Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1172

He saw the world clearly and recovered his reason, but Mingzhu was seriously injured. Yang Ping was startled and hurriedly held Mingzhu with an excited look. He didn\'t know why Mingzhu was injured. In his epiphany just now, he felt that someone wanted to block his enlightenment, lost in his dream, and someone wanted to pull him into the dark, so his body instinctively resisted. Mingzhu was far from Yang Ping\'s opponent, and was shocked out and seriously injured.

"Nothing." seeing through Yang Ping, Mingzhu shook her head and said weakly, "go back first."

When Yang Ping left with the Pearl, the Public Security Bureau returned to normal. The shouting and resentful women found that the murderer was missing, so they shouted again, claiming to tell the media about the darkness of the government. Some even pointed to Yang Guoyong\'s nose to scold corrupt officials and protect them.

Yang Guoyong\'s face is black, but he is more uncomfortable. He understands the sadness of these people. Those who lose relatives will not be crazy, but they are used without knowing and become tools used by others.

Someone must have given instructions behind their back, otherwise they could not boldly break into the Public Security Bureau.

Seeing that the Secretary of the municipal Party Secretary could not get the Secretary\'s praise again and again, he was uneasy. He saw that Yang Guoyong was in a bad mood, so he began to comfort those manic women. Yang Guoyong was in a better mood. This secretary was very unreliable today. He didn\'t know the real idea at all. He was not a fool. He knew how to comfort the people.

The women began to be afraid when they saw the murderer leave and the impulse dissipated slowly.

Fortunately, the secretary did not speak harshly, but promised that the government would not let a bad person go, but would not wronged any good person, so let us wait and believe that this government is fair.

The women were taken to the nearby conference room by the Secretary for psychological comfort, and immediately called the senior coordination of Biyuan group. The senior management of Biyuan group was very sensible and promised to give economic compensation on the spot, which was regarded as the sincere gold of Biyuan group for the development of villages in the city.

200000 per person.

Most of the women come here because the pillars are dead and have no source of income, but they get the promise of 200000. Shut up immediately. 200000 is not a small number. So far, there is no demolition in the villages in the city, and most of them rent, and the land and houses do not belong to them.

At the same time, Biyuan group also promised to give each person a house.

This can make women very happy. They look at the Secretary\'s eyes with awe and worship. Remembering the hysterical abuse of corrupt officials just now, it\'s good. Instead of being caught in prison, you can get 200000 economic compensation and a house.

This is a pie from the sky.

Comforting the women in the village, the Secretary hurried to the next office to ask for credit and said the thing again. He didn\'t put it down until he saw Yang Guoyong\'s face. Finally, he was in excessive difficulties and could stay with the leader for the time being.

The position of secretary is not easy to do.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. If you are not satisfied at all, the leaders can replace you. The Secretary has just been transferred to Yang Guoyong. It\'s hard to be trusted. Now there\'s something wrong and he\'s almost scared to death.

"We should protect the lives and property of the people. The government does not allow anyone to hurt you. On behalf of the Longcheng municipal Party committee, I promise you that I will catch the murderer and give you justice."

Yang Guoyong is very good at speaking and shows a sincere smile in the face of women\'s uneasy eyes.

Gradually, the women felt Yang Guoyong\'s sincerity, let go of their vigilance, smiled awkwardly, and then began to apologize.

Yang Ping sighed, "I understand your hard work. Such a serious problem can\'t be tolerated. But please believe us, we must pay a fair price. But don\'t be taken advantage of."

When the women heard this, they turned pale and bowed their heads.

Yang Guoyong said earnestly: "some people think that the law is not responsible for the public, which is a wrong idea. We have the responsibility to protect everyone\'s safety, but we are also worried that everyone will be used. If you can provide some clues..."

The women\'s heart beat faster and dared not look into Yang Guoyong\'s eyes.

The secretary took the opportunity to say, "don\'t be afraid. There is a secretary to support you."

A woman, the one who hated Yang Ping the most, stood up, hugged her daughter and said shyly, "Secretary Yang, we realized we were wrong and shouldn\'t break into the Public Security Bureau. If you want to go to jail, catch me. I picked it out."

Yang Guoyong was secretly pleased, but his face was full of harmony and said, "how can I blame you? Don\'t worry, we don\'t have to worry about today."

Others looked at each other and put down the big stone in their hearts.

It\'s worth it to get a house without going to jail.

"Secretary Yang, I can confess that we came here because someone said that Yang Ping was the murderer. He was from China Airlines Group and committed many things, but he didn\'t go to jail. Because he had a good relationship with the government, we felt unfair and came here..." the woman didn\'t mean to make trouble, so she could only be vague.

"What does it look like?" Yang Guoyong hurriedly said.

The woman quickly described it. Yang Guoyong motioned the painter of the Criminal Investigation Department of the public security bureau to check and try to find out the person behind him and punish him severely.

Yang Guoyong breathed a sigh of relief when a major event that almost led to bloodshed subsided.

"Where\'s Yang Ping?"

Yang Guoyong wondered and remembered that Yang Ping seemed to be in the office. At that time, he was very strange. The weather changed extremely, but he didn\'t remember at all.

The whole public security bureau is like a dream, except for two people.

Director\'s office.

Duan Fei was hard to calm down. He felt the darkness on Yang Ping and was almost scared to death. When he felt the darkness level higher than him, he knew that Yang Ping was too terrible. If he gets angry, he will die.

Wang sat on the sofa in his office with a cigarette in his hand to calm the panic.




In the face of the darkness emanating from Yang Ping, Wang had an impulse to destroy. It was like seeing the world burst and darkness come. He didn\'t want to experience it for the second time in his life.

She can\'t smoke, but she has a cigarette.

Duan Fei looked at Wang with complicated eyes and said, "Wang, are you okay?"

Wang looked up and saw Duan Fei\'s concerned eyes. It was not like fraud, but he was not moved. Instead, he walked out of the office with a cold face.

Duan Fei hurriedly said, "Wang, I have something to tell you."

Wang stopped and said coldly, "Duan Bureau, say something at the meeting. There must be someone behind such a big thing in the Public Security Bureau. I will catch the behind the scenes."

Duan Fei looked at Wang\'s beautiful shadow, saw the hard lines, sighed in his heart and said, "I\'m sorry."

Wang Jiao shuddered, then quickly calmed down and said, "Duan bureau is my leader. Wang can\'t afford your apology to me. If there\'s nothing wrong, I\'ll go out first."

Duan Fei wanted to stop Wang and apologize for what had happened before. He had hurt Wang too deeply. He used her again and again and didn\'t like her at all. Wang later reacted. After he died once, he saw Duan Fei\'s true face and no longer had hope.

"Pay attention to safety, the village in the city is not simple," Duan Fei reminded.

Wang left the office without looking back.

Yang Ping finally didn\'t fall into darkness. He turned back from the edge of the cliff and broke through again. His spiritual strength reached an unimaginable level. As long as he thought a little, he could see the essence of the world clearly.

This is the spiritual power of Mahatma level.

Yasheng realm, but it has the spiritual power of the great saint level.

Never before.

Yang Ping took the Pearl back to the treasure house. Just after entering, Tao Chengqi hurried out and said anxiously, "I found the trace of Mrs. Zhu."