Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1171

"Madam is worried." Taoist Zun put down his tea cup, patted the dust on the yellow robe slowly, sighed softly, and his face was full of aftertaste of the fragrance of tea. "I saw madam twenty years ago, I was in the well, but madam was outside."

"When I saw my wife twenty years later, I was still in the well, but my wife fell in from the sky like me. We were at the same level, but we saw different things. I don\'t know whether I jumped out or my wife fell to the altar."

Tao Zun stared into his wife\'s eyes, full of strong challenges, and said, "can you ask?"

One wife at a time. Principal Qu didn\'t like the address of his wife, but liked the name of the principal very much. He knew that Taoist Zun deliberately stimulated himself, but he didn\'t care much. He said indifferently, "you are very confident in yourself."


Taoist Zun smiled and asked, "can you ask?"

Ask again.

Taoist Zun did not shrink back, but released a strong fighting idea. Over the years, he saw too many narrow and too many life and death departures in the well, so he practiced the heart of heaven and wanted to test whether he was side by side with the legendary experts.

"My husband once said that the world is so big that frogs sit and watch the sky. They only see the sky in their own eyes and never listen to others. This kind of person is terrible. If he happens to prove that the sky he sees is the sky he wants to prove, he will be more arrogant."

Qu Changping Jingdao.

Taoist Zun squinted and said, "enjoy twenty years of peace. The world has changed. Madam, you should be sober."

Principal Qu showed a sarcastic smile and stared at daozun.

Then Taoist Zun lowered his head and saw the emptiness of the earth under his feet. With the emptiness, essence and truth completely emptied in this eye, President Qu\'s eyes turned into gold, which was the kind of bright gold that made all races in the world ashamed.

This is blood [email protected] ^^$

Taoist Zun sighed, nodded and said, "it\'s really madam."

Then daozun completely disappeared and became the air floating in the teahouse.

President Qu was not happy when he defeated daozun, because daozun was just a separate body in front of him. He could enter Longcheng calmly. If he hadn\'t detected it in advance, he couldn\'t find it. Although he didn\'t know daozun\'s purpose, he shouldn\'t challenge himself simply, but there must be a conspiracy.

After careful thinking, principal Qu understood and sighed, "it is worthy of being a Taoist reverence. You can cultivate the heart of immortality for a hundred years."

"Yang Ping, you must not enter the magic barrier."! $*!

Principal Qu left the teahouse.

This is a war without gunpowder smoke. Taoist Zun has planted seeds in Yang Ping\'s heart for triggering. Now is the best opportunity. If Yang Ping can\'t pass the heart devil, he will become a chess piece of Taoist Zun, which is more terrible than losing.

But in the past, his spiritual strength will be stronger and unmatched among his peers.

bureau of public security.

Yang Ping quietly looked out of the window as if everything did not exist. For the country and the people, what he got was resentment and hatred. Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

This idea has been lingering in his mind. In the past, he had a very firm belief that he was willing to sacrifice everything for the country and the people, because that was his belief. However, when his feet stepped on the ideal and saw a broader sky, serving the country and the people was not a belief, but a choice.

Every saint has his own way, because the road comes out by himself.

Yang Ping has been groping for the road.

Now that faith is about to collapse, we see resentment and darkness.

The sky over the head of the Public Security Bureau suddenly darkened, and the darkness covered a few kilometers. The heavy oppression attacked everyone\'s heart. Yang Guoyong and others only felt as if there was a rock hammered hard, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Infected by the darkness, the women who resented Yang Ping attacked more madly. At this moment, Yang Ping had no clean place, tea, coffee, messy black hair and blurred his eyes.

The death of the project manager and the great change of Zhu Xi deeply stimulated Yang Ping\'s heart.

He needs to vent.

So darkness came.

The dark energy hidden in the Dantian became restless and flowed towards the meridians, leading to the spiritual world. There was darkness in the golden world, and thunder flashed under the dark clouds over the Public Security Bureau.

Thunder moves demons.

From a distance, her eyes were worried and reminded, but Yang Ping turned a deaf ear, as if she had entered the world of herself. That was the superego above herself. Now even if Xuanji came, it could not be changed.

You can only rely on yourself.

"Yang Ping."

Yang Guoyong gave a tentative cry. Just about to go up, he was bounced off by a force. The Secretary of the municipal Party committee was scared to death and wanted to save him, but he was also shocked.

When Wang saw Yang Ping\'s change, his face changed slightly, but soon there was a great fear and fear in his heart, as if Yang Ping was a sacred and inviolable God with supreme authority. It was disrespectful to come forward.

The grade difference is too big.

The darkness in the king\'s body already belongs to the top. It is the strongest in the dark place, but compared with Yang Ping in front of him, it is not a level at all. Duan Fei in the office next door was the same. His body trembled. The devil in Pandora\'s box seemed to see the breath of the emperor and didn\'t dare to resist. He knelt directly on the ground.

Duan Fei looked up and said in horror, "what a dark breath!"

Yang Ping\'s eyes were gradually covered by darkness, fell into self doubt, and then lost. At this moment, he was not hiding his breath. A storm rose from the Public Security Bureau, as if dragon city rolled up a disaster. Everyone looked at the sky in despair.

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building.

Dark clouds are pressing on the city to destroy it.

This feeling of despair poured into everyone\'s body, whether ordinary people, martial arts, even Yasheng, sage and Mahatma. They had to tremble in the face of this breath, because it was terrible.

The sky is completely dark.

Treasure Pavilion.

Pearl just came back from the outside and was about to enter the door. She suddenly felt the darkness coming. Her face changed greatly. She rushed to the Public Security Bureau and murmured, "no, Yang Ping, you must keep your heart and not fall into the darkness."

When they came to the Public Security Bureau, everyone fell into the environment.

Only a few people remain awake.

The monitoring couldn\'t bear the current rolling and broke one after another. The Pearl almost stepped on the broken monitoring video fragments and rushed to the office. When he saw Yang Ping\'s feet off the ground, he wanted to throw himself into the embrace of darkness.

"Yang Ping, wake up!"

Mingzhu reluctantly entered Yang Ping\'s dark field, dragged him down and shouted.



Just when Yang Ping was about to escape into the darkness, a blue light spread in the middle of his eyebrows and poured all over his body to suppress all the darkness.

Then the darkness receded.

The light is coming.

Yang Ping opened her eyes and saw the world clearly.

Just now he had a dream, a very real dream. He dreamed that he had gained invincible power, but he lost himself at a heavy price. Fortunately, he heard the voice of the Pearl and reluctantly found his reason.

Looking back, Yang Ping\'s heart trembled.

The whole Pearl was pasted on the wall, bleeding from the corners of her mouth, but looking at Yang Ping\'s eyes, she was all concerned and worried.