Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1199

Limbs, Dantian, chest, forehead, back of head, head, back, nine points are lit at the same time. The golden light in the body seems to shoot out the void that imprisons the flesh. Yang Ping takes a deep breath and his eyes are as bright as stars. He feels that forces emerge from the nine nodes, fill the whole body, and derive a new force.

Probably because he was too strong and trembled. Strangely, Yang Ping didn\'t leak any breath. No matter how powerful the master could see it. People who didn\'t know thought he was scared to pee.

Zhu Xi\'s pretty face sank and stared at the great saint of the sneak attack with a cold hum.

It seems that the fierce great saint was hit hard and grabbed Yang Ping\'s palm and retracted impressively. At the same time, his palm burned a black flame. The black flame was terrible and burned the whole arm to ashes in almost a moment. If it weren\'t for the great sage who broke his wrist in a sneak attack, the whole person would probably burn.

After the sneak attack on the great saint was badly hurt, he immediately ran away, and a dark red blood was scattered in the office, which was amazing.

Yang Ping finally calmed down and breathed a long sigh of relief.

A dangerous sneak attack was easily resolved by Zhu Xi, and a local great saint expert was seriously injured. She showed strong strength, but she was very strange. Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi and knew that it was not her strength. It was very expensive to use her own strength, but Zhu Xi did it.

Zhu Xi didn\'t look at Yang Ping. She took a book on the bookcase and threw it in front of Yang Ping. Without saying a word, she returned to her seat and worked expressionless.

"What is this?"

Yang Ping looked through it and found that it was some highly advanced ancient martial arts. There were three ancient books, each of which was a prefecture level ancient martial arts. Taking it out would break the blood flow of countless people, but it was thrown in front of him at random, pretending to be indifferent and indifferent.

Moved, Yang Ping knows that this is the ancient martial arts that Zhu Xi spent a lot of time collecting. It is also a rumor that he has become a disabled man. From getting the news to collecting three ancient martial arts, we can imagine the dangers and difficulties.

"Actually, I..."

"Don\'t talk. Practice first and see what happens."

Zhu Xi looked up at Yang Ping. Her eyes were calm and cold. She completely changed someone, so Yang Ping didn\'t know how to speak for a time. He wanted to say that there was no problem with self-protection, but Zhu Xi\'s eyes were very problematic and didn\'t give him a chance to [email protected] ^^$

"I have something else to do. Just stay here and don\'t go there." Zhu Xi got up and walked out of the office, leaving Yang Ping with an ignorant face.

Yang Ping lies on the sofa, smiles bitterly and shakes his head. Zhu Xi is still so strong.

In the corridor.

Zhu Xi just walked to the elevator door and suddenly covered her mouth with a handkerchief. Her face was pale and her delicate body trembled violently. She reluctantly walked in. At the moment when the elevator was closed, the blood on the handkerchief was shocking and bright red as flowers.

After entering the underground garage and getting on the bus, Zhu Xi coughed violently, and her injuries broke out violently. An extreme cold wave constantly eroded her meridians and damaged her body structure. The sharp pain kept biting her heart. She trembled, grabbed the seat and tore a piece of real leather directly from it.! $*!

Do not know how long, Zhu Xi recovered from the pain, the blood on her pretty face warmed up, looked in the mirror and checked that there were no flaws before she got off the bus and went to the office.

Yang Ping slept on the sofa.

Watching him still frown when he slept, Zhu Xi was touched and hesitated. He took out a blanket from the lounge and gently covered Yang Ping. Then he returned to the seat and looked at Yang Ping on the sofa to make sure that he was asleep. The indifference in his eyes slowly disappeared and softened.

Sigh softly.

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were sometimes blank, sometimes cold, and finally turned into a wisp of light sadness.

"You betrayed your promise!"

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in her heart, which frightened Zhu Xi. She said nervously: "elder, I didn\'t mean it, I just..."

"I warned you not to get involved in Yang Ping\'s affairs. He has too much behind his back. There is a peerless master in Longcheng, which is invincible in the world. The leader of Cihang Jingzhai is not an opponent. If you don\'t want to die, be honest." the angry voice of Jiuyin almost made Zhu Xi vomit blood.

Zhu Xi bit her lips and said stubbornly, "senior, I just think those local people are too presumptuous. Bullying a dead power is your ability."

Nine Yin sneered and said in a cold voice, "bully a person who has lost his power? Zhu Xi, you are too naive and will kill yourself sooner or later. Do you know why Yang Ping lost his power? It is because someone deprived Yang Ping of all his power. Think about it for yourself. A person who can deprive Yang Ping of his power at will, even I should be in awe. How can there be confrontation in the world!"

Zhu Xi\'s face was pale and she was really frightened.

Not because the person who deprives Yang Ping of his power is too powerful, but because he is worried about when Yang Ping has offended such a terrible person. The elder in the body feels fear. This is the key to the problem.


Zhu Xi bowed her head, finally summoned up her courage and said, "I want to find the man and tell him it\'s unfair. It\'s not fair to Yang Ping at all."

Jiuyin was very angry. He thought Zhu Xi was too stubborn and shouted, "nonsense, if you mess around again, I will take back all my strength."

Zhu Xi smiled sadly, but her tone was firm and said, "please take it back. Even if the man is powerful, I will reason. He is very unfair to Yang Ping. A scholar can be killed but not humiliated."

She knows Yang Ping. If she loses her strength, it\'s better to die. So many enemies become enemies, and the end can be imagined. Yang Ping is very proud. Losing strength must be painful. If there were no reason why he had to live, Yang Ping would not be like this now.

"You are......" Jiuyin was very angry, but she had no choice.

"Well, if you really want to save Yang Ping, there is only one way. Go to President Qu of Longcheng University, but I don\'t know if President Qu will help you." Jiuyin sighed.

Zhu Xi was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "thank you, senior."

With a sneer, the nine Yin hummed, "if you and I didn\'t coexist, I wouldn\'t bother to pay attention to this kind of thing. It\'s stupid to know that moths put out a fire and provoke the North heavenly king. When you get to my age and see through the vicissitudes of life, you will know that love is just a cloud."

After that, nine Yin no longer appeared.

Zhu Xi frowned, looked at Yang Ping, then left the office and quickly went to Longcheng University.

Family hospital of Longcheng University.

The door of a single family villa with a history written on the outside.

Zhu Xi got out of the car and wanted to go in, but she was stopped by a girl. The girl was very beautiful and similar to her age. She looked at Fang Zheng with a smile and said, "you are Zhu Xi."

Stunned for a moment, Zhu Xi said politely: "I\'m Zhu Xi. Is this principal Qu\'s home? Please inform me that I have something important to visit principal qu."

The girl waved her hand, shook her head and said, "forget it, I know you\'re here for Yang Ping, but my mother won\'t take care of it. Although Yang Ping has a deep relationship with my mother, this time it\'s obviously beyond my mother\'s ability. Can the North heavenly king be stopped by mortals? If Yang Ping is sensible, you shouldn\'t come forward and solve the problem by yourself."

Zhu Xi\'s heart sank.

It seems that things are difficult.

Does Yang Ping dare to offend even headmaster Qu, the Savior of Jiuyin?