Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1181

Liu Junya, the core child of the Liu family, is easy to be a dandy in a rich family. Liu Junya is relatively good. He is a gentleman compared with other cousins in the family.

However, anyone who sees Zhu Xi\'s immortal beauty also arouses the desire to conquer.

When Liu Junya saw Zhu Xi, she couldn\'t help but burst out as a dandy. A greedy possession flashed in her eyes and said, "Weiwei, if you want me to open a company for you, by the way, what company is your company, I\'ll buy it right away."

Liu Junya really can\'t pick up girls.

I didn\'t see Ma Weiwei\'s ugly face and Zhu Xi\'s cold eyes. I thought that money was my uncle. Not to mention that Liu Junya was just a general core child of the Liu family, but became Liu Chenggong. Her identity and status were just the same as Zhu Xi. Moreover, Zhu Xi was in charge of one of the four families, and she was not at the same level as Zhu Junya, the half hanging heir.

Ma Weiwei\'s face was very ugly. She didn\'t like Liu Junya at all. At this moment, she immediately fell to the ground. Liu Junya was still complacent and felt very attractive, which shocked the two women.

"Maybe she\'s very interested in my financial resources. I\'m rich and handsome. Where can the world find me as rich and handsome." Liu Junya, proud of Ma Weiwei\'s boyfriend, continued, "how about, Mr. Zhu, are you interested in letting me invest. I can buy 60% of your company."

"The main thing is that I don\'t want Weiwei to work too hard and my woman to work too hard."

Liu Junya sighed, acted smart, shook her head and said, "women should be at home. Men are responsible for making money. What a good match."

"You..." Ma Weiwei was about to get angry, but she was stopped by Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi said faintly, "do you want to buy 60% of the shares of our company?"

Liu Junya was overjoyed and secretly said that she was finally hooked. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will be moved to see money. Don\'t look at the cold look of the beautiful woman next to Ma Weiwei. Women in business are not immune to temptation, but not enough temptation. Liu Junya gritted her teeth and asked her family if there was any problem with the money.

At best, as an investment.

Liu Junya has imagined that Zhu Xi admires her. That feeling must be great.

"Of course, I can afford this money, and I am willing to pay any price for the woman I love." Liu Junya thought this sentence was very deep, and no woman could resist the tender money offensive.

Ma Weiwei looked at Liu Junya and didn\'t find that he was such a dandy. She used to be very honest, considerate and gentle in school. Unexpectedly, she pretended. Originally, she was not interested in Liu Junya. This time, she completely gave up.

"Do you really want to buy it?" Zhu Xi said with a light smile.

Perfect smile!

Liu Junya felt that Zhu Xi smiled too beautiful to resist. She was careful that she was dirty and pounded, but she didn\'t feel the cold in Zhu Xi\'s smile.

"Very willing, if the respected chairman is willing to give up his love."

Liu Junya pointed to the Ferrari parked on the side of the road, made an invitation gesture and said, "although I can only sit two words, I can call more than a dozen cars by phone, and you can choose."

He hid well in front of Ma Weiwei. Regardless of seeing Zhu Xi, Zhu Xi seemed to have a special magic that could release human nature, completely release the dandy nature he usually hid well, and began to show off.

"Are you from the Liu family?"

Zhu Xi suddenly asked.

Liu Junya smiled and said secretly that she was a woman who knew the goods. Unexpectedly, it was only my Liu family, which was the most powerful family in Longcheng. She said proudly, "yes, I\'m from the Liu family. Usually I\'m very low-key and won\'t say anything to others. Since you asked me, I\'ll say that Liu Junya is the first successor in order."

Pride, arrogance.

Liu Junya raised her head, raised her mouth and showed a very careful smile, as if she said the name of the Liu family, and Zhu Xi would throw herself into her arms. In general, if you know the identity of the Liu family, you will definitely try every means to hook him up. Liu Junya is very annoying, but she doesn\'t like that kind of inferior woman, but likes challenge. Ma Weiwei is a challenge, because Ma Weiwei\'s family is not simple.

"No wonder you\'re so angry. If young master Liu wants to buy shares in our company, you can talk to the elders of the Liu family. Maybe they will be very happy with Liu Shao\'s eyes." Zhu Xi said without salt.

As a compliment, Liu Junya straightened his chest and said, "don\'t ask, I can buy it myself."


Zhu Xi left with Ma Weiwei and got on Maybach.

When Liu Junya saw Maybach, she was stunned and muttered to herself. It was strange that her license plate was a little familiar. It seemed that she had seen it somewhere. Maybach can only be regarded as an ordinary car for Liu Junya, more than two million, which is far from Ferrari.

"See what tricks you can play. Ma Weiwei is mine and you are mine."

Liu Junya drove along, and began to fantasize and think about who else in Longcheng dared to compare with the Liu family and raise the name of the Liu family and scare other people with status.

China Airlines Plaza.

Liu Junya followed Zhu Xi\'s car to the parking lot. After getting off, she was scared to death when she saw the group name.

what the fuck.

It can\'t be China Airlines Group.

Although Liu Junya is a dandy, he is definitely not a fool. He still knows that some people in Longcheng can\'t provoke. Now the family has warned that a man named Yang Ping can\'t provoke at present. In addition, there is another woman\'s name, Zhu Xi.

Because the relationship between Zhu Xi and Yang Ping is very special.

"No, it\'s impossible to win the prize at the beginning. That woman is good-looking, but it won\'t be that one."

Liu Junya comforted herself. He had never seen Zhu Xi before. He stayed at school and occasionally fooled around. He didn\'t know that Zhu Xi was normal, but he kept a heart and quietly called an elder at home to think about the worst.

"Uncle, let me ask you something. If you want to buy a company, how much does it cost?"

Liu Junya asked tentatively.

"Ha ha, in your capacity, do you want to buy the company and start your own business? Yes, yes, you didn\'t study in vain in college. Finally you know how much money your third uncle will help you."

The third uncle is a happy man. He plays for Liu Junya. He thinks it\'s just a company. There are no people in Longcheng who can\'t provoke the Liu family. He can do it whenever he has money.

"Really?" Liu Junya asked hurriedly.

"Of course."

The third uncle laughed.

"Uncle, wait. I\'ll tell you later."

Liu Junya hung up the phone and saw Zhu Xi and Ma Weiwei get off the bus and walk towards the gate of China Airlines Group. Her heart beat faster and said secretly. No, it\'s really China Airlines Group. It\'s impossible.

"Absolutely impossible."

Liu Junya held a glimmer of hope, but followed up. When she heard that the guard called Zhu Dong, her heart cooled and began to retreat.


Liu Junya stopped, called his third uncle and asked, "third uncle, i... do you really want to help me buy the company?"

"Yes, who makes you my nephew. The third uncle doesn\'t care about this money." the third uncle smiled and could see that he loved his little nephew very much.

Liu Junya secretly rejoiced and asked in a low voice, "how much does it cost to buy China Airlines Group?"


The phone over there fell to the ground.