Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1197

Wang Yuqi, deputy director of the public security department, is also a powerful person. But Wang Yuqi is not the most terrible. The man around him is like a sharp sword with a sharp edge. At first glance, he is a military expert with a powerful momentum.

"Director Duan, it is required to do the handover work." Wang Yuqi is in his early 40s. He is young and promising in the system. At the age of 40, he has a great development prospect. In principle, he does not make mistakes and can go further.

Handover refers to Yang Ping\'s affairs.

Duan Fei didn\'t go out to meet Wang Yuqi, but received Wang Yuqi in the office. He looked calm. He didn\'t welcome uninvited guests very much. He said faintly, "director Wang, what\'s the formalities?"

Wang Yuqi frowned and said unhappily, "can\'t I come down myself?"

This is a threat to Duan Fei. Don\'t be too arrogant. I, Wang Yuqi, say hello to you. It\'s very face saving, otherwise I would have taken someone away directly. Duan Fei didn\'t go to see Wang Yuqi, but looked at the soldiers around him. There was a star on the ear of wheat, the level of major general. Ho ho, the military was willing to let a major general come. It seems that they also attach great importance to Yang Ping\'s affairs.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

Yang Ping\'s case is very difficult.

"I\'m in charge of the case. Unless director Wang has complete procedures, it\'s better to put it in Longcheng Public Security Bureau." Duan Fei doesn\'t give Wang Yuqi face at all. His face is indifferent. He listens to the Secretary of the director swallowing saliva and wiping sweat, but it\'s normal to think about it. You\'re just a deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Although you\'re a direct superior department, Duan Fei is not only the director of the Public Security Bureau, He is also a member of the Standing Committee of Longcheng city. His weight is no smaller than that of Wang Yuqi. He has enough confidence to speak.

"Yang Ping\'s case involves state secrets. The ninth Bureau of the military wants to take him back to assist in the investigation. Director Duan also asks for convenience." the soldier next to Wang Yuqi spoke and stood up. In fact, he is stronger than Wang Yuqi. I don\'t know how much. The sword is hanging in the air and the edge stabs people. Secretary Xiao Liu almost couldn\'t open his eyes and didn\'t dare to see the major general.

"Zhou Buyu, director of the ninth Bureau." the major general raised his hand and said in a deep voice like steel friction.

"Duan Fei, nice to meet you." Duan Fei shook hands humbly, but at the moment of shaking hands, a great force came and wanted him to make a move. This is a very simple way to try. Soldiers like to be tough and worship strong. If Duan Fei is defeated and shows weakness, the next negotiation will be very difficult, but Duan Fei is strong enough and the situation is different.

Force collision.

Mars hit the earth.

Wang Yuqi was going to see a good play. He secretly said that Zhou Buyu was a famous Hercules in the military. Few people dared to compete with him. The director of Yasheng realm is not much in the military. Strictly speaking, he is a strong figure in the ninth airborne Bureau of the military and has done a lot of big things. Let him come this time, also considering various reasons, Zhou Buyu can act recklessly regardless of the pressure of others.

But the results were unexpected.

Even though Zhou Buyu is a saint of Asia and his strength is against the sky, Duan Fei has no painful expression. Instead, he is very relaxed and said with a smile: "director Zhou\'s strength is not small. Duan warmly welcomes the ninth bureau to guide his study, but if he wants to do something, Duan will never agree."

Zhou Buyu turned pale. The feeling of his palm was completely different from the surface. It was different from what Wang Yuqi thought. His palm would explode. If it weren\'t for the stiff expression on his face, he would have made a fool of himself.

Let go.

Duan Fei said, "please sit down. Xiao Liu, serve tea."

Zhou Buyu looked at Duan Fei with fear, but soon showed his admiration. His strength in the army was respected. Duan Fei\'s performance won his respect and said, "thank you."


Wang Yuqi explained his intention, but he was not so confident this time. He said: "director Duan, you also know that the case is more complex. Letting people out is not a loss to you. On the contrary, it is a great good thing. It is not easy for the Duan family to have the first name in Yunnan Province."


The threat of red fruit.

Before using officials to intimidate people, now using family threats, Wang Yuqi decided to take Yang Ping away. But Duan Fei refused to enter the oil and salt, and made a tough statement to keep Yang Ping. Zhou Buyu pondered for a while and said, "director Duan, if you give me face, I owe you a favor if director Duan needs anything in the future."

Wang Yuqi looked surprised.

The ninth bureau is not a simple place. It has great power. It is almost the most powerful Department of national security, specializing in dealing with difficult things. If Zhou Buyu owes a favor, many people will wake up with a smile in their dreams. Wang Yuqi doesn\'t have such treatment.

"Sorry, I still stick to my original point of view." Duan Fei got up and said coldly, "please go back."

Wang Yuqi got angry, patted the table and said, "Duan Fei, don\'t be shameless. You Duan family can\'t afford to offend the interests involved. Don\'t make trouble for your family. If I were you, I would get rid of my relationship with Yang Ping."

Duan Fei responded strongly, "you are not qualified to be compared with me."

Wang Yuqi opened his mouth to suppress anger.

Zhou Buyu stopped Wang Yuqi and sighed: "so, director Duan doesn\'t give face."

Duan Fei was silent.

The atmosphere in the office was tense, and the Secretary Xiao Liu was cold on his back. The king of hell fought and the kid suffered. But he saw a new quarrel. He had to stand in the office and turn around. The party Yang Ping was drinking tea leisurely. It seemed that the quarrel in the office had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Liu was angry and secretly said, is this man a fool? Don\'t you know his fate will be miserable next.

Yang Ping felt Xiao Liu\'s eyes and pointed to his ears.

Xiao Liu sneered and ignored it.

"Yang Ping, I must take it away."

Zhou Buyu got up. After he couldn\'t agree, he was ready to be tough. You know, the military is always stronger than the police. If you start, the police will suffer. But Duan Fei is an exception. His momentum is tougher than Zhou Buyu.

"You dare!"

Duan Fei sneered.

The plants on the desk shook and the curtains fell, obscuring the light of the office and falling into the dark.

Countless fights.

There was a crackling sound.

Xiao Liu covered his ears, so painful that he fainted directly.

Yang Ping shrugged. The fight in the office soon ended without too many accidents. Zhou Buyu was not Duan Fei\'s opponent. He was kicked out of the office. Wang Yuqi didn\'t come to a good end. He was beaten a lot of songs. His mouth was bleeding and his body trembled with anger.

"Duan Fei, you\'re great, but it\'s not so easy for us to deal with next. Let\'s go." Wang Yuqi glared at Duan Fei, then looked coldly at the leisurely Yang Ping and said, "see when you can be leisurely."

The office is quiet.

Duan Fei sat down and gasped: "the first one is so fierce. Next, he doesn\'t know how to deal with it. I hope not to be too cruel."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "Why are you so persistent? It\'s a big deal to let me go with them. It\'s just the ninth inning."

Duan Fei sneered, "I\'m afraid you\'re dead before the ninth inning."

Yang Ping suddenly said, "you already knew."

Duan Fei didn\'t bother to pay attention. Looking at Yang Ping\'s despondent appearance, he wanted to stop talking, but finally turned into a sigh. Yang Ping, who is powerful and frightening, is now bullied by dogs.

"The fight is wonderful."

A cold voice appeared at the door. Two fat and thin men came in. The thin man smiled and the fat man said no false words. The sudden appearance of the two changed Duan Fei\'s color. He didn\'t even know how they came in.

This shows that the strength of fat and thin is far above him.