Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1188

The feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger. With the determination of Tao Zun, his heart beat faster, stopped and tangled up. This is an unprecedented thing. Reaching his realm has been ancient well, and Mount Tai collapsed in front without surprise.

But daozun was nervous.

Finally, he walked through the path and came to the deep pool. When he saw the figure sitting upright on the stone, Taoist Zun turned pale.

A sigh.

"You\'re still here."

The figure opened his eyes and seemed to know that Tao Zun was outside. His eyes were complex and said, "Li Dao, we shouldn\'t have seen each other for many years."

Li Dao is the life of Taoist Zun.

Over the years, few people know the name, only the word daozun. But the other side said his name at once, how to make him not shocked. The Taoist priest opened the heavenly eye and finally saw the essence clearly.


Taoist Zun showed his incredible eyes, almost turned away and said in a trembling voice, "throne, it can\'t really be you."

The throne is a nickname, but it also represents status, which is far from being comparable. Taoist Zun\'s eyes are much more vicious than those of Zhuge. He sees through the vanity and sees the real wish, otherwise he won\'t change color.

Taoist Zun confirmed that it was the moment of the throne. There was only one thought in his mind, that is, escape, because the influence and strength of the throne in those years were far from comparable to that of his disciple of wujialing.

But soon daozun felt something was wrong, because the breath on the throne was impure. Although it was very strong, it was illusory. He looked at the deep pool and suddenly settled down. His face changed.

"Throne Du, it\'s really you."

Taoist Zun\'s tone was suspicious and wanted to escape, but he was unwilling, because the breath of the throne was unstable and looked very strong, but the origin was almost sealed and had little attack power.

"Li Dao, I can\'t imagine that among the disciples in those years, you were not the top in talent, but you were only one step away from reaching this level." Du throne\'s eyes were so fierce that he saw that the level of Taoist Zun was one step ahead. He didn\'t know how much better than Zhuge\'s idiot, but he even touched the true heart.

"What a pity." the throne shook his head.

"After the golden age, heaven and earth have changed greatly, and the realm above the heaven is not allowed to appear. Otherwise, with your ability, I\'m afraid you have already achieved the true heart. The mountain doctor ordered the divination phase, and you have inherited the inheritance of the medical school."

"No, you don\'t have the Qi of the five elements. You don\'t get the recognition of the five elements gold needle. You\'re not a descendant of the medical school. Well, you have the smell of the life and death hook of the colored old man. It seems that you have a fate with the colored old man. When he left the world, he didn\'t expect the chance to fall on you."

Du throne talked to himself. Tao Zun listened quietly and stood respectfully beside the deep pool. Time seemed to have returned to the origin. At that time, the throne of Du was high, and Taoist Zun was just an ordinary disciple of wujialing medical school.

This is the grade gap.

"Wu Jialing disappeared overnight. I didn\'t expect to leave a good seed." Du throne sighed, his tone was gloomy, and said softly, "Li Dao, is there anyone else in Wu Jialing in the Jianghu?"

Taoist Zun hurriedly said, "yes. It is said that a descendant from wujialing called Wu Changxing came to Longcheng a few days ago."

"Wu Changxing."

The throne of Du thought for a while, but he didn\'t remember each other. He shook his head and said, "is he walking around the world? It\'s strange that he didn\'t remember this name. Is it the child of other people\'s lives behind him? I know all the people of the long generation, and I\'m right without this name."

Tao Zun said, "I don\'t remember, but this man has great talent, and the Heavenly Master can\'t help it."

"Nonsense, if Wu Jialing came out to walk, no one can do anything. Although the world has changed greatly, how can ordinary people bear to walk in the world. However, Wu Changxing should not really walk."

King Du didn\'t chat for a long time. When he met Li Dao, he began to talk endlessly. He didn\'t seem to understand the current situation.

A long time later.

Taoist Zun stopped talking and just looked at the stone. The stone under King Du was not a simple thing, but a terrible array core. As long as he dared to touch it, even he was not sure to fight.

"I don\'t know who can trap the throne?"

Tao Zun asked tentatively.

The throne touched the big stone and said with a smile, "do you think you have a chance to swallow me when you see me blocked?"

Taoist Zun turned pale and hurriedly said, "throne, Li Dao dare not. I\'m not Zhuge\'s idiot. I devour the throne and don\'t look at my appetite. The throne is a man chosen by heaven. Even if the vegetarian Lord doesn\'t have much advantage in front of you, Zhuge just insults himself."

"That man is resourceful and has good strength. It\'s a pity that he is restless. He can\'t break through the Buddha in his life. He worships me as his teacher."

Du throne smiled and made no stingy satire.

The Taoist priest sighed and said, "ZHUGE overestimated his strength. If he wants to worship the throne as a teacher, how can he enter the magic eye of the throne. Throne, I don\'t know what Li Dao can do to help you unlock the seal and restore the glory of the past."

The throne said, "no, I can do it myself."

Taoist Zun asked again, "the throne has been trapped for decades. Haven\'t you thought of going out to have a look? Although Li Dao is not here, his array strength is good. Maybe he can help you unlock the seal."

King Du smiled and looked at Taoist Zun with deep meaning.

Taoist Zun\'s face was calm, showing a well deserved expression, as if expressing goodwill. Du throne could not see the inner thoughts of Taoist Zun and said, "you can\'t open it for another hundred years. Do you know who sealed me?"

"I don\'t know. Please make it clear to the throne."

Tao Zun respectfully.

The throne of Du showed the color of nostalgia and said faintly, "just don\'t say it. You can\'t untie it. It\'s only possible if the Lord of the dragon city uses the power of all living beings in the dragon city. However, opening the seal means consuming all the power to strengthen the seal of the channel in the dark place, which will lead to great disaster."

Tao Zun nodded.

Du throne said, "you\'d better go. The person who sealed me said that fate hasn\'t come yet. If someone can save me out, he will come back naturally. Calculate the time, it\'s coming soon. Li Dao, I know your mind, so I don\'t break it. But you\'re from wujialing. You should understand the depth of wujialing. Less routine and more sincerity, maybe you can enter the core of wujialing."

Taoist Zun was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "thank you for your appreciation."

"If you want to, help me bring the Lord of dragon city. I want to see it."

After that, the throne of Du entered the state of cultivation, resisting the erosion of the seal all the time, and it was the limit to say so much to Taoist Zun. Tao Zun understood the truth and left the ghost forest slowly.

When leaving Mengshan mountain, Taoist Zun found his back wet.


It is worthy of the former throne. Even if you reach the current state, you still can\'t. Taoist Zun looked up and saw through the layers of emptiness, flashing strange eyes. This visit to Mengshan was not in vain. Unexpectedly, I saw an unexpected person.

Du throne was the master of the double hook of life and death at that time. The strength is not what you can imagine. The better the realm, the more you look forward to wujialing. Because the real strength of the throne of Du may have exceeded imagination long ago. The terrible thing is, the man who sealed the throne of Du.

"It seems that you should really consider Yang Ping, whether he is the real leader of the dragon city or not. When Xuanji dies, it will be the time for your luck to dissipate."

Tao Zun sneered and disappeared step by step.

This time, Taoist Zun attached importance to Yang Ping for the first time and was ready to surprise him in advance.

At the same time, huge waves in the South China Sea.

Xuanji Zi was covered with blood and stood out of thin air. His breath was weak and uncertain.