Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1178

Although the tone and attitude are not friendly, Yang Ping is relieved, because this is what Zhu Xi should be like.

"Why are you here?"

Zhu Xi frowned and said coldly, "come to see my joke? Although China Airlines Group doesn\'t have you, it still operates well."


Yang Ping laughed and shook his head.

Others looked at each other and looked at the chairman\'s eyes with a little surprise. It sounds that the chairman is a little different from Yang Ping. This is definitely not the attitude towards subordinates and other men in the company.

Zhu Xi didn\'t see it. A man secretly called and said something about the scene.

Yang Ping saw it and didn\'t think so.

Zhu Xi said displeased, "what\'s the matter? Do you think I\'m down and out now? Do you want your sympathy?"

Yang Ping coughed and hurriedly said, "no, I\'m just coming around. Which one..." hesitated and reminded, "don\'t develop the village in the city for the time being. We\'ll talk about it later."

After the seal was reinforced, Jiuyin returned to the body and erased some of it. It was remembered that Zhu Xi\'s memory was still the moment when he saw Yang Ping fooling around with Mingzhu and losing his mind before coming to the village in the city.

"What\'s your expression!"

Zhu Xi was aggressive and sneered. She had no previous aloof temperament. Instead, she was like a jealous girl, angry at her boyfriend, and others were even more afraid to speak. Many people wondered whether they wanted to leave to avoid bringing disaster to the fish in the pond.

Yang Ping smiled.

Zhu Xi kept Yang Ping silent and said coldly to others: "what are you doing here and don\'t go back to work? Do you think the treatment of the group is too good and come out to relax?"

The others immediately dispersed.

Zhu Xi and Yang Ping were left at the venue, and even the driver ran away. The driver felt that the old and evil door of this place was awake for a while, blurred for a while, and collapsed after waking up. He was more tired than seven times a night. When he walked, he swayed his feet, looked at the construction site in fear, turned and slipped away.

Zhu Xi looked up at the sky and deliberately didn\'t go to see Yang Ping. He wanted to persuade him. He didn\'t know how to speak.


Unexpectedly, Zhu Xi smiled sadly, looked at Yang Ping with complex eyes and said in a low voice, "I\'ve lost my manners."

Somehow, seeing Zhu Xi\'s sad expression, Yang Ping felt that Zhu Xi might really like herself and open her mouth to speak, but Zhu Xi shook her head and stopped: "you don\'t have to explain anything. Now that you have chosen, this is the result. I won\'t bother you again in the future. Thank you. I didn\'t know anything before and wronged you."

Zhu Xi turned around and wanted to leave.


Yang Ping shouted hurriedly. Seeing the moment Zhu Xi turned around, it seemed that his heart was torn and very uncomfortable. He didn\'t want to see Zhu Xi uncomfortable and feel Zhu Xi\'s sadness. He clearly knew that this might be the best result, but there were thousands of kinds of reluctance to give up when he really faced Zhu Xi.

"Anything else?" Zhu Xi turned and looked at Yang Ping coldly. That kind of indifference was different from the indifference when the nine Yin was powerful, but the indifference caused by the sadness of death, which made Yang Ping unbearable.

Sometimes Yang Ping feels very cheap. Since she has chosen, she will live with Mingzhu and don\'t disturb Zhu Xi\'s life. But he saw the tears in the corners of Zhu Xi\'s eyes, the deep sadness in Zhu Xi\'s pupils and the sad temperature of the clouds falling in the sky, which wrapped the two people. They were clearly in front of him, but Yang Ping knew that this time, the distance between them might be farther and farther.

When one day, they meet again, close to the end of the world, can they bear it.


Yang Ping sighed and smiled.

Imperceptibly, Zhu Xi\'s slender hand trembled slightly, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, nodded and said, "bye."


Yang Ping whispered and waved, and Zhu Xi\'s car gradually went away.

The air in summer is cold, like the cold wind at night, with sadness for leaving others. Yang Ping clenched his fist and his eyes were red. He said to himself, this is the best. There is no better solution than this.

This farewell, thousands of mountains and rivers.

This parting is difficult and dangerous.

This farewell is far away.

Yang Ping turned and left the village in the city. With a sigh, he echoed over the village in the city. In the dark night, the stars shone like sad eyes, and fell faint eyes, which filled the dark place and the buffer of the world, wrapped with a layer of sadness.

Back to Maybach of China Airlines Group.

Zhu Xi holds the steering wheel and bites her lips. Her thin lips are pale. The slender hand holding the steering wheel has used its strength to make the car swing. I won\'t cry and I won\'t be sad anymore.

But tears still couldn\'t help falling.

Sadness can\'t help pouring into my heart.

"Why are you so cruel to me?"

Zhu Xi stopped the car, closed her eyes and sighed.

China Airlines Group.

An hour later, Zhu Xi sorted out her mood, returned to China Airlines Group and walked into the hall. Many people smiled and said hello. She just nodded, then quickly walked into the elevator and closed her eyes at the moment when the elevator closed.

I don\'t know how to get back to the office. Like a walking corpse, Zhu Xi leaned back in her chair and felt physically and mentally exhausted.

"Chairman?" the landline remembered. Zhu Xi looked at the office phone and pressed hands-free. "The secretary you are looking for has news. We have selected one person after layers. Would you like to try?"

Zhu Xi was in a bad mood and wanted to refuse, but on second thought, she felt good: "let her come up."

"OK, chairman."

Zhu Xi sighed. In fact, she didn\'t hold much hope for the new secretary. Last time, she didn\'t know how to be a man or do things. She delayed major events several times, so she returned to her original post, so she wanted to find a new secretary.

Her request is very simple. She doesn\'t want people in the company, because the psychology of the employees who come out and mix with others will be complex. It\'s easy to figure out the boss\'s mind, resulting in timidity in doing things, so she wants a student who is about to graduate.

The personnel department attached great importance to the chairman\'s request. The next day, the personnel department immediately went to the campus for recruitment, and also released a huge job fair. A total of more than 300 people came to fight hard, because not to mention the treatment of China Airlines Group, the president\'s assistant only started with an annual salary of 200000, and was able to learn from Zhu Xi, the legendary figure who founded the section in the school park. Many people would rather not have money.

Zhu Xi silently looked out of the window and sighed. Yang Ping\'s appearance reappeared in her mind. She gritted her teeth and said, "it\'s all over. How can you think of anything else? Go out for me!" but the more unhappy she was, the clearer Yang Ping\'s shadow became. In her mind, in the office, and even the reflection of the computer screen, it was Yang Ping\'s shadow.

Feeling that she was going crazy, she picked up her notebook and threw it at the door.


The notebook fell to the ground and smashed in half.

But it happened to hit on a pair of slender thighs. Zhu Xi looked along the broken notebook, first a pair of beautiful thighs, then a pure white dress, a slender waist, and a mountain peak larger than himself. Although it was wrapped well, it still exposed the size. No man could resist it and would see each other\'s body at the first sight. But her skin can be broken by blowing bullets, which perfectly sets off the hot devil\'s body.

Looking up, Zhu Xi had to marvel. The girl had a baby face, but she had an extremely hot figure. What\'s more, although she had good physical conditions, her stubborn eyes seemed to say that I didn\'t rely on her figure, but my wisdom.

There are many girls who can rely on their body but rely on their wisdom, but they can do very little.

Zhu Xi sees people very accurately and knows at a glance that the other party is a very capable girl.

"Hello, Zhu Dong. My name is Ma Weiwei. I\'m your new secretary."

The girl smiled sweetly, as if it could warm people\'s hearts, and her voice was gentle, she smiled.