Ping quickly walked out of the China Airlines building and was ready to go back to Zang Baoxuan, but suddenly there was another person in front of him, blocking his way.