Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1179

Zhu Xi observes Ma Weiwei, who is also observing Zhu Xi. Looking at this legendary character, she is the object of worship of countless girls in the University. Her eyes blink, which is very cute.

It\'s beautiful.

Ma Weiwei sighed in her heart at the first sight of Zhu Xi. How could there be such a perfect woman in the world? It\'s better than the picture.

At Longcheng University, Ma Weiwei was the same student. Naturally, she had heard of the school flower Zhu Xi and had seen it with her own eyes, but she had never talked to Zhu Xi. However, she paid attention to Zhu Xi because of the rumors in the school that Yang Ping was with Zhu Xi. Therefore, Ma Weiwei also secretly collected Zhu Xi\'s information. After reading it, she was dejected. If Yang Ping was with Zhu Xi, I really have no way to compete. Whoever has a girlfriend like Zhu Xi, I\'m afraid I won\'t regret it all my life.

It\'s hard for a man to refuse a girl like Zhu Xi who is as beautiful as an immortal.

Although Ma Weiwei admired Zhu Xi, she tried to keep calm and said with a smile: "Hello, Dong Zhu."

Zhu Xi nodded, then opened the e-mail, pointed to the chair opposite the desk and said, "sit down first. Your name is Ma Weiwei. You are a student who graduated from Longcheng university this year and a winner of four national scholarships. Well, it\'s good." so beautiful, you can also get a national scholarship with excellent character and learning, which is preliminarily recognized by Zhu Xi, "You are also the president of the dance association? What kind of dance do you dance?"

Ma Weiwei listened to Zhu Dong\'s attention to her dance association and said, "Zhu Dong, our dance association is mainly hip-hop."

"Can you hip hop?"

Zhu Xi looked at Ma Weiwei again. She couldn\'t see what would happen if Ma Weiwei, who was hot, danced. I\'m afraid all the boys focused on her figure and didn\'t focus on her dancing level.

With a smile, Zhu Xi looked at Ma Weiwei. The other party seemed to bring a breath of youth campus. It was what he lacked most now. He nodded and said, "do you have any requirements to be my assistant?"

Ma Weiwei hurriedly said, "Dong Zhu is a famous person in school. Many girls and I admire you very much. If you can learn from Dong Zhu, you will learn a lot. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to follow Zhu Xi\'s requirements immediately, but I\'ll work very hard. Live up to Dong Zhu\'s expectations."

Zhu Xi saw Ma Weiwei nervous and said with a smile, "don\'t be nervous. I won\'t eat you. Well, you\'re mainly responsible for answering the phone for me now. If you meet an invitation, push it off. If it\'s something important, help me write it down."

Ma Weiwei was [email protected] ^^$

Zhu Xi wondered, "don\'t you want to?"

Ma Weiwei immediately woke up and asked in a low voice, "does Dong Zhu mean I was hired?"

Zhu Xi nodded.

Ma Weiwei was careful of the dirty and almost jumped up. She said, "no, I\'d love to. I just don\'t think it\'s true. I didn\'t expect to be around Zhu Dong... I\'m sorry, Zhu Dong, I lost my manners."

Zhu Xi waved and said, "HR will help you get familiar with the process. You can stay in the next office these days."! $*!

Ma Weiwei got up, nodded and said, "thank you, Dong Zhu. I will study hard and get familiar with what the assistant has to do as soon as possible."

After she left, the office was quiet again.

Zhu Xi thought of the chat just now, shook her head and looked out of the window. Who knows why she chose Ma Weiwei, a school student with no experience. If it was before, Ma Weiwei\'s performance alone would be directly pushed away.

In the past, Zhu Xi didn\'t like her assistant\'s worship of herself, because it couldn\'t improve efficiency. She wanted help, not admirers. But Ma Weiwei is very special. She is a kind of girl in the Department of healing. Her appearance alone can make people feel warm.

Of course, Zhu Xi is different from other bosses. If she is an ordinary female president, she can\'t look well. Seeing Ma Weiwei\'s beautiful, she will certainly dislike it and even deliberately make things difficult, but Ma Weiwei\'s beauty can\'t threaten Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi is never hostile to beautiful girls because she is confident enough.

But now there is one more person.

bright pearl.

Zhu Xi thought of the Pearl and found that the other party not only did not belong to him in appearance and ability, but also had a seductive temperament that intoxicated men, which was far from possible.


Lost to the best friend.

But there is no resentment, only blessing.

Zhu Xi frowned and remembered why she was in the village in the city. When she saw Yang Ping with Mingzhu, she was very angry and wanted to do something to revenge, but her head was covered, and then she didn\'t know what happened. When she woke up, she saw that there were subordinates around the company.

She called a trusted high-level telephone to understand the situation at that time. After listening to it, she frowned more tightly. She said in secret that it was strange how I insisted on developing villages in the city. That was not my idea.

Suddenly, Zhu Xi remembered something, turned pale and said in a trembling voice: "it can\'t be true..."

"That\'s true."

At this time, a voice came into my heart, as if from nine days, and said indifferently, "do you think you\'re dreaming? What you did almost destroyed everything. Zhu Xi, haven\'t you woke up yet?"

"Who are you?" Zhu Xiqiao\'s face changed and looked around, showing a nervous look.

"Who am I?"

The voice of nine Yin\'s sarcasm came and hummed, "I am you and you are me. Unfortunately, you disappoint me too much. I said that women can have more qualifications only when they are strong. But you keep on. Now they are hurt by men and lose their reason. If I didn\'t help you vent, you would have lost yourself. You become a madman."

Zhu Xi\'s heart beat wildly, shook her head and said, "I don\'t believe it."

Nine Yin directly showed her the crazy scene. A scene of a village in the city appeared in Zhu Xi\'s mind. With that indifferent expression and ruthless eyes, all sentient beings stepped on their feet and even occasionally shot crazy eyes.

Her face was pale, and Zhu Xi was shaking and could hardly believe it.

Is this a crazy self?


Zhu Xi muttered to herself, shook her head and said, "how could I become like that? It must be a dream. It\'s not true. Who are you?"


A sigh.

Jiuyin understood Zhu Xi\'s inner trembling very well, and no one would accept the incredible soul hiding. This is a mysterious and mysterious thing, which can not be explained by modern science and technology, but it does exist.

"I erased your previous memory. I know you love a man named Yang Ping deeply. I also know that you knit sweaters for him and apply for cooking classes for her..."


Zhu Xi was surprised and uncertain. What the other party said was true, and no one else knew these things except herself. She signed up under her false name.

"Is that true?"

Asked Zhu Xi.

"You let me down too much. Do you want to know why Yang Ping chose the Pearl instead of you?" Jiuyin asked.

Zhu Xi shook her head.

The nine Yin coldly said, "because you are too weak, you are not on the same level as Yang Ping, and you don\'t know his world. Mingzhu is in the same world with him, so you can take your man."

Zhu Xi lowered her head and whispered, "I know, but I can\'t learn ancient martial arts."

Nine Yin sneered and said, "I can teach you to become a super strong person stronger than Yang Ping."

Zhu Xi looked up fiercely.

"But don\'t be happy too early. Everything has to pay a price. If you want to become stronger, I can help you. But when you cultivate to the state of heaven, help me go to a place."

Jiuyin youyou road.

"A very distant place."