Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1166

If magic rattan takes root in the whole village in the city, the consequences will be extremely serious. Yang Ping comes to the screaming family, but sees a person lying on the ground, drooling, with green eyes in the daytime, yelling at his family, like a monster.

His daughter looked at her father in fear and cried.

The man stared at his daughter and rushed up. He didn\'t show mercy because of the continuation of blood. When his wife saw his husband\'s mouth on his own daughter, she was almost stunned and shouted, "stop, he\'s your daughter."

Unfortunately, the man lost his mind and didn\'t seem to hear it. While biting her daughter\'s neck, a force beat the man away. Yang Ping appeared in the scene, looked at the man\'s crazy devil, and hurriedly used a silver needle to control her action.

After the examination, Yang Ping\'s face was dignified.

The purple element flowing in the man\'s blood should be the direct reason for his madness. Looking around, Yang Ping saw purple vines in the corner of the courtyard wall.

That\'s magic vine.

Yang Ping sighed and began to treat the man. He soon removed the toxin of magic vine. The man returned to normal. He looked around blankly. He didn\'t know what happened and said, "wife, what\'s the matter?"

"Husband!" the wife cried loudly and hugged her husband tightly for fear of losing her again. She pulled her daughter and hugged her tightly. But the man still didn\'t know what happened.

When the man learned of the process, he thought that he should personally hand his daughter. He couldn\'t believe it. He was arrogant and said angrily, "I\'m not a human, I\'m an animal!" he hugged his daughter and cried, "baby, I\'m sorry, it\'s my father."

After crying for a long time, the wife finally remembered that it was a sudden young man who saved her husband, so she wanted to thank him, but looking up, there was no shadow of Yang Ping.

"What\'s the matter?" the man asked.

The wife sighed and said, "great mercy Guanyin, thank you for saving our family." the purple vine in the corner died. Yang Ping didn\'t hesitate to use a silver needle to kill all the magic vines in the yard, so as not to continue to harm the family.

But is it useful?

The wild fire never burns out, and the spring breeze blows again.

The underground lurker, magic vine, may rush out of the ground at any time. Yang Ping walked on the road and finally understood why the villages in the city were so quiet these days, because the dark place wanted to take root in magic rattan and build a stronghold where creatures in the dark place could survive, and then came up in batches.

Yang Ping came to the core seal of the village in the city. The coffin on the construction site disappeared, leaving a huge pit, the size of a basketball court, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

The magic vine grew from the huge pit and penetrated the whole village in the city little by little.

"Is there any way to eliminate it?"

Yang Ping asked the project manager very seriously. His face was cold, his tone was no longer kind, and he was a little cold.

The project manager smiled bitterly and said, "do you doubt that I let the magic vine grow? Yang Ping, there are some things you may not understand. I don\'t have so much power in the dark place. I\'m not qualified for the price and right to drive the magic vine to the ground."

"Great sage?"

Yang Ping thought of the three great saints, eight great saints and more than a dozen experts in the realm of sub saints who escaped from below, which was enough to disturb the dragon city. However, this period of time was too quiet. Although a great saint and a saint died, the real core strength did not disappear. They lurked in Longcheng waiting for the opportunity. Yang Ping is sure that the other party is hiding in the village in the city, trying to plant more magic vines.

"Who is the strongest?" Yang Ping asked. Naturally, he asked the great sage from below.

The project manager sighed and said, "the strongest person is the middle stage of Da Sheng and has special attributes. You\'d better not provoke him. He is the confidant of Da Jun and has great strength."

"What else?" Yang Ping said coldly.

The project manager said, "this man is called the great sage of magic air. The great saints who have the title in the dark place are among the most powerful. He came to Longcheng to plot a lot, but this man is good at forbearance and is very cunning."

Magic empty saint.

Yang Ping remembered the name, nodded and said, "I hope you don\'t disappoint me."

Watching Yang Ping leave, the project manager\'s eyes were complicated.

With a long sigh, the project manager murmured, "your plot is not small."

Yang Ping walked in the village in the city. When he met ordinary people who were demonized, he saved them and destroyed the surrounding magic vines. It took a whole day to eradicate them, but there must be hidden magic vines, which may be hidden under the bed or elsewhere.

Killing the magic vine is very power consuming. It took nearly half of Yang Ping\'s power to destroy the magic vine.

Unfortunately, the regeneration ability of magic vine is terrible.

It\'s getting dark.

Yang Ping forgot the purpose of coming here for the sake of the people in the village in the city, and the breath of the Pearl disappeared. He wanted to go back to the treasure house, but a weak energy appeared in his perception. The location was just the location of the construction site of the village in the city, and then he killed the plane and died.

He was surprised and appeared at the construction site. Yang Ping saw the project manager lying on the ground with his eyes staring at the sky. His eyes were inconceivable. He pulled something in his hand and trembled all over. His body surged with strange forces to specifically restrain the power of the demon family, just like the talent of the demon family to restrain the power of human beings.

A little familiar.

Yang Ping felt that the breath inside the project manager was very familiar, but he didn\'t think too much for the time being. He asked, "who did it?"

The project manager stretched out his hand, tilted his head to one side and died.

He just died.

Yang Ping once felt that this person was not simple, with a mysterious smell on his body, and his identity would not be ordinary in the dark place. Virtually, they shared the same interests and hoped to bring peace to the two places, so they attached great importance to him.

But the project manager died.

So far, I don\'t know his name.

Yang Ping looked at the body of the project manager and said nothing for a long time. Is that an imperceptible smell and killing machine the murderer who killed the project manager?

Looking at the magic vines all over the ground, Yang Ping was very angry.

Knowing that the project manager was his friend, he still killed him under his own eyes. This was chiguoguo\'s face and provocation. Yang Ping was unbearable and decided to find out the murderer.

The external force on the body was still there. Yang Ping tried to recall where he had seen it. His mind moved, his eyes were golden, and a ray of seven colors appeared on his fingertips, like a rainbow in the sky after the rain, or the rebirth of the earth after the flood.

The breath hidden in the corpse was melted by the colorful light released by Yang Ping.

The breath caught me.

Relying on the special energy of the first layer of the art of death, Yang Ping gave full play to the great fear between illusion and reality, life and death, instantly sensed the source of power, and then quickly pursued.

China Airlines building.

Seeing the source of power, Yang Ping could hardly believe that the power came from the top floor of China Airlines building.

Zhu Xi?