Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1180

far-away place.

Is it far?

Zhu Xi thought that she was not thinking about her own life and death. She habitually weighed the gains and losses, because once she went far away, even if she became a powerful warrior, what could she do?

This is not what she wants.

Nine Yin knew Zhu Xi\'s inner thoughts and continued: "You don\'t know, Yang Ping will go to that distant place, even farther than me. Zhu Xi, you don\'t understand now, you will understand in the future. Once you choose to fall in love with the men in wujialing, it means that you can\'t stop your steps in your life, because once you stop, you will find that you can\'t even see their back."

When saying this, the tone of Jiuyin was tinged with a touch of sadness and deeply infected Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi said tentatively, "have you ever been like this?"

"What do you say?"

Nine Yin took back her sensibility and said coldly, "I\'ll give you a day to think about it. Once you accept my inheritance, there is no way back. Because you have accepted cause and effect. Before, I could erase your memory and break a cause and effect, but after you accept the inheritance, no one in the world can cut it off."

Zhu Xi was tangled in her heart.

But the nine Yin disappeared.

No more persuasion.

Zhu Xi still has one day to think about the time. Last time, she just tried to accept the nine Yin magic skill, but she didn\'t practice it wholeheartedly. Now her strength is equivalent to the five grade realm. It\'s a slag for the inheritance of nine Yin.

"Don\'t I live in the same world with Yang Ping? Yang Ping chose pearl because she is also a Jianghu person and a martial artist?"

Zhu Xi was unconvinced at the thought.

"Why can pearl become a warrior? I can\'t. am I worse than pearl?"

"But the reason why Yang Ping chose the pearl is just as she said. Why are you unhappy and tell me if there are other compelling reasons?"

Zhu Xi thought a lot and thought for a long time, but she didn\'t come to a conclusion.

Are you off duty?

It was the morning when Zhu Xi returned to the company from the village in the city. Unexpectedly, she wanted to go out at noon. Now she was not in the mood to work. When she walked out of the gate of the building, she heard someone calling her not far away. Looking back, Ma Weiwei was running over excitedly. The scenery in front of her chest was lovely, and the eyes of the men around her were protruding.

Zhu Xi frowned. The men immediately felt a cold breath and hurriedly bowed their heads.

"Zhu Dong, it\'s time to get off work." Ma Weiwei walked up to her and smiled.

Zhu Xi nodded and asked, "are you going home?"

Ma Weiwei shook her head and said, "no, I came out from work to get familiar with the surrounding environment. HR Minister Huang said that Zhu Dong likes coffee. I\'ll look around to see which coffee is the best."

Zhu Xi looked at Ma Weiwei\'s serious expression and said, "let\'s go. I\'ll take you to coffee."

Ma Weiwei was stunned.


Asked Zhu Xi.

Ma Weiwei woke up and said excitedly, "of course, very much. Let\'s go, Zhu Dong. I\'ll help you carry your bag." then she took Zhu Xi\'s bag and walked in front, skipping and jumping, looking very happy.

Zhu Xi couldn\'t help laughing at Ma Weiwei\'s lively, lovely and energetic appearance. In fact, she was very happy. At least, she couldn\'t see too many intrigues and intrigues in Ma Weiwei.

It feels great now.

Silent cafe.

The name of silence may be the name of the shopkeeper or the thought the shopkeeper wants to express. In short, the environment in the silent cafe is very beautiful, but also because the silent cafe is not simple.

Silent cafe is located in the center of the city with such a large yard, but it has few locations and large spacing. It has a separate independent space, covering an area of hundreds of square meters. There are only a dozen locations in the land of every inch of land and gold in the center of the city, which is really too wasteful.

However, silent cafe is a membership system, and it is difficult for ordinary people to come in. Compared with some high-level clubs, celebrities in Longcheng prefer it here, because here you can experience rare silence, no disputes in the world of mortals, no intrigues, only quiet music and the world\'s top coffee.

Take your seat.

Ma Weiwei looked at the surrounding environment, looked at the price on the list, and was surprised. She was the daughter of the vice governor in charge of industry in Yunnan Province. She was well-informed, but her father had a strict family education, didn\'t like extravagance and waste, and paid attention to ostentation. Therefore, although Ma Weiwei was a daughter of gold, she didn\'t really experience the rich life. Everything was very simple, just like her father\'s motto.

Be ordinary and do real things.

"Dong Zhu, it\'s so expensive here."

Ma Weiwei said with a sweet smile.

Seeing her lovely appearance, Zhu Xi joked, "don\'t worry, it\'s my treat. You don\'t have to pay."

"I can\'t afford it either."

Ma Weiwei stuck out her tongue and smiled.

The coffee is very top-level, and Ma Weiwei is also a tasteful owner. Chatting with Zhu Xi makes her look at it with new eyes. Although Ma Weiwei\'s clothes brand is only a second-line brand, she knows from her speech and behavior that her family background is very good. Zhu Xi is very accurate in looking at people. She soon understood that Ma Weiwei is not a vain girl.

They talked well.

Zhu Xi seemed to forget her sadness and immersed herself in the soothing music rhythm of the silent cafe.

Ma Weiwei saw that Zhu Dong didn\'t speak, so she followed the silence and looked at the silent Cafe curiously.

After a long time, the coffee was finished.

Zhu Xi opened her eyes and said, "go back."

Ma Weiwei looked at the time. It was almost two o\'clock. When it was time to go to work, she got up and said, "well, go back."

They walked out of the silent cafe and followed up with a pair of faint eyes to detect Zhu Xi, but just touched it, Zhu Xi was shrouded in an aperture, and then made a fierce counterattack.

A dull hum came from the cafe, followed by a dead silence.


Zhu Xi and Ma Weiwei had just walked out of the cafe. Not far away, an excited voice came. A handsome boy got off a Ferrari by the side of the road, ran excitedly and shouted, "Weiwei, why are you here?"

Zhu Xi looks at Ma Weiwei.

After seeing each other, Ma Weiwei showed an embarrassed expression and whispered, "Dong Zhu, that... I don\'t know him..."

Junyi boys just began to focus on Ma Weiwei, because Ma Weiwei is the most beautiful girl she has ever seen, and she is also the daughter of a prominent vice governor. She is climbing up in all aspects, but when she sees Zhu Xi around Ma Weiwei, her eyes pop out.

My God, there are such beautiful women in the world.

The boy swallowed his saliva directly and almost went up to ask his name. However, Ma Weiwei was present and used a lot of strength to focus on Ma Weiwei. However, this comparison immediately came to a conclusion.

Compared with Ma Weiwei, boys like Zhu Xi more, but Zhu Xi is a kind of girl who will fall into crazy love and pity at a glance.

"Who is this?"

The boy asked curiously side by side with Ma Weiwei.

Ma Weiwei frowned slightly and avoided a small step. She didn\'t want to stand with the boys and said, "Junya, she is the chairman of our company. Dong Zhu, this is my friend."

The boy named Junya frowned and said unhappily, "Weiwei, we have determined our relationship. I\'m your boyfriend."

Ma Weiwei was unhappy. She was very unhappy with Junya\'s tone. They didn\'t determine the relationship, but just proposed to contact first. But Junya thought she was successful and claimed that Ma Weiwei was her girlfriend everywhere, which made Ma Weiwei very embarrassed.

At the beginning, Junya was introduced by her family. She was honest and should be reliable, but she had more contact. She found that Junya was not a gentleman on the surface, but had a childlike smell that Ma Weiwei didn\'t like, but it was hidden deeply at ordinary times.

For example, just now, Junya almost went up to chat up Zhu Xi.

"Weiwei, don\'t go to work. It\'s a company. I spent money to buy it and let you be the boss."

Junya seemed to be fascinated by Zhu Xi\'s style. Subconsciously, she began to show off and restore her true color. It seemed to announce to Zhu Xi that I was a rich man and a man worthy of you. She ignored Ma Weiwei\'s ugly face.