Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1185

Dragon city is quiet.

Even the clouds in the sky seem to have no previous vitality and move listlessly with the wind. The pedestrians on the roadside were unaware and continued to live their own life. When a gust of wind came, Yang Ping felt a little cold.


It\'s really cold.

It\'s cold to the bone.

Yang Ping shook his head, frowned and looked at the sky. He felt that the sun was dazzling. The leaves beside the road rustled, like a distant cry. Far away, there was a voice crying.

A cold wind came from the south.

Yang Ping feels very cold.

This is a whim, so Yang Ping\'s face is worried. He hasn\'t received the old man\'s reply for a long time. Even if he doesn\'t call and sends a text message saying he\'s picking up girls, he won\'t complain about the old man, because there are fewer women in the South China Sea, so he can soak less.

The old man needs warmth.

Yang Ping felt that he tightened his clothes and continued to move forward. Originally, he wanted to relax and sort out the future defense ideas of Longcheng, but now he doesn\'t want to. He just walks for a while, greedily sucking the air of Longcheng and smelling the fireworks of the world. Never for a moment did he feel that the life of ordinary people in Longcheng is so enviable.

"The wind is gone."

The smell of seaweed disappeared, followed by a deep worry in his heart. Yang Ping murmured, "old man, you have been a scourge for thousands of years. Don\'t you mean that there are women in the world?"

Longcheng University.

President Qu is reading. She likes reading. Even if she is busy, she will squeeze out half an hour to read. What she reads is ancient books. The cover of the book is yellowing. It is obviously a little old and full of vicissitudes. Her daughter is practicing hard in the room. Principal Qu feels everything in Longcheng. It\'s normal, but it\'s a little weird. According to the truth, Longcheng should be the most active time at this time, because unparalleled artifact really needs to be unearthed, and countless experts are jealous and want to compete.

No matter who can get it, it is bound to cause a bloodbath. Twenty years ago, in the bloody battle soaked in Luoshui, xuanjizi united with several old friends to suppress countless experts, and personally sealed more than a dozen peerless experts, even the emperor. The president of the war song saw it with his own eyes and killed some curfews who didn\'t know the heaven and earth and wanted to make waves in Longcheng University.

Time past quickly.

Principal Qu closed the book. It was Zhang Ailing\'s legendary manuscript. There was only one in the world, right on her bookshelf.

She smelled seaweed, frowned and looked south.

No movement.

It\'s really quiet.

Headmaster Qu got up and went to the window with a worried look. Because she couldn\'t feel the situation in the South China Sea. Even if the wind from the South China Sea hadn\'t blown in front of her, she couldn\'t feel the smell of wet seaweed.

The taste is very strong and few people feel it.

"Xuanjizi, don\'t be too strong when you are old." principal Qu said for the first time that xuanjizi is old, but the realm of heaven will not age and can control her appearance, but this time she felt that xuanjizi\'s strength is not enough.

"Mom." Qu wanting came out of the room, looked at her mother\'s back, felt it, and said curiously, "what are you worried about?"

President Qu\'s worry has been released. Her daughter feels very deeply, so she asks. Headmaster Qu looked back, stared into his daughter\'s eyes and said, "don\'t go anywhere during this time. Your final class will stop and let those people be honest."

Qu wanting had never seen her mother warn herself so severely. She was startled and hurriedly said, "Mom, did something happen?"

Principal Qu said seriously, "just follow what I do."

Qu wanting nodded and obediently agreed. Mom\'s dignified face is enough to explain many problems. She couldn\'t help asking, "Mom, did Taoist Zun cause it, but Taoist Zun\'s strength is not as good as you. He can\'t..."

"It\'s far more serious than daozun." principal Qu shook his head, showed dignified eyes and sighed, "if only daozun is OK, I can deal with it. I won\'t let anything happen at home, but some things are far more terrible than daozun."

"What\'s the matter?" Qu wanting said in surprise.

"There is great terror between heaven and earth."

Principal Qu wanted to stop talking, but looked at his daughter\'s curious eyes, finally shook his head, gently stroked his daughter\'s black hair, and said softly, "this time, you may have to leave Longcheng for an absolutely safe place."

Qu wanting\'s face changed and looked at her mother in shock.

Isn\'t even mom sure to protect her?

What a terrible thing.

Mengshan, deep in the clouds.

A figure came out of the thick fog. He carried a bamboo basket to collect medicine in the mountain. The Mengshan tourism management office closed the tourism of Mengshan because of the heavy fog, so the mountain looked clean.

He was picking herbs. Through the thick fog, he smelled a smell of seaweed, so his eyes shot fine awn in the thick fog, followed by crazy laughter, which erupted into madness and vent hidden for many years.

Mr. Zhuge was very happy. He laughed so recklessly and recklessly for the first time since he became the emperor, because he smelled the smell of seaweed. What does it mean that seaweed floats from the South China Sea?

Even Longcheng smelled the smell of seaweed in the South China Sea, which means that the place in the South China Sea is unsafe, which means that something big may happen to Xuanji. Mr. Zhuge is most happy because the man who has always pressed his head in his life is very dangerous at the moment.

"That\'s right. The place in the South China Sea is not sealed with ordinary things. It\'s said that even heaven can kill. It\'s estimated that you have recovered your peak strength. Xuanji, Xuanji, you\'re smart and confused. You volunteered to guard in the South China Sea and finally paid the price for your madness."

Mr. Zhuge smiled. The hoe turned into fly ash because of excitement and disappeared in the thick fog.

But there are guests at the top of the mountain.

Mr. Zhuge shook his head and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes. Then he quickly appeared on the top of the mountain and saw a Taoist in yellow robe. He said in a deep voice, "Why are you here before the appointed time?"

Mengshan is the private forbidden area of Zhuge.

But some people said they would come and didn\'t say hello, but Zhuge couldn\'t be angry because the visitor was a Taoist priest.

When the Taoist priest came to Mengshan mountain, he didn\'t argue with Zhuge and looked at the distance silently.

Zhuge said coldly, "you should be happy. If something happens to Xuanji, your plan will have less resistance in the future. Can\'t wait?"

The Taoist priest hummed, "idiot."

Zhuge turned pale. No one in heaven and earth dared to speak to him like this. Even the Zhai Lord would say a word of friendship. He showed his intention to kill, but remembered each other\'s identity, held back and said faintly: "don\'t think how powerful you are. You and I are in the same state, and you may not be able to defeat me."

Taoist Zun turned and stared at Zhuge\'s face with a contemptuous smile.

Zhuge still wanted to satirize. Suddenly, he seemed unable to feel the existence of Tao Zun and exclaimed, "Tao Zun, you won\'t be..."


Zhuge showed a strong vigilance, stared at the figure of Taoist Zun, and finally realized that something was wrong, because Taoist Zun was still Taoist Zun, but it was not real. He was clearly in front of him, but existed between illusion and reality. It\'s like a Luosheng door, which is extremely untrue.

"What a pity."

Tao Zun didn\'t look at Zhuge\'s face and said something inexplicable: "it was his own choice, but he couldn\'t hold it at last."

"The prelude to the destruction of the world has finally opened a corner."