Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1184

Liu Junya is the young master of the Liu family. He can\'t go anywhere in Longcheng. Although he is very low-key in Longcheng University of science and technology, he can\'t stand the identity and status of others. No one dares to offend him, and even someone deliberately flatters him. He wants to make a big noise to let Liu Junya remember himself, let alone the school flowers selected by someone meet by coincidence, and then fall. This kind of thing often happens. Walking in the street, Liu Junya sometimes found that the little gangster who had been bullied before turned into a good man immediately after seeing him. She wanted to kneel on the ground and sing conquest.

It used to be like this.

He\'s used to it.

Liu Junya felt that people all over the world respected him very much. He ate both black and white. So he called the bereavement of the dragon and was ready to teach Yang Ping a lesson.

In the past, when I saw people being beaten, I always felt it necessary to shout so loudly. I just couldn\'t die if I beat them.

But today he saw the cruelty of life. The scream didn\'t come out, and the tingling feeling in his heart spread all over his body. That feeling will never be forgotten for a lifetime, especially without ideological preparation, the lost dragon suddenly came and beat two decadence.

In the past, others knelt in front of him. Now he knelt in the direction Yang Ping left. The scream was harsh to his ears, but he had forgotten and numb, because the Dragon lost and asked others to get rid of him.

His face was covered with blood and his consciousness was blurred.

Liu Junya lay on the ground. She didn\'t know how many times she had suffered. She moaned and cried. It was no use begging for mercy.

Until Yang Ping and Ma Weiwei disappeared.

The bereavement of the Dragon stopped. He found that Yang Ping didn\'t have the same knowledge as him. He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his sweat. He found that his clothes had been soaked. He didn\'t know whether it was caused by fear or beating Liu Junya.

"You... Hit me..." Liu Junya cried with the pain on her face.

The bereaved dragon sat down next to Liu Junya with a cigarette in his mouth and wanted to light it, but his hand holding the lighter was shaking, gave a bitter smile, took a deep breath and said, "Liu Shao, I\'m saving you."

Liu Junya was stunned and stared at the loss of the dragon.

Is this saving me?

Do you think I\'m a fool?

Liu Junya didn\'t get angry, but looked at the loss of the Dragon coldly. It was obvious that if he didn\'t die, he would die next time. He has decided that no matter what way, the dead dragon will not see the sun tomorrow.

The loss of the Dragon naturally showed Liu Junya\'s resentment. Hei hei said, "Liu Shao, don\'t hate me first. I hit you just now to save you. Do you know who the man was before?"

Other gangsters were also curious.

Although the death of the Dragon gave the order and followed Liu Shao, I was afraid now. I couldn\'t help retreating. I wanted to clear the relationship for fear that it would affect the fish in the pond. The bereaved dragon saw the strange and smiled. There was a lot of sadness in his eyes.

Liu Junya was not prepared to show mercy to the bereaved dragon anyway. The other party did not dare to kill himself. As long as he didn\'t die, the bereaved dragon would die, but he didn\'t understand. He knew clearly that he was the identity of the young master of the Liu family and dared to fight him. He was either a shit in his head or a fool.

He was curious where the spirit of losing the Dragon came from.

Aren\'t you afraid of his revenge?

Perhaps the identity of the other party is higher than that of him. Lao Tzu\'s surname is Liu, the first family in Longcheng city. Who else dares to make a show in front of him?

"His name is Yang Ping."

The bereaved dragon spits out a cigarette and laughs.

Liu Junya smiled and said, "Yang Ping, who, I haven\'t heard of it. Losing the dragon, I think you have done a lot of things for me before. This time you won\'t hurt your family, but you can\'t live."

Gnashing his teeth, Liu Junya never wanted to revenge a person so much.


Liu Junya suddenly felt something wrong, stared at the dead dragon and asked, "Yang Ping, which Yang Ping?"

The mourning dragon sighed, got up hard and wanted to walk away.

"Which Yang Ping is there in Longcheng?"

The mourning dragon came with a voice of helplessness and hesitation. This is really helpless, because beating Liu Junya means that it is impossible to stay in Longcheng in the future. The Liu family will not let go of themselves, but compared with offending Yang Ping, what is the pain?

Anyone facing this choice is not a dilemma at all, but will not hesitate to choose the same as himself.

But without killing Liu Junya, he lost the foothold of Longcheng.

The bereaved dragon wanted to make a stand with Yang Ping several times, hoping to say a few words and let the Liu family not embarrass him, but Yang Ping didn\'t, which means that Yang Ping was not happy with him. Yes, he rushed over to ask for guilt without asking. Who would be happy?

But the person who offended this time was Yang Ping, a powerful man in Longcheng.

Who would have thought that fate was so impermanent.

Liu Junya murmured to herself and recited Yang Ping\'s name. He always felt that he had heard it somewhere. Recalling the tone of losing the dragon, an ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart. Suddenly, he seemed to grasp the key point.

Yang Ping, is it the person the elders in the family have been talking about?

The man who made the Dragon City lose its color and eclipsed the glory of the four families?

The more you stand high, the more you know what the word Yang Ping means in Longcheng.


Liu Junya trembled, his face became more and more pale, and he was almost crying. This time he was really crying. He had no love. He picked up the phone and hurriedly dialed his third uncle\'s number to ask for help.

"Third uncle..." Liu Junya said in a trembling voice.

There was finally connected and hurriedly said, "how\'s your relationship with Zhu Xi? Is she not angry?"

"I don\'t know."

Liu Junya cried.

The third uncle sighed. Liu Junya grew up looking at him from childhood and was very distressed. He comforted: "it should be all right. Zhu Xi is a sensible person and won\'t make a mountain out of a molehill. Don\'t worry. When your parents come back, they will come to the door and apologize."

Liu Junya is still crying.

The third uncle was soft hearted and said with a smile, "Junya, what are you crying like? Come on, this thing is not irreparable. If Zhu Xi doesn\'t act immediately, it means he doesn\'t take your things to heart."

Liu Junya cried, "third uncle, I\'m not talking about this."

The third uncle was surprised and said, "it\'s not this thing? Who can scare you to cry except Zhu Xi. Don\'t worry, as long as it\'s not Zhu Xi, I\'ll help you with other things. Don\'t you believe the third uncle\'s words? Black and white, one phone call."

"Third uncle, I offended people."

Liu Junya cried more sadly.

The third uncle said with a smile, "who is so powerful that you have made our Junya like this? You still have less experience in the Jianghu. Follow your brother and learn more. You will be in charge of the family in the future. Crying is not a man."

"I... I just offended..." Liu Junya tangled and whispered, "I just offended Yang Ping."


That\'s the sound of the mobile phone falling on the ground.

Then there was no sound.

Liu Junya said nervously, "third uncle, third uncle, what\'s the matter with you?"

The speaker is careless and the listener is intentional.

Yang Ping did not think, nor would he think, that his weight in Longcheng had reached an extremely terrible level, especially in the big family. All the young people who had sinned against him stopped, and those sent abroad should be low-key and dormant.

And he just came out to relax.

It frightened the core disciples of the first family in Longcheng city.

Yang Ping looked at the sky and smelled a smell of seaweed, coming from the far south.