Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1198

"Who are you?"

Duan Fei stared at the fat and thin people and said warily. It\'s wrong to break into the Public Security Bureau and the director\'s office without permission. Fat and thin have a leisurely expression, like visiting the door, and their attitude is very arrogant.

"Just take someone away." the thin man smiled.

Duan Fei said coldly, "I\'m afraid people can\'t take it away. You two should stay."

He knew that the two men were very powerful, but Duan Fei was not afraid and directly suppressed them. When he moved, it was a thunderous attack. The thin man flew to Duan Fei. They ran after each other and quickly left the office.

When Duan Fei chased out of the Public Security Bureau, he stopped fiercely. The secret road was bad and lured the tiger away from the mountain.

He hurried back.

Yang Ping is no longer in the office.

The fight here alerted other policemen. Wang took the lead and hurriedly asked, "where are the people?"

Duan Fei looked gloomy and gritted his teeth and said, "check it for me. If you block all the entrances and exits of Longcheng, I don\'t believe they can go to heaven! They dare to act wildly in the Public Security Bureau and challenge the authority of the people\'s police. Any force will pay a serious price." he was completely angry. In front of his face, he arrested people in the Public Security Bureau. The other party was bold. Such behavior must not be condoned.

Wang hurriedly chased out.

Duan Fei slapped the office hard, his face ugly and worried at the same time.

Those two people have strong strength. They are actually the realm of saints. They must come from the holy land. Maybe some super forces, not only him, can\'t provoke the Duan family. Duan Fei didn\'t chase them, so he weighed them for a long time.

But he was oppressed.

Finally turned into a helpless sigh.

By the Luoshui river.

The fat man took Yang Pingluo to the river. The thin man rushed over and said with a smile: "it\'s successful. Go to the airport and leave Longcheng."

The two of them are very strong and can avoid the pursuit of the police, but it is difficult to avoid the perception of real experts. They sweep over with mental strength one by one, but they return immediately after seeing the token displayed by the thin man.

"A group of things that don\'t know life or death."

The thin man smiled with disdain and said, "the people our leaders want dare to come and provoke."

"Can you wait?"

Yang Ping was out of breath, but said with a smile: "consider me when you are on your way. I\'m very tired."

The thin man licked his lips, cried out and said, "I forgot. Yang Shao is a waste. His former prestige is gone. Now he is a lost dog. I can crush you anytime I like. Ha ha."

I heard that the thin man resented Yang Ping.

Yang Ping asked with a smile, "where do you come from? It seems that you are not local."

The thin man sneered: "of course not, but it doesn\'t matter. You\'ll soon know where we come from. You\'ll never like it."

Yang Ping nodded and said, "your strength is very strong, but if you want to take me away, at least consider my opinion."

The thin man flashed a cold light in his eyes and kicked Yang Ping over with one foot. He disdained to say, "what\'s your status now? Are you qualified to talk to me about conditions? Do you think I\'m very kind if I don\'t cut off your two legs?"

Yang Ping coughs and spits blood.

Nima, I feel really uncomfortable now. It\'s difficult to fight the enemy without Qi. However, he is adjusting. A mysterious force has been born in his body, which can explode at any time, but it doesn\'t last long. He measured that he should be able to kill two people.

However, just as Yang Ping was preparing to teach these two fat and thin combinations who did not know the height of heaven and earth, his mind moved and looked into the distance.

A beautiful shadow came slowly.

The fat and thin group found someone coming more than ten seconds late, but when they saw that the visitor was a stunning beauty, they showed their obscene eyes and looked at each other. The thin people were greedy and hurried to say, "this is what I saw first. Don\'t rob me."

The fat man nodded depressed.

Yang Ping looked at the visitor with complicated eyes.

Here comes Zhu Xi.

He didn\'t expect that it was Zhu Xi who came to save him, but how did Zhu Xi catch up with him? Yang Ping was helpless and had to decide to do it himself. He had planned to hide it for a while and catch big fish.

"Chick, are you here to save people?" the thin man leaned up, smiled and asked, "if you serve me well, you may succeed."

Zhu Xi came to the front and ignored the thin man.

"Will you come with me?"

Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping and asked coldly. Her tone was the same as that of the last break. It was obvious that another soul in her body occupied the body.

"It\'s a little difficult." Yang Ping shook his head.

Zhu Xi said, "you have no choice."

When the thin man saw that the beauty didn\'t bird him, he was unhappy and shouted, "Hey, you\'re finished. If you come with me, you can still be happy on the road. Otherwise, you\'ll die miserably."


Zhu Xi took a cold look at the thin man, and then slapped him to fly. The thin man screamed, covered his cheeks, and was terrified. He wanted to rush up for revenge, but he was knocked away by a huge force. With a puff, the meridians in the thin man were broken and passed out in a coma.

A sage expert who was knocked unconscious directly.

I don\'t know how the other party shot.

The fat man was stunned, then roared and jumped at Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi\'s eyes showed an ironic smile, and then sealed. The array rose from the ground. The fat man was directly dragged into the ground by a coffin. He didn\'t know whether he was alive or dead.


Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi and shouted, but Zhu Xi grabbed him and left quickly until China Airlines building stopped. Zhu Xi dumped the unwilling Yang Ping into the office, closed the door, and ignored it.

Yang Ping came to the office and revisited his hometown with a sigh.

"Shut up."

When Yang Ping wanted to talk, Zhu Xi said coldly.

Yang Ping Yu Sai.

"That..." Yang Ping wanted to ask if he could drink water, but was stopped by Zhu Xi\'s indifferent eyes.

The virtual shadow of the six saints appeared in the office, knelt on the ground and said respectfully, "master."

Yang Ping\'s face sank and stared at the six people.

Six sage masters in the dark place have become Zhu Xi\'s servants. It\'s shocking. After seeing Yang Ping, the six saints in the dark place showed hatred and wanted to jump on him and kill him.

"Go down. If anyone dares to come, there will be no amnesty."

Zhu Xi said coldly that the six saints did not dare to disobey and left obediently. Before leaving, there was still hatred and looked at Yang Ping. Zhu Xi is too strong to give six people a chance to persuade. Such Zhu Xi is very strange to Yang Ping.


There was a scream outside.

Then the office door opens.

Zhu Xi frowned and looked out.

Yang Ping suddenly felt extreme danger and became anxious. The visitor is very simple. He can subdue six saints in an instant. At the moment, Zhu Xi may not be an opponent at all. Because he could see clearly the visitor, the master of the great sage realm, had seen him in the club of Longcheng University City.

There\'s nothing wrong with this smell.

He took a deep breath and slowly adjusted his strength.


The spiritual world derives a force that does not belong to this world. It repeatedly comes from the depths of the distant starry sky, which is extremely mysterious. The light of the stars enters the meridians, generates new energy and moistens the body.

Yang Ping is stronger than ever.