Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1190

The vicissitudes of life.

Xuanjizi suddenly turned white all night and lost all his strength. If it weren\'t for the five element gold needle, he might immediately become a man waiting to die. At the moment, he can barely keep a little true spirit.

There is great terror in the world.

Xuanjizi never met. No, I heard that someone could reverse time and make people white all night, but the old man in front of him did it. It can be vaguely seen that he is a monk, wearing incomparably old yellow robes. The whole person seems to be the representative of time.

"You..." Xuan Jizi gasped violently and said, "who is it?"

The old man bowed his head and thought for a long time. Then he looked at the sky and sighed, "I\'ve almost forgotten my name. If I want to say a name, I only know that someone once called me a monk."

Xuanji thought hard. Suddenly, he suddenly remembered something. He looked at the old man in great shock and said in a lost voice, "you are the monk. It\'s impossible. Didn\'t you all leave that year?"

The old man smiled, and the laughter was the same. He shrugged and said, "it really disappeared, but I want to come back and have a look. The world is too muddy and miasma, which needs to be purified. So I came back."

Between thoughts.

Eyes blurred.

It\'s like time is going backwards.

Xuanjizi could no longer hear the old man\'s voice, because he appeared in the depths of the South China Sea. A vortex took shape, with him as the center, whirled violently, and then turned into a faint black hole.

"Boy, you can still live within a year. Maybe you will go further. But now your strength is still too weak."

The old man shook his head and left.

Step into the sky.

The old man disappeared.

No one knows the situation in the South China Sea. Xuanjizi is angry and unwilling in the vortex, but there is nothing to do. The gap between the two is too big. Xuanji felt that even if he had a complete artifact, he might not be the opponent of the old man.

He guessed the identity of the old man. Unfortunately, he couldn\'t tell the vegetarian master them.

There will be a disaster.

The black sea water flooded xuanjizi\'s body, and he fell into a powerful array. He must break the state before he can leave, but he is already above the God. Can he go further?

I feel it.

but deep clouds set me wondering where.

Master Zhai opened his eyes from meditation and saw through the South China Sea. His cold face was colder than the clouds. He seemed to see the experience of Xuanji. Another year, a figure appeared in front of him.

The flying wing sword sent out a loud name. The vegetarian master held it and stared at the old man. Even in the face of the demon king, the vegetarian Lord can still calmly not break, and even does not need to use the flying wing sword, but in the face of the figure in front of him, the vegetarian Lord looks at death like home.

It shows the horror of people.

The figure didn\'t seem to see the vigilance of the vegetarian Lord. He smiled and said, "I\'m not here to fight."

The leader immediately took away the flying wing sword and all the hostility. His face was calm and bowed down and said, "if you come, Cihang Jingzhai will shine. The master said that there will be a disaster in Cihang Jingzhai. I didn\'t expect it should be on you."

The figure is the old man returning from the South China Sea.

The old man looked at the wooden door deep into the cloud and said with a smile: "although I\'m not afraid of the killing array arranged by Ding yuluo, I don\'t want to fight her so quickly. Don\'t worry, little girl. I don\'t mean any harm to Cihang Jingzhai."

Cihang Jingzhai, known as the largest force in the world at that time, has supreme authority, but it dare not trust the elderly. Cihang Jingzhai is like a phoenix waking up from a dream, releasing the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth. This is to fully start the defense array of Cihang Jingzhai to resist foreign enemies.

The old man sighed, "you can\'t trap me."

Up the stairs, through the wooden door, into the depths of the clouds.

The action is done in one go.

The old man seemed to have practiced many times. He knew that Cihang\'s quiet room was clearer than the leader of the room. Everywhere was deep in the clouds and where there was no array, he walked on the ground. He was not afraid of the array that could wipe out the God. Instead, he showed his unparalleled domineering spirit and conquered Cihang\'s quiet room.

This is the only one in the world.

The vegetarian Lord\'s eyes were complicated. He sighed at last and said, "I didn\'t expect the great disaster in the future. But he ran out of an ancient monster."

But she was not flustered. Her pretty face was as calm as ever, her eyes were soft, and she missed her. She showed an impenetrable determination. Those who should come will come and those who should go will go. Because of fate, this is true.

But is Cihang Jingzhai so easy to capture?

The dignity of Cihang Jingzhai cannot be blasphemed.

Soon, the old man came out from the depths of the cloud. His clothes were in a mess. There were two holes in his shabby yellow robe. It seemed that he was cut by the sword Qi, but his body was intact and was not hurt by the sword Qi of flying wing sword.


The old man exclaimed.

The vegetarian master smiled but did not speak. Appreciated: "senior, you are still the first person to come and go freely in the depths of the cloud for thousands of years."

The old man turned, looked at the vegetarian master and said with a smile, "I just came out to see how the world\'s first holy land is. I came last time, but after decades of refining, Cihang Jingzhai is stronger than before."

The vegetarian leader suddenly said, "as Shifu said, the great disaster began in the north. You are the king of the north. Now no one is your opponent, but Shifu has already prepared a gift for you. I hope you are welcome..."

People today don\'t know about the northern heavenly king, but more than a hundred years ago, the northern Heavenly King represented an era, a heavenly king, an era. His identity was much higher than the master of Zhai. After living for many years, he saw through the world of mortals and lived in seclusion in great rivers and mountains. Disappeared overnight, now back, and his character has changed greatly.

The vegetarian has a bad feeling.

After the northern heavenly king came out, he may have completely changed himself and wanted a lot of things. If he didn\'t get it, the world would be more bloody. The vegetarian master quickly made a decision to lock the northern heavenly king.

The northern Heavenly King took a deep look at the flying wing sword, and then turned to go.

He\'s leaving. No one in the world can stop him.

Neither can the vegetarian Lord.

However, the northern heavenly king did not leave, because there was a gossip at his feet. The gossip rotated violently, and then a terrible phagocytic force broke out, tightly locking the northern Heavenly King\'s feet.

The northern heavenly king bowed his head without panic, but showed appreciation and said, "this is the Cihang sword array left by Ding yuluo to deal with me. It\'s good and the design is very clever. It\'s a pity that she miscalculated my strength. I\'m human and changeable. How can I use common sense inference."

Or the vicissitudes of life.

The whole world is in the hands of the northern heavenly king. He makes the world change. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are inevitable. He thinks there should be time between heaven and earth, so time flows slowly from his eyes.

So the fasting Lord found that the world around him had changed and the power in his body was seriously losing.

The vegetarian made an amazing decision.

The flying wing sword left the body, suspended on the head of the North heavenly king, and dropped golden forces. It was extracted from the void to withstand the world and the North heavenly king. But in this process, the vegetarian seems to consume all his strength.

The northern heavenly king stood in the sword array and said with a smile, "you know you can\'t trap me."

The vegetarian Lord nodded and said seriously, "I know I can\'t trap the elder, but the array doesn\'t exist to trap you."

The North heavenly king thought about it, his face changed slightly, and said with a smile, "I see."


Deep in the clouds, lightning flashes, like a new life of the world.

Then a man in green came out of the wooden door.

The northern heavenly king saw the Castle Peak man, his face changed wildly and shouted, "didn\'t you leave this world?"

The North heavenly king, who is leisurely and the world collapses without losing color, has been standing at the highest place in the world for an era. After seeing the green man, he suddenly turns pale and is no longer leisurely, because the green man is the only one who can restrain his existence.

"No, you\'re fake."

The North Heavenly King took a deep breath and shouted, with a little fear in his voice.

The man in green shirt made a move

The invincible North heavenly king was beaten to spit blood, but the green man exhausted his strength and disappeared. The North heavenly king turned and left, afraid to stay more. I\'m afraid there will be another super character like a man in a green shirt.

The vegetarian Lord didn\'t stop it. He knew he couldn\'t stop it.

After the North Heavenly King left, he hurt the source and was seriously beaten by the green man, enough to let him rest for more than three months.

But this is also the biggest crisis facing the fasting Lord.

Dragon city.

The northern Heavenly King appeared at the door and whispered, "Long Cheng, long time no see."