Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1167

Yang Ping couldn\'t believe that power came from the top of China Airlines Group. After Yang Yuxin died, Zhu Xi was left, and the lights in the capital office were bright, indicating that she was still working overtime.

Treasure Pavilion deliberately let Zhu Xi see a scene. In order to let her stop thinking and live an ordinary life, Yang Ping found that she was wrong. It was terrible. Zhu Xi was not an ordinary person. There was a very terrible force hidden in her body. He almost dared not explore it.

The project manager is dead, probably in Zhu Xi\'s hands.

Yang Ping couldn\'t accept it. He hesitated and walked into the China Airlines building. He was familiar with the building and remembered the password of the president\'s elevator. He soon came to the door of the top office. Standing at the door, he didn\'t enter. He was in a complicated mood.

"Little Lord."

At this time, a neat voice suddenly came from the office. Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly and looked in quietly through the door of the office. She was shocked.

But seeing Zhu Xi standing in front of the window and quietly looking at the night sky, her delicate body integrated into the dark night, as if it did not exist. What\'s more shocking is that Zhu Xi\'s temperament has changed greatly. It is no longer the previous weak image, but exudes darkness and coldness.

What\'s going on?

Yang Ping was shocked and continued to peek. There was a fluke in his heart.

It should be a misunderstanding.

The six people knelt behind Zhu Xi, bowed their heads and did not dare to get up without response. Zhu Xi was like a high queen and accepted the worship of her subjects. This was not the most terrible. The six people kneeling on the ground stall were all experts. They could make Yang Ping think they were experts, or at least saints.

Six saints worship Zhu Xi.

No one will believe it, but it did happen in front of us.

Yang Ping took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in her heart and didn\'t bother, but the more she looked, the more shocked she was. The six saints were not human beings, but saints from the dark place. They came from the same place as the project [email protected] ^^$

The combat effectiveness of the six saints is very strong, and a tacit understanding is formed, which shows that they can use a combined attack, which is equivalent to a great saint level master.

This is terrible.

Six masters equivalent to the great sage level knelt down to worship Zhu Xi. Yang Ping couldn\'t figure out why the great sage knelt down. If it\'s a demon king, it\'s normal for the great sage to kneel down, and it\'s possible for Taoist Zun, but what about Zhu Xi?

Since we met, Zhu Xi didn\'t show too special ability, just special and rare.

Yang Ping\'s guess gradually approached the truth and suddenly began to panic.! $*!

Countless magic vines spread in the village in the city. If the death of the project manager is related to Zhu Xi, how can I deal with it? After scenes of the past, Yang Ping felt very guilty. It was not because he saw the scene of the treasure pavilion that Zhu Xi became what she is now.

Zhu Xi\'s breath is very cold, but it is extremely dangerous.

"Step back."

I don\'t know how long later, the stars in the night sky flashed, like countless eyes staring at the earth and emitting strange light. Zhu Xi waved and said coldly, "you can\'t come here without my permission."

"Yes, my Lord."

The six saints disappeared, jumped out of the window and disappeared in the dark.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified. Listening to the words "little Lord", it was like a thorn in his heart. It was very uncomfortable. Why did Zhu Xi have a relationship with the dark place? Human beings and the dark place don\'t die.

"Yang Ping, since you have come, why have you been standing at the door for so long? Isn\'t it good for old friends to talk about the past?"

Yang Ping squinted and pushed the door in.

Zhu Xi turned around and looked at each other with a mysterious smile, which made Yang Ping unable to see through for a time.


Yang Ping went to Zhu Xi and stared into her eyes. She was cold and heartless. She lacked the previous flexibility and delicacy. She was very strange. She asked, "why do you do this? You know that the dark place is not a good thing and may die at any time."

The tone was anxious.

Although separated, it is impossible not to care about Zhu Xi, even if Zhu Xi is only a friend, not to mention that they have become the most familiar strangers.

Zhu Xi smiled sarcastically and said faintly, "what\'s our relationship?"

Yang Ping said, "we are at least friends. As friends, shouldn\'t we care?"

"You\'d better take care of yourself."

Zhu Xi smiled, but felt more and more strange. This is not the imagined Zhu Xi. It seems to become a new person. Only the shape is the same and the temperament is completely different: "you came to the office to find me just to educate me?"

When Yang Ping saw Zhu Xi\'s appearance, he felt a pain in his heart. How could it become like this? He gasped: "Zhu Xi, there is still a way back. You should cut off the relationship with the dark place immediately, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

Zhu Xi looked calm and didn\'t see Yang Ping\'s anxiety in her eyes. She seemed to see a clown fooling around. She shook her head and said, "you\'re wrong. It\'s not that I cooperate with the dark place, but that the dark place submits to me. Yang Ping, don\'t you want to know why I became like this?"

Yang Ping was deeply distressed when she heard Zhu Xi\'s words. Zhu Xi was obviously human, but she was with the dark place. Instead of feeling dangerous, she was conceited that she could control everything. This was an extremely dangerous practice.

"If I have done anything to hurt you before, please forgive me, but don\'t hurt yourself in a self abandoning way."

Yang Ping said painfully.


Zhu Xi frowned and said coldly, "Yang Ping, you look up to yourself too much. Do you think I will degenerate because you are with the Pearl? Do you think anyone who is angry can get the loyalty of the dark place?"


Yang Ping didn\'t know how to answer for a moment.

"You think the change is too fast, don\'t you?" Zhu Xi sighed. "Yes, I think the change is very fast. When you turn around, you will find that the world is completely different. It\'s different from the sadness you imagine, but I see the light."

Yang Ping has a heavy heart.

Zhu Xi is possessed.

No, never let her sink, or no one can save her.

Yang Ping wanted to fight, but was seen through. Zhu Xi sneered: "well, you have good strength, but it\'s too early to suppress me. You are the body of Nine Yang and I am the body of nine Yin. Xuanji wants you and me to combine to achieve a new force, which may help him solve the problem of the South China Sea. I\'m also curious. If we combine, will it become a legend?"

After that, Zhu Xi began to unbutton her clothes, stared into Yang Ping\'s eyes and showed an excited expression.

Yang Ping\'s heart jumped wildly.

Soon, Zhu Xi took off her clothes and stood in front of red fruit. She saw Yang Ping\'s breath stagnant. She opened her hands and showed the creator\'s most outstanding works. This is a delicate body that makes heaven and earth jealous. This is a body without any shortcomings, full of extreme temptation.

Yang Ping has never seen Zhu Xi\'s delicate body so openly. At this moment, the inner agitation broke out, and a strong impulse to occupy her emerged in her mind. Jiuyin and Jiuyin have the characteristics of mutual attraction, and it is difficult for both sides to resist.

Shortness of breath.

Yang Ping exhausted his strength, turned his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Zhu Xi, put on your clothes."

Holding her with both hands from behind, I didn\'t know how Zhu Xi disappeared. Smelling the familiar body fragrance, Yang Ping became manic and his eyes were red.

"Come on, I\'ll let you know a new Zhu Xi."

Zhu Xi said softly in his ear, full of extreme temptation.