Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1168

I never thought that Zhu Xi would become what she is now. I never imagined that in the face of such an embarrassing scene, Yang Ping broke Zhu Xi\'s hand and turned around. She was indifferent. There was a burning anger in her eyes.

"Why, I don\'t like it. Don\'t you like charming women? Pearl is such a person." Zhu Xi said sarcastically.


Yang Ping shouted angrily, "Zhu Xi, don\'t forget who you are. You\'re playing with fire, don\'t you understand!"

"You are afraid, which means you still care about me. Come on, only when we combine, we will become a new existence. This is what your master and many people want to see. Don\'t you want to? The treasure Pavilion is in danger now. Don\'t you want to share your master\'s burden?"

Zhu Xi ignored Yang Ping\'s anger and continued to hug.

Yang Ping pushed her away and said, "is it worth it for you to practice yourself like this?"

Zhu Xi was stunned, then narrowed her eyes and sneered.

Yang Ping wanted to scold and woke up Zhu Xi, but she held back and said helplessly, "no matter what happens, I can help you. Why do you degenerate? Zhu Xi, wake up."

"Depravity?" Zhu Xi laughed wildly, his face was cold and hummed, "since you don\'t want to, you\'re a coward."


Yang Ping raised her hand to hit someone, but when she saw Zhu Xi\'s eyes, she saw herself in her pupils. Her heart softened and turned to the door. He can\'t do it. At least he can\'t bear to hurt Zhu Xi now.

"You are a coward."

Behind him came Zhu Xi\'s cry. Yang Ping turned a deaf ear and just wanted to leave this sad place as soon as possible.

Zhu Xi closed her eyes at the moment when Yang Ping slammed the door. Instead of wearing clothes, she exposed herself to the air. The cool wind outside the window cooled her skin and made her delicate body emit mysterious light.

Two lines of clear tears fell.

"I will never cry for a man again!"

Zhu Xi opened her eyes, her tears evaporated out of thin air, and her pretty face was replaced by a kind of indifference. A scarlet righteousness was separated from the room and put on her body to cover her perfect body. It was released in cold and overcast, spreading from the top floor and wrapping the whole building.

A blood red moon quietly appeared in the sky of Longcheng.

Yang Ping returned to the village in the city to continue to save those who were polluted by magic rattan. He endured a wave of anger in his heart and wanted to vent, but there was no place to release it. He only used his endless anger to save people and didn\'t want to use the five element needling technique. Soon, anyone infected with a little magic Qi in the village in the city returned to normal. Pieces of magic rattan died in the hands of the five element needling technique and became withered rattan.

The body of the project manager is still on the ground and left unattended.

Yang Ping sat next to the body, lit a cigarette, quietly looked at the sky and said, "you left early. I thought I could cooperate with you, but I didn\'t expect you to die. Although I don\'t know who killed you, I will find it."

It was not Zhu Xi who killed the project manager.

But it must have something to do with Zhu Xi.

After Yang Ping calmed down, he thought about the six saints in the dark place. They had no strength to kill the project manager. Only the master at the level of the great sage was possible. It seems that the project manager died in the hands of a great sage with special attributes, and the spiritual world was chaotic and killed by the second.

"The world is changing so fast."

Yang Ping threw away his cigarette butts and sighed.

He got up and came to the giant pit, showing an unprecedented hatred, thinking that Zhu Xi\'s change came from the dark place. If it weren\'t for the giant pit, Zhu Xi wouldn\'t be what she is now.

"Everything goes to zero."

Yang Ping put his hands together and began to talk. A strong force was like the edge of all the enemies in the treasure Pavilion, and rushed into the sky. At this moment, Yang Ping becomes another form and shows his most powerful self.

The magic gas of the giant pit is boiling. I feel the end and want to resist.

But it\'s too late.

Yang Ping made the ultimate move. A golden light fell from the sky, and then hit the core of the huge pit. Finally, the huge pit exploded, and the soil and gravel flew into the night sky and fell around. It was like hail.

Finally, the huge pit was filled.

Yang Ping looked at jukeng indifferently and said, "from today on, you\'d better not let me meet you and kill each other."

It was a bloody night.

Yang Ping killed the master in the dark place with unprecedented opportunities. It was a complete one-sided massacre. The strong in the dark place had no chance. Except for the great saint, those saints or sub saints hid very well, but they were discovered by Yang Ping with secret skills. This secret art is the art of death. The first level of the practice of death can distinguish between life and death. Naturally, it can distinguish between the dark land and human beings.

Relying on the art of death, Yang Ping became a demon in the dark place.


In a house in a village in the city, Yang Ping waved and exploded a middle-aged man\'s brain, frightening a pair of mother and son nearby. The woman almost fainted. She stared at Yang Ping in horror and resentment and shouted, "you are a murderer."

This family was the one Yang Ping had just discovered the pollution of magic rattan. The man almost bit his daughter to death. No one thought that he was an expert in the dark place. He was very hidden.

"He is a bad man."

Yang Ping felt the woman\'s resentful eyes and the girl\'s frightened expression. He hesitated and said, "your father has long been killed. He is false."

The woman said angrily, "you are a murderer. Even if I die, I won\'t let you go."

A towering resentment.

Bear it alone.

Yang Ping didn\'t explain much and went on.

This is destined to be a bloody night.

Yang Ping didn\'t know how many experts in the dark place had been killed. The original experts were far more than the number mentioned by the project manager. Although they were all under some saints, they killed at least more than 20. It seems that the project manager was also deceiving himself. He got it from a dying expert. This time, more than 100 creatures in the dark land ran out.

Why should project managers deceive themselves?

Yang Ping doesn\'t think much. Anyway, the other party is dead.

Around and back to the origin.

Yang Ping stopped and looked at the door of the project department with cold eyes.

The body of the project manager is missing.

Within the scope of their own perception, the body is missing, which is definitely beyond their control.

Woo woo.

The police car is coming.

Surround the construction site.

There were several dazzling lights and trumpets: "listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded. Don\'t get away with it. Raise your hands and surrender."

Yang Ping looked at the source of the light.

Wang stared at him. He could hardly believe that the murderer reported to the police was Yang Ping, and a large number of police came. It was impossible to keep a low profile this time. Wang felt a headache. He would not believe Yang Ping to kill people casually. There must be a secret.

"Everybody don\'t move."

Wang motioned to take it easy at the same time. He walked to Yang Ping. His subordinates were so frightened that they turned pale. They dissuaded one after another, shook their head and said, "I know the measure. You put away your weapons. If he wants to do it, you will all die."

The subordinates were unconvinced, but they still obeyed the orders.

Wang came to Yang Ping and said in a trembling voice, "did you really kill so many people?"

Yang Ping looked at Wang and didn\'t speak.

Suddenly, Wang covered his head and showed a painful expression. Pain grew from blood. The curse of the Zong family broke out. Someone was making trouble in the dark to provoke Yang Ping\'s relationship with the police.

Sure enough, the subordinates saw that Wang Ju was injured and shouted, "raise your hands!"

The battle is imminent.