Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1187

The momentum of the figure is so strong that it almost affects the operation of the rules. Time and space are like running water around him. A move of thought makes Zhuge breathe quickly. This level gap is even greater than that between the heavenly Buddha and the great sage.

Tianzun is already the limit. Getting the respect of Tiandao is tantamount to breaking the Convention and walking out of its own path.

And above the God, it can not be described in words.

It is said that there is no God in the world. The only possible way to surpass is the leader of Cihang Jingzhai and the leader of the magic gate. The leader of Tianting is also possible. As for others, Xuanji Zi was broken by legends, but the last time he fought with Taoist Zun, he didn\'t really become above the heavenly Zun. Otherwise, the power of the five element gold needle is far beyond the imagination of a Taoist Zun. Moreover, the monster sealed in the forbidden area of the South China Sea may also be above the God.

But now there is a real God, how to make Zhuge not excited. Although he was tottering, his eyes burst out a hot light, as if he saw endless wealth.

Zhuge is the realm of heaven. He doesn\'t know what is after heaven, but the person in front of him is a beacon.

"Dragon city has a new master?"

The figure stared at Zhuge and shouted. He was a little excited. He was trapped here for more than 20 years. Zhuge came to Mengshan 20 years ago. It was precisely because he found this man that he took Mengshan as a stronghold and divided a forbidden area.

"Yes, a kid named Yang Ping became the master of the dragon city." ZHUGE hurriedly said, not too concerned about divulging any news, because Yang Ping was not born when he was trapped. There will never be any intersection.

"Yang Ping..."

The figure said Yang Ping\'s name in succession, wondering, "why is the surname Yang, not Lei, or Wu? Even Hong can be. Is it also an experiment?"

"Elder, what are you talking about?" ZHUGE asked hurriedly, unable to bear his faith.

The figure hummed coldly, "you know a fart. You won\'t know if I tell you. I know you are a God with great ambition and want to get a lot. However, your strength is ridiculous."

Zhuge was not satisfied. At least he was a God. How many gods are there in the [email protected] ^^$

"Don\'t be unconvinced. In the golden age, I thought there were many heavenly masters, but I was beaten by others, and finally sealed here. Even if you surpass the Heavenly Master, ha ha..." the implication is that surpassing the Heavenly Master is probably useless. The world is very complex.

Zhuge was shocked. From this man\'s tone, we can guess that the other party must have been a giant and stood at the top, but it was still sealed. It can be seen how powerful the person who sealed it was.

"Did the man named Yang Ping get the scepter?" the figure asked.

Zhuge thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "it\'s not clear. But it\'s said that he can\'t control the dragon city without the scepter. So he should get it." in fact, Zhuge himself is not sure.

"Hey...! $*!

With a long sigh, the figure showed disappointment and said, "it is estimated that it is also an experiment. In recent years, many people want to succeed and many control the Dragon City, but none of them really become the Savior."

Zhuge was shocked when he heard the Savior.

Savior, is that rumor true?

The pressure converged, the waterfall in the deep pool fell again, splashed high water, and the figure settled again and fell into a deep sleep. Zhuge was tangled in his heart, but finally he gritted his teeth and said, "senior, I have something to ask."

The figure didn\'t open his eyes and said indifferently, "what\'s up?"

Zhuge said cautiously: "elder, you see, I have reached the realm of heaven, but I have been stuck in the realm of heaven for too long. I don\'t know if you can give me some advice on how to break the confinement of heaven and achieve another realm."

The figure laughed, opened his eyes, glanced and said sarcastically, "it\'s up to you?"

Zhuge nodded and said seriously, "don\'t you think you can\'t?"

The figure giggled and made the water in the deep pool boil. There was thick fog all over the sky, which obscured the whole deep pool and made the place full of mysterious brilliance. He said, "you are too childish. It\'s not good to break through the heaven."

"Please make it clear, sir." ZHUGE asked excitedly.

The figure said faintly, "do you want to learn from me?"

Zhuge was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted, "I\'ll see you, master."

The figure smiled and hummed, "you are very smart, but I haven\'t accepted an apprentice for a long time. Moreover, with your talent, you are not qualified to be my apprentice."

Zhuge was furious. He was despised for the first time, but he couldn\'t change his color. If it were someone else, he would have slapped him to death. He even looked down on himself. You know, Zhuge is the top expert in China, and even the vegetarian master should treat him with courtesy.

Although the person in front of us is powerful, can we surpass Cihang Jingzhai? I think he is arrogant.

"Not interested."

The figure enters the setting again, confronts the seal and stops talking. Zhuge asked several times, but he didn\'t get a response. He said, "elder wants to rest. I\'ll leave now. I\'ll find a way to break the elder\'s seal as soon as possible."

"If you want to break the seal, only the Lord of dragon city can."

The figure is indifferent.

Zhuge hurriedly said, "don\'t worry, elder. I will ask the Lord of the dragon city to untie the seal for you. No matter what method is used."

The man did not respond, leaving only the sound of the waterfall in the deep pool.

Zhuge walked out of the ghost forest, his face immediately changed color and gloomy, sneered in his heart, and hummed: "old ghost, don\'t think I don\'t know the end of your powerful crossbow. When your strength is reduced to the lowest, I\'ll devour it and become the real God. Help you untie it. Rest assured and daydream!"

He wouldn\'t be so stupid to help the man untie the seal. It doesn\'t matter that he is strong enough to kill himself. The seal that trapped him is not easy to provoke. Although he can go in and out of the ghost forest freely, once he wants to untie the seal, the killing machine at the core of the seal will open. Don\'t mention himself at that time. Don\'t kill ten Zhuge.

The old ghost is powerful. Seal and leave.

In China, Zhuge felt that he had encountered a great opportunity, which was much safer than competing for the unparalleled artifact of Longcheng. He will not compete with the Taoist priest for the unparalleled artifact, because the unparalleled artifact is at least an artifact. How can he casually recognize the Lord? It is the one who is destined to get it.

It\'s much easier to devour the old ghost and rob the unparalleled artifact. At that time, who was still their opponent in the world. At that time, the Lord of Cihang Jingzhai will fall in love with himself, or at least rely on himself.


Zhuge became more and more excited as if he had a bright future.

Just after Zhuge left, a virtual shadow appeared between reality and illusion.

Taoist Zun stood in front of the ghost forest and looked inside, revealing a deep thought.

"It\'s strange that I feel familiar."

Taoist Zun\'s heart beat faster and his face became dignified. There was something in it that would pose a fatal threat to him. He hesitated to go in. Before that, he had to attack Zhuge directly and get rid of Zhuge with the least force, but he was not absolutely sure.

Unexpectedly, the result of waiting was to find a big secret of Zhuge.

Tao Zun thought for a while, but he went in.