Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1196

Longcheng Public Security Bureau.

There\'s a hot potato.

No, it\'s not just hot. It\'s more terrible than a bomb. It may raze the Public Security Bureau at any time, but Duan Fei insisted on bringing Yang Ping back. He didn\'t ask the above opinions, ignored the threats of Jianghu people, and didn\'t consider the wishes of the backstage.

Wang was responsible for ensuring Yang Ping\'s safety. Along the way, the people behind the car were highly nervous. They were more cautious than escorting hundreds of millions. The police car opened the road outside, and the heavy machine guns were received from the military area. He even sent the army of a special company to press the formation. The heavy breath spread on the road, and the police\'s hands holding the gun were sweating. Wang glanced at the co pilot Yang Ping. He was still so calm. The wound on his body didn\'t seem to be his own. There was a spring breeze smile on his face. It didn\'t look like a man in a desperate situation.

"What\'s going on?" Wang Yingqi frowned, clenched his hand on the steering wheel and asked tentatively. She wanted to know why Yang Ping suddenly lost all her strength. This is the most critical. It can\'t happen for no reason.

"The secret of heaven must not be revealed," Yang Ping said with a smile.

Wang didn\'t have a good way: "don\'t you know what kind of environment you are in? How many people want to kill you, and you can still laugh. You don\'t worry about yourself, but also worry about Zhu Xi\'s young and widowed."

Yang Ping heard Zhu Xi\'s name and smiled silently.

Wang probably doesn\'t know Zhu Xi\'s break with him. They can\'t go back to the past and have no future. Even if the two meet again, there is an illusion of getting along well, but after all, both sides know in their hearts that no one is the original one, and the past is like smoke.

His only worry is Mingzhu. He is afraid that Mingzhu knows that he is in danger and will run recklessly, which will give other enemies a chance. He can ignore the threat of the enemy, but he will never allow Mingzhu to be hurt.

Pearl should still rest in the wing room of treasure Pavilion at this time. I hope taochengxi can help him hide the truth. Or pearl will go crazy. Yang Ping\'s eyes showed deep concern.

I thought Yang Ping was worried about Zhu Xi. Mingzhu comforted: "don\'t worry, Zhu Xi doesn\'t know about it for the time being..." halfway through, I suddenly remembered the voice in my mind and knew it. Don\'t Zhu Xi know?

"I hope Zhu Xi doesn\'t mess around."

The convoy entered the Public Security Bureau, and the police community of the public security bureau reached the highest level.

Director\'s office.

The Secretary of the director didn\'t know how many calls he answered. He answered the phone while wiping his sweat. From time to time, he looked at the two people on the sofa and smiled bitterly. At first, there were officials at the same level as director Duan, and then at a higher level. Under normal circumstances, director Duan must answer the orders of his superiors, but this time director Duan abnormally blocked them all, which made the secretary very embarrassed.

"Xiao Liu, whoever calls says I\'m not here." this is what Duan Fei said to Secretary Xiao Liu.

"Do you smoke?"

Duan Fei handed Yang Ping a pack of cigarettes, soft China, and sighed, "I didn\'t expect today."

Yang Ping took one and said with a light smile, "there are many unexpected things. You will receive more unexpected calls later. You\'d better worry about yourself first."

Duan Fei disdained and said, "I can\'t stop what Duan Fei wants to do. I said to protect you, I\'ll protect you."

Xiao Liu almost fell to the ground.

Nima, this is the rhythm of preparing for a big fight.

Duan Fei is ready to offend many people and is bound to keep Yang Ping. Secretary Xiao Liu vaguely heard of the existence of a very powerful figure in Longcheng. He didn\'t expect to be so young and can\'t see that he is a giant at all. The identity background of the person protected by director Duan holding an official hat must be amazing.

"Director..." when Xiao Liu saw the phone number, his face turned white. He was so scared that he almost threw away the microphone. He looked at Duan Fei and said in a trembling voice, "the phone of the governor\'s office."

Duan Fei frowned, hesitated, came forward and heard, "second uncle."

"Let Yang Ping go immediately and don\'t make trouble for the Duan family. Now is a very sensitive period, okay?" the No. 2 figure of the provincial Party committee called immediately when he got the news.

"Second uncle, I can\'t do it." Duan Fei said in a deep voice.

"Nonsense, it\'s not a child\'s game. The Duan family can\'t provoke the people behind the matter. If you annoy them, the Duan family will suffer. You bet on the fate of the Duan family." the second uncle of the governor\'s tone is dignified. He knows that his nephew is stubborn and persuades, "listen to your second uncle, you can\'t be wrong."

Duan Fei said, "I\'ve promised. I won\'t give up easily. I\'m me and the Duan family is the Duan family. If my second uncle cares, I can leave the Duan family."

Xiao Liu turned pale and showed a look of fear.

In order to protect Yang Ping, director Duan would rather lose his family\'s backing. How determined it is. Xiao Liu finally knows that Yang Ping\'s weight in director Duan\'s heart is really more important than Mount Tai.

Yang Ping\'s face was calm and continued to smoke.

After quarreling with his second uncle, Duan Fei simply hung up the phone, relaxed, looked at Yang Ping, smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "it\'s a big game now."

Yang Ping nodded and said, "it\'s not worth the loss. After all, I\'m a disabled man. It\'s not worth it."

Duan Fei sneered and hummed, "don\'t pretend to me. You don\'t know how happy you are. Yang Ping, to tell you the truth, I don\'t believe you will lose your strength completely. It must be temporary. Those fools naively thought you would lose your strength forever. They didn\'t expect that if you restore your strength, it would be their death."

"Thank director Duan for his serious praise. But what if I can never recover my strength?"

Yang Ping took a deep breath and smiled.

Duan Fei was silent.

He is gambling. Relying on his understanding of Yang Ping and his trust in Yang Ping, he knows that Yang Ping is not a simple person and things will not be so simple, but he is still willing to help Yang Ping. In fact, he doesn\'t know whether helping Yang Ping is because of his recovery of strength in the future.

At the moment when Yu Shanshan covered her stomach and showed a sacred light on her face, Duan Fei knew that she had lost completely. It was in Shanshan\'s heart that she could never compare with Yang Ping. Duan Fei just wants to do something for Yu Shanshan. Even if she doesn\'t know and appreciate, it\'s nothing.

Is it important for Yang Ping to recover his strength?

Duan Fei breathed a sigh of relief and said faintly, "if you can\'t recover your strength, it\'s my mistake. I\'ll die with you."

Yang Ping moved.

He had never seen Duan Fei\'s righteous appearance. This time, he was really moved. I thought Duan Fei was a very crazy character who took an unusual road and was more crazy than Liu Chenggong. Now it seems that things are not so simple, and this person is not simple.

Many things can be inferred by intuition.

In fact, Yang Ping doesn\'t know that he can restore his strength, but it doesn\'t matter. Qi strength is the source of strength. Only by cultivating Qi strength can he give full play to his strength, but just by the Luoshui River, he realized a special road in the world of mortals.

Strength comes not only from Qi.

There are other ways to generate power.

Yang Ping has found another way, just waiting for the opportunity. He believes that his road must be strong, but he doesn\'t know how strong it is. It may shock the world or sink forever.

The northern heavenly king is invincible.

He blocked the spiritual world and even cut off the connection of the five element golden needle. He can stand in the clouds and see the sentient beings under his feet. He can use the vicissitudes of life to taste all forms of life. Life, old age, illness and death are just a part of life.

But he blocked Yang Ping\'s way.

Only by opening up another road can we move on.

Yang Ping is ready.

"Director, Wang Yuqi, deputy director of the provincial public security department, brought military people to ask for people!" Secretary Xiao Liu was informed and hurriedly reported to Duan Fei. The shock on his face had not subsided and his heart was pounding.

My God, now mars hit the earth.