Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1169

Wang looked very painful. He looked at Yang Ping for help, and then his eyes swept to the corner of the night, which was the source of her pain.

There are a pair of eyes in the dark, like a wolf.

He stared at Wang with cold eyes and turned away when Yang Ping looked at him.

Wang returned to normal, but exclaimed, collapsed and sat on the ground. Her pretty face was very pale. It was just a moment that made her lose all her strength. She trembled, barely stood up and said, "he\'s gone."

Yang Ping said, "it\'s back. Can I help you?"

Wang quickly shook his head, showed firm eyes, gasped and said, "I just want to ask you, did you kill so many people?"

Yang Ping nodded directly.

Wang turned pale and shouted, "nonsense, it\'s not you at all, is it right, Yang Ping, are you crazy?"

Yang Ping sighed and said with a smile, "I don\'t know how to explain. If you want to catch me, please help yourself."

Wang Gang wants to talk.

Suddenly two policemen rushed up, pointed a gun at Yang Ping and shouted, "get down and hold your head with both hands. Do you hear me?"

The king turned pale.

She knew that Yang Ping hated being pointed at with a pistol. She panicked and said, "stop, you all get back. He\'s not a murderer."

The two policemen looked at each other and retreated obediently, but they didn\'t retreat too far. They looked at Yang Ping vigilantly and were ready to take action at any time. These two people are the police elites who have just jumped up from below. Yang Ping nodded secretly. At least these two people are good.

"Why don\'t you come back with me?" people around began to come and see. There were cries and screams. If you didn\'t make some action, I\'m afraid it would be difficult to explain. But Yang Ping didn\'t explain, which embarrassed Wang.

"He\'s a murderer!" a woman rushed out with her child and grabbed the police pistol for revenge. She said bitterly, "you killed my husband, and I\'ll make you pay with blood!"

Seeing that the woman was about to shoot, the policeman who robbed the gun was scared to death and was busy competing with the woman.

The woman holding the child is not the opponent of the police after all. She will soon be subdued, but looking at Yang Ping\'s eyes, she is still full of stronger resentment. She thinks Yang Ping is a murderer, killing her husband and destroying a happy family.

"Devil, you are the devil!" the woman screamed before she was taken away.

Wang showed his unbearable color. In such a good family, the man suddenly died and the family lost its pillars. The mother and daughter are doomed to be very bitter in the future, especially the children. They lose their father\'s love when they are so young. No one wants to see a family tragedy.

But Yang Ping didn\'t explain.

Wang sighed and said, "come back with me."

Yang Ping disdains to explain, and it is difficult to explain. Does it mean that your husband died long ago and was possessed by experts in the dark place?

Does anyone believe it?

So Yang Ping kept silent.

With Yang Ping\'s consent, two police stations took him into the car. The whistling siren sounded and went to the Public Security Bureau.

The village in the city also restored its tranquility.

A figure came out of the night. Under the light, his pale face appeared gloomy and terrible. When he bared his teeth, he gave out Jie\'s laughter, making the surrounding light bright and dark, gloomy and terrible.

"Killing so many of my people will cost you sooner or later. Wang Donghai, are you sure to control the king?" the figure asked.

"Yes, master."

At this time, Wang Donghai came out, knelt respectfully on the ground, kissed the soil at the foot of the figure, showed devout eyes and said, "master, can I control Wang now?"

"Don\'t worry, since Wang wants to get rid of the curse of the Wang family, it\'s not so easy. Let\'s play slowly. Yang Ping still has use value..." the figure Hei hei said. He suddenly had a hunch of the crisis and hurried back. A black light crossed his ear and scared half to death.

"Who are you?"

Thinking that he was a great saint, he was almost attacked, and his figure showed an angry cry: "dare to fight the great snow great saint, you are already a dead man. Kill yourself, otherwise you won\'t die miserably."


A cold voice came from the darkness, then came out of a beautiful shadow and walked slowly, as if a heavy hammer hit his heart. Snow\'s pale face was ferocious and frightened. He looked at the visitor and said in a trembling voice: "you are... You are..."


Qian Ying\'s palm pressed on snow\'s head and didn\'t know how to appear. The great saint didn\'t respond at all. His eyes stared round and showed the color of panic. Then his body slowly disappeared and turned into a wisp of original black gas into Qian Ying\'s body.

The great saint is dead.

Qianying suddenly stood up and didn\'t continue to shoot.

Wang Donghai was so frightened that his ass peed and ran away in a panic that he didn\'t dare to look at each other. It\'s just a joke for him to stay. He thought he could get what he wanted if he was subject to snow.

Qianying walks in the village in the city.

Wherever she walked, a wisp of black gas entered her body. She swallowed the life in the dark place in a special way, and the other party had no resistance. After Yang Ping slaughtered the experts in the dark place, so many monsters were hidden.

Finally, after walking through the village in the city, she killed and swallowed all the monsters in the dark place of the village in the city.

This is a hierarchical way of swallowing. In the dark place, she is the king and dominates all.

When she walked out of the village in the city, she saw an old man standing at the intersection, looking at him angrily and yelling, "you used to be the queen of the dark place. Why did you start on your own people? Did you forget the mission of protecting your people?"

The old man is a great saint and the strongest saint who ran out this time. He has special attributes. He knows that it is not easy for the other party to kill himself, but it is not impossible. Just seeing all the people brought out were killed, the old man felt very sad.

He\'s questioning each other.

Hope to get the answer.

Qianying looked at the old man coldly and said, "surrender, or die."

The old man\'s eyes changed indefinitely. Finally, he sighed, knelt on the ground and said, "I submit, great queen."

In this way, Yang Ping spent a night trying to level the village in the city. She just walked around and completely eradicated the crisis of the village in the city, which is equivalent to solving the huge trouble lurking in Longcheng.

She\'s gone.

The old man becomes a follower, a follower of the great sage with special attributes.

One by one, they walked in the dark street.

No one thought, including Yang Ping, that the girl who helped him solve the problem was the girl who thought he had fallen into darkness.

Under the street lamp, Zhu Xi\'s beautiful face was reflected.

She walked alone.

"Don\'t you regret it? It\'s not good for you to do so. If the dark emperor knows that he will punish his people severely, he will even kill you. I give you strength not to kill each other." a voice sounded in his heart.

"I will." Zhu Xi whispered.

"For that ungrateful man?" nine Yin peeped out displeasure and said in a deep voice, "is it worth it?"

"I don\'t go to hell. In fact, I knew he was with the Pearl, but when I saw them hug, I finally understood that no one in the world owes me. I have to pay what I want."

Zhu Xi said firmly.

"Even if you pay the price, bear the crime, and let your beloved man misunderstand you fall into the devil?" asked Jiuyin.

Zhu Xi nodded calmly and stopped explaining.

Some things don\'t need to be explained.

Nine Yin is silent.

It\'s a long way to go. Zhu Xi chose a way of no return. She thought, pearl can sacrifice for Yang Ping. Why can\'t I? I don\'t ask for return and don\'t ask the price. If one day he can think of my good and miss me, it\'s just.

I Zhu Xi either don\'t do it or do her best.

Can it be worse than the Pearl?

Love a man, willing to block his life.