Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1189

The huge waves beat the rocks hard, splashing the sky, and the waves were turbulent for several kilometers.

Xuanjizi stood on the reef with a dignified face and stared at the central vortex. A large number of experts emerged from it and were killed one by one. These are not real people, but they have powerful puppets. There are even one or two experts who are about to break through the realm of heaven.

The vortex is bigger and bigger, and the blooming breath is more and more terrible.

Suddenly, the vortex was quiet, and a coffin came out of it. The purple and towering evil spirit filled the air, which made Xuanji frown, sighed and said, "the channel is becoming more and more unstable, and purple coffins can appear."

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Purple represents the highest level. The monsters inside are no small matter.


When the coffin was opened, a wild man dressed in animal skin and waving a mace came out. His eyes were like the sun and moon. His appearance stopped the fluctuation of the water in the South China Sea and was suppressed and sunk by his momentum.

This man is totally different from other great people, just like real people. He exudes a towering evil spirit, especially the wolf tooth stick in his hand, which has been soaked with the blood of countless experts. Xuanji Zi thought this man was a little familiar, but he couldn\'t remember.


Xuanji Zi\'s worry came true, and the one who should come finally came.

The animal skin man grinned and said, "did you kill so many of my compatriots?"

Xuanji said coldly, "let the people behind you come out. You are not my opponent."

The animal skin man laughed, shook his head and said, "you humans are really arrogant. I\'m not your opponent? Old man, let\'s see what the real heaven realm is!"


The breath of terror dispersed, and the animal skin man disappeared out of thin air. The next moment he appeared behind xuanjizi. The mace in his hand pierced the void, and countless void cracks appeared around him. He smashed xuanjizi\'s head with towering power. If you get hit, even the emperor will die.

Animal skin men use pure physical strength, not ancient martial arts, but they are extremely powerful. It seems that they can move mountains and fill the sea with one move. Xuanji Zi seemed to have eyes behind him. He didn\'t look back and stretched out his left hand.

The animal skin man smiled grimly and hummed, "looking for death."

He felt that Xuanji was human, and his physical strength was far worse than them. He dared to take it with his bare hands. It was like looking for death. He increased his strength again and wanted to kill Xuanji with a stick. When the mace collides with the palm, there is no excess power to disperse. It\'s so quiet.

The two were still.

At first, the animal skin man could still keep a smile on his face, but then his face changed greatly and lost his voice: "you caught it with your bare hands!"

Xuanjizi grabbed the beast skin man\'s mace and sighed, "if you don\'t solve it as soon as possible, the seal will soon become invalid. It seems that you really can\'t hide it." so, the mace broke off, and then the palm pierced empty. It suddenly appeared on the beast skin man\'s chest and printed it deeply.

The beast skin man, who is famous for his terrible body, can directly penetrate with a palm.

The animal skin man looked at Xuanji and vomited blood. "I didn\'t expect you..." he didn\'t speak and fell down. A God who ran out from below died in Xuanji\'s hand before he showed his strength.

Xuanjizi killed a God, but he was not very happy, but worried.

He continued to seal, strengthen the seal and be alert to the movement below, but strangely, since the animal skin man died, the vortex was very quiet and did not run out of half a monster.

Seal reinforcement is completed.

Xuanji Zi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "finally, the black tide broke out more and more violently. This time, there was a heavenly realm. In another two years, the seal may disappear completely. I hope I can persist until that time."

But the idea just came out. Xuanji suddenly looked forward and wiped his eyes. He couldn\'t believe it.

The vortex disappeared.

Xuanji Zi would not naively think that the vortex was sealed and disappeared. Something incredible must have happened below. He rushed to the vortex, but found no trace, as if the vortex had never appeared.

What\'s going on?

Xuanji looked around, but got nothing.

After being vigilant for a long time, xuanjizi returned to the shore, frowned and said in a secret way that the vortex would not disappear out of thin air. It must be hidden. This shows that the other party has been able to control part of the seal. It is probably too long. The array lost its original aura and reduced its power by half, so that the other party can have a chance to control it.

Otherwise the vortex won\'t disappear.

Xuanjizi stood on the reef and waited for a long time. He finally determined that the vortex would not appear, but he didn\'t leave, but continued to wait. I hope I can find something.

It\'s getting dark.

Xuanjizi stood on the reef on the bank and was silent, as if he were integrated into heaven and earth.

A seagull flew across the sky.

Xuanjizi turned into a stone and was ready to follow the wind and water in the South China Sea to find the trace of the vortex. But no matter what method xuanjizi used, he gradually wanted to give up.

The disappearance of the vortex is definitely a bad thing.

Xuanji Zi murmured, "this is the seal of Wu Jialing. How can it disappear? No. the seal ability of Wu Jialing is the best in the world. No one can rush out."

It was dark.

Xuanjizi was ready to go back to talk to the vegetarian master, but just turned around, his body shook wildly. He saw a man standing on the same reef not far away. He was confused in the dark and couldn\'t see through with xuanjizi\'s eyesight.

Who the hell is this person?

In the blink of an eye, the man disappeared.

Xuanji wiped his eyes, showed his high vigilance and shouted, "who, come out for me."

There was no response, only the sound of the sea beating the reef.

The spray passed through the figure, returned to normal, and the figure disappeared.

Xuanji Zi secretly wondered that it might be an illusion. No one in the world can completely disappear under his eyes.

"Is there water?"

A query came from behind. Xuanji stood up and turned rigidly. He saw an old man standing behind. He should be an old man dying, but he didn\'t find it for a long time. He couldn\'t help but be shocked.

"I\'m thirsty."

The old man smiled, the wrinkles on his face deepened, and said helplessly, "it\'s good to eat a little."

Xuanjizi breathed heavily and was so nervous for the first time. It seemed that what he saw was not a man, but an ancient fierce beast staring at himself. Although the old man was calm, Xuanji felt a fatal threat.

"No water."

The old man sighed and turned to go.

Xuanji shouted, "stop."

The old man ignored.

As soon as xuanjizi gritted his teeth and jumped at the old man, he waved the five element seal. Although it was far from the vortex, it still had great power. The old man shouted in surprise and said, "you are from wujialing."

The seal is broken.

The old man silently passed through the five element seal, but did not leave. Instead, he looked at Xuanji with a little interest and nodded: "not bad."

Xuanji Zi doesn\'t know the identity of the other party, but it must be difficult to know the other party.


Xuanji seemed to think of something. He thought of the disappearing vortex and looked at the old man strangely.

The old man smiled and said, "there are not many people in the world who can fight in front of me. Are you interested in following me?"

Xuanji is ready for battle.

The five element gold needle appears on the top of the head, releasing a stinging golden light.

When the old man saw the five element gold needle, he showed his fear for the first time, but he just flashed by and said with a smile: "it\'s just a separation. Although his strength is not bad, it\'s too weak to deal with me."

Xuanjizi naturally won\'t believe that this force is the strongest weapon carried by him. Only with it can he have the confidence to suppress the old man.

The old man sighed, "although you are good, you are too different from the two teachers and disciples. You have guarded the South China Sea for so many years and really think I can\'t come out?"

The voice has just fallen, and the vicissitudes of life have changed.