Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1186

Taoist Zun stood quietly on the edge of the cliff, one foot on the edge and one foot on the rock. The whole person seemed to resist the wind by virtue of emptiness, but he didn\'t show much joy. There was a faint sadness in the air.

Zhuge frowned and felt that this should not be the state of Tao Zun. When he reached that level, he also knew that Xuanji, the enemy of his life, might have an accident. Taoist Zun was happy at the door. Why did he have a sad face. But all of them flashed by, and Zhuge said, "to destroy the world, you can\'t talk about guarding with a mysterious machine."

"Help me figure it out."

Taoist Zun turned around, calmly looked at Zhuge and said.

Zhuge asked, "who?"

Tao Zun said, "the future."

Zhuge turned pale. Even though Tao Zun was very powerful, he predicted that too many sources would be lost in the future. He said in a deep voice: "I have sealed the original fortune teller for 20 years, but I haven\'t recovered last time. It\'s impossible to predict the future. You can do things against the coincidence of heaven by yourself. With your ability, divination is not under me."

Taoist Zun\'s face was ancient well and asked, "I only ask ordinary people, not ghosts and gods."

Zhuge was still unhappy and hummed: "Taoist Reverend, you and I are in the same state. Although you take a step forward, you can\'t really kill me. So don\'t force me to do what I don\'t want to do. Xuanji forced me twenty years ago because Xuanji had the capital to suppress me, but you can\'t."

Although Zhuge knew that Taoist Zun was very powerful, Taoist Zun was not as powerful as Xuanji. Otherwise, in the battle between the leaders of the immortal medical sect, the Taoist priest will not lose. Many people know that the immortal medical sect is a double heaven. If combined, the immortal medical sect is not weaker than the super first-class holy land. However, the division brothers are fratricidal and have different ideas, which makes the immortal medical sect decline overnight, only the name of the holy land.

Xuanji Zi, also known as xuanzun, has equal strength, but Xuanji Zi is still more powerful. Both outside and inside the master are extremely terrible characters. It\'s a pity that Taoist Zun has too much ambition and wants to unify the Jianghu, so he has differences with xuanzun. They fought for three days and three nights, but the result is unknown and is still a mystery.

Some people say that xuanjizi defeated Taoist Zun, but he kept Taoist Zun\'s life by reading his fellow brothers and sisters. Some people also said that the two fought because they involved higher-level attention and stopped it, which made daozun leave the immortal medicine door. There are different opinions, as long as the parties themselves know.

Most people think that Taoist Zun should not be xuanjizi\'s opponent, and Taoist Zun and xuanzun are as deep as the sea and irreconcilable, so they don\'t worry about the comeback of immortal medicine.

Most importantly, Zhuge felt that the strength of Taoist Zun did not reach the level of Xuanji Zi, because Xuanji Zi not only had the help of the five element gold needle, but also trained an eternal heart and suppressed the South China Sea for many years, which is the biggest proof.

The South China Sea is a forbidden area.

There is an unknown monster sealed, but the strength is too strong. In those years, a holy God arrogantly wanted to smooth out the forbidden area in the South China Sea, but he died and was directly killed by the sealed monster.

Therefore, no one mentioned the forbidden area in the South China Sea.

Only the top figures know that the South China Sea is only one of the forbidden areas, but it is also the most dangerous place. Anyone who wants to pass must be determined to die. Xuanjizi guarded the South China Sea for decades with fearless spirit and kept the peace of China. This is a great merit.

Zhuge recognized the mystery.

The Jianghu recognizes Xuanji.

However, Taoist Zun can only play tricks. Compared with Xuanji Zi, he is considered to be one level worse.

Taoist Zun looked at Zhuge and suddenly smiled.

Zhuge frowned and said unhappily, "I\'m not wrong. You\'re really not xuanzun\'s opponent. Although you\'ve been making progress over the years, even devouring your ancestors and achieving a new world, you\'re unstable and may break out at any time. Go, I don\'t want to fight you."

The Taoist priest sighed and looked at the sky.

"The fog in Mengshan is so heavy."

Taoist Zun suddenly said a word, and then the whole person disappeared. Zhuge showed his vigilance and didn\'t notice how Taoist Zun disappeared. However, there was his array around. If Taoist Zun killed an opportunity, the array would be triggered at the first time.

"Play tricks."

Zhuge sneered.

"Others are afraid of you, but I\'m not afraid of Zhuge. Tao Zun doesn\'t want to waste his origin, but wants to use me. It\'s naive. If it\'s someone else, you can\'t say anything. But I\'m also heaven\'s realm. Even if I can\'t beat you, it\'s not a problem to escape."

Zhuge still has a lot of wild hopes. In fact, it hides a lot and is not much smaller than Taoist Zun.

He\'s been putting up with it.

Zhuge wanted to continue collecting herbs through the fog in Mengshan. At this time, there were no tourists. Ordinary people could not enter many forbidden areas in Mengshan, but for Zhuge, it was like walking on the ground. Because these forbidden areas were designed by Zhuge.

Through the thick fog, came to a ghost forest.

Scattered trees block a way. There are valleys in which many precious medicinal materials are planted. There are some corpses in the ghost forest. They are ordinary people who break into the ghost forest or want to steal medicinal materials, but they all die in it.

The ghost forest spread out automatically, revealing a path.

Zhuge walked on the road with a calm face, but when he mentioned the spirit of twelve points, his perception was everywhere and adjusted to the highest level. Obviously, he attached great importance to this place. At the end of the path is a deep pool. Under the waterfall, thousands of water splashes make the fog here more dense. There was a huge stone on the surface of the deep pool, like a fist rising from the water.

Sitting on the upper wall of the stone, a figure closed his eyes and entered a deep sleep.

Zhuge came to the deep pool, looked at the figure on the stone and said, "you\'d better say it to avoid suffering. That secret has been useless to you for 20 years. Is it worth keeping a secret for a promise?"

The figure opened his eyes.

A terrible pressure dispersed, causing the waterfall to stagnate, the pool to solidify, and time and space seemed to stop because the figure woke up. The momentum of the figure can affect the flow of time and space. Obviously, its realm is definitely beyond the imagination of Zhuge now.

Zhuge didn\'t even know how powerful the shadow was.

"The end of the world is about to begin."

Zhuge suddenly said.

When the figure looked at Zhuge, his pupils burst out and said, "ignorant child."

Zhuge sneered and said, "I know the elder is high and powerful, but the news is absolutely reliable. Elder, I just want what belongs to me, that\'s all. If you tell me where it is, I\'ll let you go."


The figure closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Zhuge is in a hurry.

It was thought that carrying amazing news would shake the other party\'s heart, but it seemed that the other party didn\'t respond. Zhuge\'s eyes changed and said several news in succession, but the effect was average.

"If Yang Ping didn\'t control the Dragon City, I would have entered the heavenly tomb to get unparalleled artifact." ZHUGE muttered.


The figure suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Zhuge, as if a mountain of Tai was pressing the top, which made Zhuge short of breath and stunned. This momentum is definitely not heaven, absolutely above heaven. It\'s terrible.