Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1195

The ground was covered with blood, flowing to the Bank of Luoshui river.

The palm is like a mountain, covering down. With Yang Ping as the center, a shadow emerges within a radius of ten feet, just like a muddy swamp. It is difficult to walk. This shadow has void viscosity, which makes people unable to extricate themselves when they fall into it.

The other party cultivates the void Sutra and is an expert of the hanging temple. His identity is very noble. Unexpectedly, he hides in the people brought by Liu Junya and pretends to be an ordinary gangster to test Yang Ping.

He was very nervous before. No one was not nervous about life and death, because if Yang Ping did not lose his strength, the probability of his escape was less than one in ten thousand. Among the younger generation, those who could escape from Yang Ping\'s hands could be counted by ten fingers. Yang Ping is famous for killing. He has already thrown away the younger generation and stood firmly in the ranks of the top young experts. Only walking in the world of super holy land can be compared.

Yang Ping looked up and calmly looked at each other\'s palms, and his pupils gradually became larger.

When it\'s about to fall.

A man appeared in front of him, then raised his hand and slapped him, overturned the other party\'s hill. With a roar, the man stepped back, stared angrily at the person who suddenly appeared, and shouted, "who are you? Dare you stop me? Aren\'t you afraid of death?"

Duan Fei\'s face was calm and said faintly, "this is Longcheng. I\'m the director of public security. I\'m responsible for the public security of the whole Longcheng. I want to kill in front of me. Do you still have the national law in your eyes?"


He laughed wildly, undisguised his inner contempt and said sarcastically, "national law? Whoever has a big fist is national law! Don\'t make me angry, or you will regret it all your life."

Duan Fei did not give in and said indifferently, "you are already angry."

He was stunned, then his face was gloomy and hummed, "in that case, I\'ll send you to the West."

Even the director of public security can\'t scare him. Xuankong Temple is a third rate holy land, but its influence is also very strong. Many disciples of Xuankong Temple are in high positions. The reason why the holy land can become a holy land is not only by strong force, but also by intricate networks.

A major leader of the Ministry of public security is from the hanging [email protected] ^^$

With a flash in his eyes, he made a seal with his hands and said, "void seal!"

The void seal, derived from the void Sutra, is an ancient martial arts at the upper level of the prefecture level. It is powerful and can not only block the opponent\'s back path, but also make the opponent fall into the void by squeezing the space to the extreme. It is very powerful.

The void print comes out.

Duan Fei only felt that the air around him was tense, but he didn\'t panic. He took out a box from his arms and opened it directly. The strong black air came out, drowned the void seal, and then the surrounding calm was restored.

He was startled and looked warily at the box in Duan Fei\'s hand. His face was changeable.! $*!

"You\'re lucky, but Yang Ping, if you lose your strength, you\'ll die in my hands sooner or later." he knew that Duan Fei could not kill Yang Ping, and he was very afraid of the swallowing power in the box. He just restrained his ancient martial arts and left decisively.

The siren sounded.

All the police of the Public Security Bureau dispatched to surround the area and pull up the cordon.

Wang hurried over with a group of people and was in a mixed mood when he saw Duan Fei protecting Yang Ping. After the Public Security Bureau handled the matter, the experts who wanted to muddle through gradually retreated. But Duan Fei didn\'t relax, but he was worried.

In fact, the public security bureau can not intervene to protect Yang Ping.

But Duan Fei came without hesitation. He not only offended the people of the hanging temple, but also brought a huge crisis to the Public Security Bureau. Those people are afraid to anger the Public Security Bureau. It is certain that there will be a huge shock in Longcheng public security in the next period of time.

Liu Junya is dead.

The gangsters who came with him died, too.

The steel knife broken in two on the ground shook people\'s eyes and lay quietly. Duan Fei\'s figure ran in front of Yang Ping and stopped anyone who wanted to deal with him, which required great courage, because there were many people who wanted to kill Yang Ping.

But real experts don\'t do it.

Even if Yang Ping has no strength, what about his master? Xuanjizi is the top and Supreme Master in the mighty Jianghu. If anyone is not afraid and gets angry, he can overturn a holy land. Because of Duan Fei\'s intervention, Wang\'s eyes were complex. Unexpectedly, she was the first person to save Yang Ping.

"It\'s all right."

Wang went to Yang Ping, looked at the bloody clothes and said with concern.

When Yang Ping lost his strength, Wang knew something big had happened. No one will miss such a good opportunity. We should know that Yang Ping will not recover in the future if he loses his strength.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The enemy retreated like a tide. Except for the Luoshui flowing tightly, the surroundings seemed to change, and there was bright red blood everywhere. Nine Tailed Fox stood not far away, looked at the scene with complex eyes, sighed and left quietly. It\'s not suitable to stay here. Once caught by the Chinese authorities, as the top intelligence agent of the island country, he will not escape. Yang Ping used to protect it, but now it\'s hard to say.

The Nine Tailed Fox is in a complicated mood, which is not the case with others.

Duan Fei turned around, gradually relaxed and said, "take people back."

Wang turned pale and hurriedly said, "director Duan is wrong. Yang Ping is just self-defense and did not deliberately kill people. Why take him back?"

Duan Fei looked at the king and didn\'t answer.

But it was this solemn silence that made Wang\'s heart beat faster and nervous. She wants to protect Yang Ping and doesn\'t want to be taken back to the police station. So many enemies are still dormant. Who knows if there will be a problem.

"I said Yang Ping deliberately killed people?" Duan Fei asked.

Wang Yusai.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine."

Yang Ping gave Wang a smile, a little pale, and said, "I believe director Duan will deal with it impartially."

Wang tangled for a moment and finally said helplessly, "well, you go back to the public security bureau with me first. Although those people are crazy, they will not be arrogant enough to brazenly fight with the country. With the country as your backing, who dares to mess around."

Yang Ping smiled and nodded.

Duan Fei could not help but hit and said, "fight against the country, Wang, is this your first time in the Jianghu?"

Wang sneered, "why, do you want to call me a man?"

Duan Fei said.

The police car left in a mighty manner.

Fate cafe was very quiet. They came out of the woods and looked at the distant motorcade. The evil spirit around them became stronger and stronger. Although they were wearing civilian clothes, they were obviously from the military. Strangely, one is thin and hemp like, while the other is fat, like a hill. Strangely, the thin man walked heavily and banged, shaking the leaves of the tree forest down. Fat people are light and floating, like catkins.

"Go to the Public Security Bureau." the fat man smiled, as if he was a smiling tiger with a smile on his face forever.

"Isn\'t it just right?" the thin man smiled strangely.

The fat man was stunned and said in surprise, "do you want to do something in the public security bureau? If you fly for a while, it\'s not easy to kill Yang Ping."

The thin man smiled, shook his head and said, "you can kill with a knife. Why do you do it yourself."

The fat man was lost in thought.

After a long time, the fat man asked again, "the above means to supervise Yang Ping, not kill him. If we are good at making suggestions, the above will blame it. Besides, Yang Ping is a legend in the army. Will we rebound if we do so?"

"It\'s a legend when people die. I\'m just helping Yang Ping." the thin man didn\'t think so.

They are both Yasheng realm. They have a high status in the military. They have great rights and can do a lot of things silently. If Duan Fei is here, he will be shocked, because these two people are famous for their cunning and strangeness in the military. They are a sharp knife against the enemy, but they will be terrible if they use the wrong direction.

"Let\'s lure the tiger away from the mountain first."

The thin man smiled and his eyes twinkled with cunning light.