Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1173

Mrs. Zhu has disappeared since the last time when hearts K designed the treasure Pavilion, and the cocoon disappeared out of thin air. Yang Ping has been looking for it for a long time and has not found any trace. If she is not sure that Mrs. Zhu is all right, I\'m afraid the treasure pavilion would have been in disorder.

Tao Chengqi said anxiously, "come and have a look, I just......" it seemed that he remembered something. His eyes were shocked and uneasy.

After settling the Pearl in the room, Yang Ping hurriedly followed Tao Chengqi to the seal center of Zhushan. Because all the seal experts of xuanjizi had fled, Zhushan was dilapidated, leaving only a huge pit. Relying on the energy support of the spark stone, the seal barely maintained the channel seal of the dark place.

When he came to the bamboo forest and stood at the edge of the huge pit, Yang Ping looked dignified when he saw the scene in the pit.

The giant pit is transparent, as if it is connected to another world, separated by a thin sealing film like a cicada\'s wing. On the other side, there is a channel. The two ends of the channel connect two worlds, one is Yang Ping\'s world, one is full of mysterious unknown, full of darkness everywhere.

The light cocoon is suspended in the channel, like a door to block the erosion of the dark place. Every time the dark gas erodes, the light cocoon emits a magical void energy to strengthen the seal.

After reading it, Yang Ping turned and left, becoming more and more silent.

Tao Chengqi naturally didn\'t have Yang Ping\'s eyesight. He followed up and asked, "what\'s the matter with madam? I saw a light cocoon, isn\'t she?"

Yang Ping nodded, but did not continue to answer.

Tao Chengqi had a bad feeling. Although he was anxious, he was silent all the way. At the other hospital, Yang Ping sat opposite each other. Yang Ping sighed and remained silent for a long time. Tao Chengqi couldn\'t help but say, "what\'s going on, you say."

"Madam won\'t come back for the time being."

Yang Ping\'s face was bitter and helpless.

Peach Chengqi\'s heart beat faster, and there are really few things that can make Yang Ping change color. Even if red peach K enters the treasure Pavilion, it is not so serious, showing concern.

"If you don\'t come back for the time being, you can come back. When on earth?"

Tao Chengyi thought about it and felt that his wife still had a glimmer of vitality, showing her longing, and looked at Yang Ping eagerly.

"Maybe tomorrow, maybe I won\'t come back. I\'m not sure."

Yang Ping youyou road.

Tao Chengyi stopped talking and sighed at the end.

Mingzhu\'s health is very poor. It\'s really very poor. Her bright eyes are dimmed. The whole person seems to have been robbed by others. It\'s conceivable that the price to be paid to get close to Yang Ping who is trapped in madness. A dark essence that can frighten Wang and Duan Fei. Mingzhu is safe. Pulling him back from the darkness must pay a heavy price, But the cost is far from simple.


When Mingzhu saw Yang Ping coming in and trying to get up, Yang Ping was startled. She took two and three steps to help her pad a pillow on her back. She said with concern, "I\'m back. You have a good rest. In fact, don\'t ask more questions."

Pearl nodded and looked straight at Yang Ping. Her eyes contained too many things, including unbearable, helpless and attachment.

Yang Ping wondered, "what\'s the matter with you? I sensed that you had been to the village in the city and changed a lot after you came back."

Mingzhu was surprised and said, "can you feel my position?"

Next, Yang Ping told President Qu about it again. He didn\'t even hide his past life skills. He knew everything about the Pearl, said everything, and absolutely trusted it. After hearing this, Mingzhu said, "external force is only relief, not cure. But being able to stay with you for another second is also the happiest moment of my life."

Yang Ping held the Pearl tightly for fear of losing it and said, "I will cure you. I will." his tone was undoubtedly full of strong challenges, and he had to fight for those who God wanted to take away.

What about death? Blow it up!

The two didn\'t talk too much. Mingzhu was sleepy and continued to sleep. Yang Ping used the five element acupuncture to help her recover her vitality, and then tried to remove the curse in her body with the art of death. The effect was not good. The first layer of the art of death had a poor effect on the curse in Mingzhu, which was not as good as the five element acupuncture. It seems that she needs to continue to practice and strive to reach the second layer.

When Pearl was asleep, Yang Ping went out of the room and pulled out a cigarette.

Tao Chengqi didn\'t know where he came from and said, "what\'s the matter?" it was not right when he came back from the Pearl. Yang Ping\'s face was not good-looking and he had a dispute in his heart, so he asked.

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and said, "it\'s all right. Everything is under control."

Tao Chengqi was hard to say. He left with a few words of comfort.

After smoking a cigarette, Yang Ping came back to Zhushan and looked at the seal inside the giant pit. In the seal, the light cocoon runs across the channel to intercept the erosion of the dark gas. It is like a protective god, protecting the treasure Pavilion and the people of Longcheng.

Feeling his wife\'s desperate determination, Yang Ping wanted to replace her. Supporting the seal is the ultimate for Helian mountain master. Using the seal with his own ability has great pressure, not to mention going deep into the seal and intercepting the channel. The pressure on my wife is much stronger now than outside.

How long can she support?

This is what Yang Ping thinks.

Although the treasure Pavilion is calm, there is no struggle in Longcheng. This is the darkness before dawn. It may break out at any time at the most crazy time. One by one, the enemy lurks in the dark, staring at the treasure Pavilion, waiting for the opportunity. If there is shabby, everyone present will die without a place to bury.

"The village in the city is the most critical place."

Yang Ping took a puff of smoke and muttered to himself.

Night fell completely.

The dragon city is covered with a layer of black yarn and looks mysterious.

The villages in the city were brightly lit, and a large number of magic rattan infections and casualties did not cut off their nightlife. Under the pink light, people who do skin and meat business continue to wait for guests. There will be no fewer customers at night stalls, and even the night in the village in the city is a little brighter than in the past.

The king took people to the village in the city and looked for the corresponding person according to the woman\'s confession. The woman explained that the person who instigated them to make trouble in the Public Security Bureau lived in the village in the city, gave a brief description, and then gave an address.

The people\'s building next to the construction site of the village in the city.

It was pitch black.

The king led people to surround here. Those who dare to instigate women in urban villages to make trouble are equal to crimes against national public security. This is a very serious crime and belongs to criminal responsibility. Moreover, the Secretary of Longcheng municipal Party committee is extremely important. He personally explained that he should catch the black hand behind him and make an example.

"Wang Bureau, something\'s wrong." a criminal policeman came forward and whispered, "there\'s no one in the building on the infrared detector. Has that person run away?"

Wang stared at the dark people\'s building, shook his head and said, "I feel him in the building."

The criminal policeman\'s eyes were very confused. The infrared detector couldn\'t detect it. Could Wang Youtian\'s eyes fail, but he didn\'t dare to disobey the order and began to arrange tasks to catch the suspects in the building.

A small group of policemen re entered the building.

Wang looked calm and guarded the door.


After the police went in, they made a sad cry and were injured in the induction. Obviously, there was a simple battle inside. The force value of the other party was far higher than that of ordinary people, and the police with guns were far from their opponent.

Wang continued to stand unmoved.

When the cry disappeared, a dark shadow crossed the high wall and fled towards the outside. The king moved.

She was like a big bird. The ROC spread its wings and flew up the waterfall. She soon caught up with the shadow. After a simple fight, the shadow was broken to the ground, revealing a dark killing opportunity, and said, "I don\'t want to kill. If you force me again, you\'re looking for death."

Wang stared at the shadow and said faintly, "come back with me. Don\'t take chances."

The shadow smiled grimly and hummed, "baga."

He did it.

Throw out the cold light all over the sky.

Wang frowned, then showed his murderous spirit and hummed, "island ninja, you are an island spy."