Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1194

Many people came, but only Liu Junya and a group of experts who didn\'t know where to find them. Their strength is between two or three levels. They are more than enough to deal with ordinary people, but they are cannon fodder in the Jianghu. Liu Junya was not afraid of death. He rushed to Yang Ping and stared at him without concealing his resentment.

Yang Ping knows that there are still many people waiting. He won\'t move until he loses his strength.

Liu Junya was tempted.

Many people are happy to do it.

And Liu Junya brought several experts among the people, but the breath was very vague and could not be induced. Yang Ping chuckled and whispered in her heart that she really lost her strength. Even her perception ability decreased too much. Most Asian Saint experts couldn\'t feel it.

But Yang Ping was not afraid.

It seemed that Yang Ping was born with a spirit of fearlessness. Yang Ping looked at Liu Junya calmly. He saw anger, reluctance and fear in his eyes, and finally turned into a strong gas of resentment.

This is the heart of the people.

People have love and hate.

You tolerate and protect others, but the final result is not necessarily tolerance and love, but also negative emotions. Yang Ping protected Longcheng, narrowly escaped death and paid everything silently. When he came back, he was tempted by the big family. It was chilling and disappointing.

However, Yang Ping will not stop. Taoist Zun planted a seed in his heart and has begun the war between heaven and man. Mingzhu reminded him with his life that Yang Ping came out of the endless darkness and really honed his heart of the world of mortals.

The heart of mortals corresponds to the heart of heaven.

It is relative and hostile.

Liu Junya laughed and said sarcastically, "indeed, you have become a waste. In the past, you could let us die with one look. Now, although you are calm, your calmness betrays you. I am sure that you are just a waste now."

"Aren\'t you afraid of death?"

Yang Ping suddenly swept the crowd and asked.

Other people were looked at and kept silent. No matter ordinary people or obscure experts, they couldn\'t resist Yang Ping\'s eyes. When he looked at them, there were huge flaws in their hearts. The experts hidden in the dark could not help but be shocked. If Yang Ping used to press people with momentum, now Yang Ping is affecting their hearts with an indescribable spirit.

This is the heart of the world of mortals.

Invincible in the world of mortals can invincible in the universe.

It\'s a pity that no one knows, especially some stupid people. Liu Junya yelled, carrying a bright knife to Yang Ping. This knife is famous and made of refined steel. It cuts iron like mud and is very sharp. Liu Junya is also a bit of strength, second-class realm, desperate to test out.

He kicked him off, and Yang Ping was panting.

Liu Junya lay on the ground and quickly got up. When she saw Yang Ping panting, she was overjoyed and roared, "you lose strength, you really lose strength, ha ha..."


Liu Junya vomited blood and fell to the ground to die.

One kick killed one person.

It\'s terrible for ordinary people, but it\'s a joke for Yang Ping. Because Yang Ping is a peerless expert. He is a terrible big man who can\'t hold his head under the pressure of everyone in Longcheng. Now he needs to kill with his feet.

A dead silence.

Those people looked at Yang Ping\'s eyes and thought of the subtle breath that had covered their hearts just now. They couldn\'t help but sweat. They didn\'t think that their inner fear had caused a psychological shadow. Even if Yang Ping was a disabled man, they didn\'t dare to move. But Liu Junya\'s death just proves that Yang Ping has lost his strength.

The crowd looked at Yang Ping with excitement.

No one is not excited, because the Lord of the Dragon City, a legend, is about to be killed.

As long as Yang Ping is killed, it means that his status will be promoted too much in the future, and he is likely to be taken care of countless. Even his future reputation is still on the sage, because he killed a figure of the times in Longcheng.

Yang Ping felt their killing opportunity and smiled. Then he picked up Liu Junya\'s steel knife from the ground and shook it in the air. His eyes shone. The light of Sen Han\'s knife made everyone squint.

Holding the steel knife, Yang Ping seemed to return to the past. He was a little man who didn\'t have much strength to fight in the Jianghu with willpower. He came to this day step by step, relying on a calm self-confidence.

How about a steel knife.

Yasheng zhaosha.

One palm took the lead and hit Yang Ping in the chest. He bowed his head and saw a strange face. He was a young man, very young, but very distorted. The resentment hidden in his eyes is not much weaker than Liu Junya.

Yang Ping fell on the railing, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

The man walked to Yang Ping, his eyes flashing crazy, and said in a dumb voice, "kill him."


The crowd pounced on Yang Ping with more weapons in their hands.

Yang Ping clutching a steel knife, hacked and killed in the crowd. A cold knife sneaked from behind and cut his clothes. There was a hole in his back. Yang Ping snorted and felt that his back was very painful, which he hadn\'t felt for a long time. It\'s like a skin tear.

But Yang Ping turned and chopped the man down.

A steel pipe smashed at his head. Yang Ping blocked it with his arm. With a bang, he almost got rid of the steel knife in his hand. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he kicked the man away, and then cut down two people.

In this way, Yang Ping slashed and killed in the crowd.

The man who took the lead in shooting looked nearby, and the irony in his eyes became deeper and deeper. He said: "the Lord of the great dragon city, it\'s disappointing for you to kill with his minions for so long. You\'d better die if you lose your strength and live."

In his opinion, Yang Ping was afraid of death, so he lived in a muddle.

Yang Ping didn\'t answer, because he didn\'t have the energy to see it. A group of ordinary people were cut down to the ground, just like street gangsters fighting and can\'t be on the table. But Yang Ping felt very cool, unprecedented.

This is a fight!

This is the battle!

The ground is full of blood, both others and their own. The blood and water are mixed together, flow to the river and dye the banks of Luoshui river red.

Yang Ping had many wounds and was covered with blood, but her eyes were extremely sharp. She pointed a steel knife at the man and challenged him. The man snorted coldly and said, "you\'re a loser. You don\'t even have the qualification to kill me."

The steel knife is broken, the tiger\'s mouth is broken, and the blood is splashed.

Yang Ping hit the guardrail again. The guardrail behind him was broken and several ribs were broken. He smiled and smiled happily.


The man smiled and didn\'t forget to ridicule. It seemed that ridiculing Yang Ping could bring infinite excitement and happiness. He sighed: "it\'s really disappointing that the descendant of the immortal medical school has been reduced to living like a street gangster. It\'s a kind of humiliation for you to live."

He looked up at the sky and murmured, "I didn\'t expect that I could kill a legend, a famous expert in the Jianghu who caused heavy losses to the Xuankong Temple."

He walked to Yang Ping, step by step, very slowly,

"You are a joke, but let me know that no matter how strong you are, everyone is the same before you die. Legends or ordinary people are nothing but loess."

"Let\'s go."

He slapped Yang Ping on the head.

There was a strong wind.

The killing was awe inspiring.

Nowhere to hide.

Yang Ping quietly looked at the changing palm. Now he really lost his strength. He really couldn\'t dodge the attack of an Asian Saint expert. He could only watch.

Strong pressure, constantly oppressing the body.

Yang Ping\'s heart is extremely calm.

A light appeared in his spiritual world like stagnant water, with a different breath. Under the extreme survival pressure, in the environment of bloody battle, it is constantly oppressed.

So the odd number is generated.