Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1182

"Third uncle, third uncle..." Liu Junya was startled and asked, "what\'s the matter with you?"

"Son of a bitch, you want to kill me, don\'t you?" soon, there was a roar from the third uncle on the phone, scolding, "I love you so much. I didn\'t expect you to be a white eyed wolf. You want to die without anyone to accompany you. What do you mean by taking your family to bury with me?"

Liu Junya was so scared that she almost got rid of her mobile phone that she was stunned and said, "third uncle... What do you mean, I don\'t understand."

"I warn you now, are you going to provoke Zhu Xi?" the third uncle said coldly, his voice trembling a little.


Liu Junya hasn\'t recovered yet, but he will honestly explain what happened before and wait for a reply.

The third uncle breathed a sigh of relief and said, "fortunately, I didn\'t completely offend you. Shit, it\'s lucky you didn\'t go up, otherwise you don\'t know how to die. You don\'t have to be started. Success will break your neck."

Hearing success, Liu Junya, his cousin, turned pale and showed fear.

Liu family, Cheng generation is the real master. Liu Chenggong, Liu Chengming and other names belong to the real heir of the Liu family and belong to the family owner. His name is Liu Junya. He belongs to Jun generation, which is obviously shorter than Cheng generation. Liu Chenggong is definitely the devil in the Liu family, which makes other cousins afraid. There was nothing Liu Chenggong dared not do. A few months ago, Liu Chenggong almost killed an elder in front of everyone. But in the end, not only did it not receive family law, but also it was favored by our ancestors.

The ancestors said that this was the heroic style of the general.

Nima, it\'s obviously the following crime. If others are estimated to be killed by random sticks, Liu Chenggong is safe and sound. It can be seen that the ancestors\' doting on Liu Chenggong is different from themselves.

"Big brother... What does this have to do with him?" Liu Junya said bitterly.

"Don\'t you know that your eldest brother calls his sister-in-law when he sees Zhu Xi and doesn\'t dare to speak loudly. The whole Liu family wants to please Zhu Xi. Are you crazy to buy China Airlines Group and want to go away?"

Pop, uncle hang up.

Liu Junya was stunned in situ, only feeling the cold summer wind.

What should I do?

Zhu Xi, I dare not offend my eldest brother, but I foolishly show off my financial power and lie in the trough. Why don\'t I die.

What should I do?

Liu Junya lingered outside and didn\'t dare to go in. Not far away, Zhu Xi turned back and just saw his appearance. With a pop, Liu Junya was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and turned pale. Zhu Xi gave a cold look and turned away.

From beginning to end, he didn\'t speak, but Liu Junya understood the meaning of Zhu Xi\'s words before.

It\'s over.

How to explain when you go back.

It seems that she can only please Ma Weiwei. It seems that Ma Weiwei has a good relationship with Zhu Xi. As long as Ma Weiwei speaks well in front of Zhu Xi, she can avoid a lot of trouble and make a decision. Liu Junya recovers her previous honest look and thinks about how to please Ma Weiwei.

In the elevator.

Ma Weiwei couldn\'t help saying, "Dong Zhu, don\'t talk to him. I know it\'s because of me that Dong Zhu is willing to talk. But I don\'t know how to argue with that kind of person. I finally see that he\'s not a good thing."

Zhu Xi rarely smiled and said, "finally, I don\'t mean to waste."

In fact, Zhu Xi didn\'t pay attention to Liu Junya\'s level. Because of the existence of nine Yin, even the ancestors of the Liu family couldn\'t see it, let alone a small family child, but for Ma Weiwei, let her see Liu Junya\'s true colors and be willing to stand up on a whim.

When things are settled, they will naturally ignore them.

Entering the office, Zhu Xi motioned Ma Weiwei, who was about to stop talking, to do her own things. Ma Weiwei was worried. Finally, she left to find Minister Huang of personnel, thinking about how to apologize and compensate Zhu Xi.

You won\'t be fired.

Ma Weiwei was annoyed and finally came to work with Zhu Xi. If she was fired because of Liu Junya, it would be the most depressing thing.

Ma Weiwei has a fast learning ability and is worthy of being a good student with excellent character and learning.

In half a day, I mastered a lot of things to do and did well, which surprised Minister Huang. Originally, it was difficult to find an assistant on campus according to Dong Zhu\'s requirements. On the one hand, her executive ability is better, but Ma Weiwei has a good learning attitude and strong ability. Minister Huang had to admire his vision and find a good seedling.

Before leaving work, Ma Wei started a lot of things.

Finally, waiting for work.

Ma Weiwei came to the office and took the work results to the chairman\'s office for inspection. She looked at Zhu Xi with uneasy eyes.

After a busy afternoon, Zhu Xi finally came out of the sadness of last night. Although she didn\'t recover, she was willing to talk to Ma Weiwei. She entered the working state and didn\'t pay attention to Ma Weiwei who entered the door. Ten minutes after completing her work, she looked up at Ma Weiwei standing and said in surprise: "when did you come in?"

Ma Weiwei handed her things to her desk and bowed her head and said, "Dong Zhu, this is my task today."

After looking through it, Zhu Xi said with a smile, "yes, it\'s better than I thought."

Ma Weiwei waited for the following, but Zhu Xi put down the document and didn\'t say anything else. She couldn\'t help asking, "Dong Zhu, don\'t you have anything else to tell me?"

Zhu Xi wondered, "what\'s the matter?"

Ma Weiwei smiled bitterly and said wrongly, "it\'s my fault that bothers Zhu Dong because of me. If Zhu Xi doesn\'t want me and can\'t lose face, I can leave China Airlines Group."


Zhu Xi chuckled, waved her hand and said, "OK, when will I say I don\'t want you? Scum men are everywhere. Polish your eyes and find a boyfriend more seriously in the future. After work, you go back first. I\'m still busy."

I thought it was a big thing. It turned out that Ma Weiwei was afraid of being fired.

Are you so difficult to get along with?

Zhu Xi shook her head secretly.

"I\'ll work overtime with Zhu Dong." Ma Weiwei jumped up when she learned that she was not fired. "Zhu Dong, are you tired? I\'ll buy you coffee!"

Zhu Xi could not bear to betray her kindness and said with a smile, "thank you."

Ma Weiwei left the office happily and wanted to buy a good cup of coffee for Dong Zhu. She knew that there was a good coffee around. Although it was not comparable to the silent coffee shop, it was definitely superior. She also had a VIP card.

Walk out the door.

Ma Weiwei hummed and was about to leave. A figure suddenly appeared in front of her and scared her to cry.

"Weiwei, it\'s me."

Liu Junya bowed her head and looked very embarrassed. She was as shy and liked as when she pursued Ma Weiwei. If it was before, Ma Weiwei would feel embarrassed, but she hated him even more when she saw his true face.

I\'ve never seen such a man who can disguise. He looks disgusting.

Ma Weiwei said impatiently, "what\'s up?"

Liu Junya rubbed her hands and said, "Weiwei, it\'s my fault at noon. I don\'t know Taishan. I love you. Weiwei, you give me a chance. It won\'t be like this in the future."

Ma Weiwei frowned and turned around and left.

Liu Junya chased up and wanted to pull Ma Weiwei\'s hand. She begged: "Weiwei, please say something nice in front of Zhu Dong. I didn\'t mean to. Let Zhu Dong forget the villain, okay?"

Ma Weiwei quickened her pace.

Liu Junya was anxious and wanted to pull. Ma Weiwei turned sideways, didn\'t pay attention to the road, and slammed into others.

A cry of surprise.

Ma Weiwei panicked.

Liu Junya flew into a rage and shouted at the people who were hit: "are you blind? You don\'t look when you walk!"

Ma Weiwei recovered and wanted to apologize when she saw the person who was hit, but when she saw the person\'s face clearly, she was stunned for a while, then she began to show her sincere ecstasy and shouted, "it\'s you!"