Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1193

All experts in Longcheng, including the Liu family, who are qualified to know, have received the same news.

Yang Pinghua becomes an ordinary person.

What does that mean.

It means that a sharp sword suspended on the heads of all aristocratic families in Longcheng has disappeared, and the deterrent force has disappeared. They have only fear, no gratitude, only resentment and no concern for Yang Ping. Because they lost the most. No one wants someone to shit on his head. In the past, the children of the aristocratic family never needed to consider other people\'s feelings. Now they are shrinking at home. They dare not breathe. They are seriously warned by the family and sacrifice too much freedom.

Now that Yang Pinghua fan was known, almost everyone almost jumped up.

The Liu family looked at each other.

The high-level people don\'t know how to deal with it. In particular, Liu Chenggong is terrified. They are the meritorious heroes of the Liu family. The reason why the ancestors gave heavy power here is entirely because Liu Chenggong has a relationship with Yang Ping. In the future, the status of the Liu family will be as stable as a rock, but now once Yang Ping loses power, it means that countless enemies will kill him. The relationship between the Liu family and Yang Ping is equal to bringing disaster to the fish in the pond.

Imagine facing the anger of countless people.

Most people dare not stand.

Everyone looked at the old ancestor. He was over 100 years old, but he was still hale and hearty. The old man who liked playing two iron balls and listening to the old tune of Beijing Opera seldom came out. This time, in order to solve the problem of offending Yang Ping, a very small thing came out in person.

The old ancestor\'s eyes were cloudy and coughed.

Liu Junya suddenly got up, making others angry and shouted, "get up and do what, continue to kneel down!"

Liu Junya smiled grimly and asked, "why do I kneel?"

"Because you did something sorry for the family, the Liu family was almost doomed because of you!" the man of the Liu family, who was also the opponent of Liu Junya\'s father, sneered.

Liu Junya shook her head and said sarcastically, "what you said is irreparable because of Yang Ping?"

The man stopped talking.

Liu Junya said in a cold voice, "is it worth losing everything to my family for the sake of a disabled man? Family unity can flourish and place hope on others. Is this the former Liu family, or the old ancestor who survived the long march by eating grass roots?"


The man\'s face changed greatly and shouted at Liu Junya. The others showed a cold expression and dared to disrespect their ancestors. There was no amnesty for killing them. In order to take credit to their ancestors, these people showed bloodthirsty light in their eyes. As long as the ancestors gave an order, Liu Junya\'s family would die miserably.

Liu Junya glanced coldly at the crowd and suddenly said with a smile, "look, do you look like a big family? I\'m a student. I don\'t have your experience and wealth, but I have something you\'ll never have."

"What?" someone asked.

Liu Junya said indifferently, "courage, don\'t you just doubt that the news is false? I can prove it. I\'m not afraid of death. Anyone of you who dares to go with me can stand up and shut up."

The voice was full of resentment, and Liu Junya\'s words made others bow their heads.

The ancestor\'s face was calm, and the folds on his face became deeper and deeper. He staggered away without saying to continue punishment or forgive the Liu Junya family, but this ambiguous attitude surprised everyone.

Liu Junya helped her family up and said, "Mom and Dad, although my son is useless, I won\'t let you down because I let you suffer."

The family wanted to dissuade, but Liu Junya left with firm steps.

By the Luoshui river.

Yang Ping lay on the railing and looked at the quietly flowing Luoshui. His eyes were calm. He was not afraid of losing his strength, nor did he kneel down to the old man for mercy. He just looked at the world very calmly.

His breath was quiet and distant, almost ethereal, and he didn\'t look like a man who lost his strength at all. We should know that if a saint loses his power, it means losing everything. He will be crazy with the determination of a saint.

But Yang Ping didn\'t.

The old man did not mean to praise and said, "he is worthy of being a descendant of wujialing."

Yang Ping turned and looked at the old man who could control the world. Perhaps the most terrible master he had ever seen, Taoist Zun, Xuanji, and even the beautiful woman in the rain and dusk, were not as good as the old man in front of him.

But Yang Ping was not sure about others, but somehow, in the face of the old man, there was an invincible self-confidence in his body, as if the person in front of him was strong and fearless. He knew that the old man could crush him with one finger, but he was not afraid.

It\'s a wonderful feeling.

It seems that he is a natural hunter. Even if he is weak, he has a way to kill his prey.

The old man saw the deep meaning in Yang Ping\'s eyes. His yellow eyes narrowed, and the surrounding environment suddenly solidified. Luoshui was like a long river of time, floating in the void. He could see the joys and sorrows of countless people.

Luoshui or Luoshui.

But Luoshui is no longer Luoshui.

"You dare not kill me."

Yang Ping looked at the old man, looked at him very seriously, and suddenly said.

The old man did not refute.

But over time, the river flow is more intense and full of killing opportunities. The long river of time, together with the past, the present and the future, standing in the long river of time, seeing the past and the future is a road of no return. Countless relatives and friends die, but they live alone.

Tiansha lone star.

Yang Ping saw the true meaning of Tiansha lone star, which the old man deliberately let him see.

My parents are gone.

Zhu Xi, the Pearl will be gone.

Xuanji will also die.

Including faces that I don\'t know now, those I already know, and those who are angry and dare not, they are dragged into the grave by a big hand of fate. This grave is higher than the sky, broader than the great emperor, and even deeper than the universe.

But I am lonely.

Yang Ping enjoys solitude and is indifferent to the vicissitudes of life. His will is as firm as a rock.

The old man finally moved, nodded and said, "I know he chose you for a reason. It\'s a pity that you are not pure blood, but an experiment. No, at most, it is an experiment with a high success rate."

"Test item?" Yang Ping was interested. Although he knew that the old man would hurt his spirit, he still asked.

"Don\'t you know that you and many talented young people are just the test objects of the two mentors. You don\'t have the physical blood of the two mentors. In other words, your death is like a vase falling on the ground, and no one will be distressed. At least the two mentors look at your death and the death of the people around you."

The old man smiled.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified and stared at the old man. He found that the other party\'s eyes were vast and unfathomable. He couldn\'t see anything at all.

"You believe it."

The old man smiled again.

Yang Ping relaxed his tone and said faintly, "so what."

The old man laughed and shook the river for a long time. The fresh appointments were shattered in this laughter, as if they cut off the ancient and modern and flooded the future. After a long time, the river was calm, but everyone disappeared and only himself was left. The old man stood in front of him, as if he jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements.

"Good one, so what. I\'d like to see that the world of mortals is the best way to temper people\'s hearts. You\'re too young. Although you have a firm will, you don\'t have enough faith. I hope you can win this game, so it\'s interesting."

The old man disappeared.

Everything is restored to its original state.

The cafe is still the same. The guests are still ordering. The charming landlady, that is, after the Nine Tailed Fox takes good care of the guests, the fox\'s eyes are looking here and want to come over, but they can\'t help it. The charming feeling makes the male customers in the cafe excited and difficult. Some people can\'t help getting up and asking for a phone.

Nine Tailed Fox politely refused to come this way. The male customer didn\'t ask for the phone number. His face was full of disappointment, but he wasn\'t angry. Instead, he looked at the beautiful shadow of Nine Tailed Fox and envied Yang Ping.

Few people can resist the charm of the Nine Tailed Fox, even men with firm will.

Yang Ping is the only one who can ignore charm.

Because his eyes looked into the distance.

Someone\'s coming.

Strong resentment.