Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1170

bureau of public security.

When Yang Ping came in, Yang Guoyong, Secretary of Longcheng municipal Party committee, rushed over for fear that Duanfei would do something unfavorable to Yang Ping. As a top leader, he knew more or less the situation of Longcheng. If he was wronged, he didn\'t need to continue to work in this position.

Duan Fei didn\'t come forward and let Wang deal with it, which was beyond Yang Guoyong\'s expectation. He thought there would be a terrible tremor, but strangely, Duan Fei didn\'t seem interested in targeting Yang Ping.

Wang\'s office.

Yang Guoyong looked at the old God Yang Ping and said with a bitter smile, "Yang Shao, what\'s going on? You almost scared me to death."

Yang Ping wanted to say something, but shook his head.

Yang Guoyong is in a hurry. Although he is the top leader, it is impossible to let people leave the Public Security Bureau. There is still room for maneuver if the case is not filed. The most important thing is to find out the causes and consequences of the case. Yang Guoyong absolutely does not believe that Yang Ping will kill at will.

Then the secretary came in and said something in his ear.

Yang Guoyong\'s face changed slightly and said, "Yang Ping, the mother and son United. Many people are sitting at the door of the Public Security Bureau. What do you say?"

Yang Ping frowned and said coldly, "there is someone behind."

Yang Guoyong nodded and said, "the problem can be big or small, but it\'s not a small problem involving the people\'s livelihood. Wang has gone to comfort him and wants to make it small, but they insist that you are the murderer. I don\'t know how to explain."

Yang Ping sighed, "what else can I do? I killed people. If I tell you, those things are not people, but disguised. Do you believe it?"

Yang Guoyong was stunned.

Yang Ping finally stopped hiding, but did not say anything about the dark place, but contacted the previous karst cave. At that time, Yang Guoyong was also present, so it was clear that there were some things in the world that could not be explained by science.

Yang Guoyong turned pale and shouted, "who are you? You didn\'t kill anyone?"

Yang Ping motioned to keep your voice down.

Yang Guoyong\'s eyes are changeable. Although he wants to deny it, he needs to know that party members are atheists. If he believes in ghosts and gods, he will make mischief, but he knows that Yang Ping will not say casually that all the people he killed are monsters.

"I believe you," Yang Guoyong said in a deep voice.

"But people outside won\'t believe it. I\'m just the murderer who killed their relatives. I\'m just a tool for your officials to protect each other." Yang Ping laughed at himself and helped others. He was finally wronged. The feeling that good people have no good reward has long been used to it.

"What about this?" Yang Guoyong asked.

Yang Ping smiled, but in Yang Guoyong\'s view, the smile was not happy, but with sadness and sadness. He said, "it doesn\'t matter."

Yang Guoyong always felt that Yang Ping was in a wrong state.

"That\'s him!"

A voice shouted. As a group of people rushed to the office, they burst into the office and shouted angrily after seeing Yang Ping: "kill him, kill for life, and return my husband."

The Secretary of the municipal Party committee was so frightened that he pulled Yang Guoyong out and dared not face the anger of the common people. Yang Guoyong was so angry that he pushed the Secretary away and rushed to the front. The bitter mouth woman said, "don\'t be impulsive. You can tell me anything. I\'m Yang Guoyong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee."

Although the Secretary fell to the ground, he turned pale when he heard the Secretary\'s words. If the people anger the Secretary, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Yang Guoyong gave the secretary a stern stare, told him not to mess around, then showed a kind smile and said, "you don\'t believe in the Public Security Bureau, but also believe in the government. Can I speak to you on behalf of the government?"

The woman ran out with her daughter in her arms and cried, "secretary, you have to decide for me. He is a murderer. Such a person should be shot." pointing to Yang Ping, she showed her hatred and looked ferocious.

Yang Ping was silent.

Yang Guoyong\'s heart was heavy and he kept comforting. Unfortunately, his human feelings were angry and difficult to control. He picked up something handy and smashed it on Yang Ping. For a time, no one dared to stop it. Wang and others didn\'t know what obstacles they encountered outside and couldn\'t stop it in a short time.

A tea cup hit his head. It was made by the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and was used to water Yang Ping\'s black hair.

Yang Ping looked embarrassed and looked closely at the angry people. He saw anger on their faces and hatred in their eyes. Is he a murderer? If they don\'t do it, they may still be alive, but they live in a dream. One day, when their relatives are crazy, they start killing their families.

But they can\'t see it.

Yang Ping was in a bad mood. After Zhu Xi changed, it seemed that a heavy stone pressed him out of breath. He felt that he was wrong. Now he saw ferocious faces, looked at the people in his villages like enemies, and suddenly remembered the words of Taoist priest.

"All beings are ants, and saints are innocent."

Tao Zun saw through the hearts of the people before he said such words.

Am I right?

Yang Ping has a new understanding of Taoist Zun\'s words anyway. An extremely mysterious idea breeds in his heart. It is like planting a dark seed on fertile soil. As long as you give it rain and sunshine, it can grow.

The thought of Taoism began to take root and erode the original idea.

Yang Ping watched quietly and let everyone throw things on him. There was even a knife inserted into him. There was no blood and his clothes were broken.

Yang Guoyong showed concern for fear that Yang Ping would kill in anger.

He is a terrible means to see Yang Ping.

But Yang Guoyong worried too much.

Yang Ping did not move, but suffered all the blows. He silently looked at these angry and screaming people. They lost their relatives, but he blamed himself for all the crimes, and it was impossible to believe the legend of the dark place.

Who can explain?

Who can argue?

Who can be innocent?

Yang Ping closed her eyes and entered a strange level.

Heaven and man fight.

Ideas are changing.


A pair of eyes are paying attention to Yang Ping\'s changes. He is as ruthless as the Tao of heaven, but different from the Tao of heaven, he hides great ambition.

In an unknown teahouse.

Sitting there was an old man in yellow robe, hale and hearty, with a child\'s face and hair. He carried a cup of tea and tasted all kinds of life. Sometimes he sighed, which made the surrounding situation change and the illusion derive. There was no one around. He said that the people around couldn\'t see the old man in yellow robe sitting in front of him.

"The way of heaven is my way, and the heart of heaven is my heart."

"The seeds of ideas will eventually sprout."

The old man in yellow robe smiled and seemed very satisfied with the taste of the tea, or with the change of Yang Ping\'s thought in the Public Security Bureau. This is a fair and aboveboard Bureau. He is playing chess and playing chess with xuanjizi every other space.

He didn\'t do anything these days. He just watched quietly and waited for the change.

Finally there was an opportunity.

The Taoist priest knew that the human heart is unpredictable and the heavenly heart is difficult to understand. If he wants to conquer a person, he not only depends on force, but also the surrender of the body is not the real surrender. Only the surrender of the idea is the real surrender.

Yang Ping is a man of firm faith, but after a blow, once his faith changes, it will become incomparably strong.

This is what Taoist Zun values.

"Old friend, since you\'re here, why don\'t you sit down and watch." Taoist Zun smiled at the sky, "it looks very interesting."

Principal Qu appeared in front of him, looked at daozun and said, "we still underestimate you."

Tao Zun clapped his hands and said happily, "it\'s my honor to be praised by my wife."

"You\'re playing with fire."

Principal Qu said coldly.

"It was someone else who burned himself, which has nothing to do with me." Tao Zun replied without smoke and anger, calm and natural.

Principal Qu looked in the direction of the Public Security Bureau, with a worried look in his eyes.