Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1165

In the wing room of the treasure Pavilion.

Yang Ping closed the book presented by headmaster Qu and remained silent for a long time. His pupils were full of shock and confusion.


It should be Tianji ancient martial arts. What is written on it is not words, but pictures. It shows the key points of ancient martial arts with human nature pictures and carries the spiritual brand. Those who do not understand it will not understand it as comic books, but those who really understand it will know that this is an absolutely gorgeous ancient martial arts from ancient to modern times.

Yang Ping didn\'t expect that President Qu would give him such a valuable gift directly.

What does principal Qu want!

Yang Ping gently covers the art of dying. If it is spread, this book may become a hot commodity, and the holy land should also pull down its face to grab it, because it is an ancient martial arts that can improve the holy land to a higher level. Just like Cihang Jingzhai, the reason why it can be detached and become the real first holy land is because it has an ancient martial arts beyond the extreme of heaven and Cihang sword code.

The art of reincarnation is divided into nine levels.

The art of death requires a high level of soul. Ordinary people can\'t practice it at all. The conditions of the first level of entry are disgusting. People in the realm of nine grades need spiritual strength at the level of saints.

This is not a jump, but a double jump.

Only the most evil genius is qualified to cultivate, and Yang Ping can jump three levels. The first level of cultivation is very simple. Take a look, and then learn directly. The key is that the second level is difficult and stuck.

The second level of spiritual strength Yang Ping has reached, but the realm has not been reached. It needs the realm of saints.

The reason why Yang Ping wants to learn the art of death is that the art of death can alleviate the curse of the Pearl. The curse of the Pearl does not show how overbearing, but Yang Ping can feel that there seems to be a pair of eyes paying attention to the Pearl, just like the eyes of the God of death, which may take away life at any time.

The oppressive and breathless atmosphere is very uncomfortable. Yang Ping vowed to save the Pearl and not allow his woman to be taken away by death.

Green light.

A life line is wrapped around his head. Yang Ping seems to see countless fate lines tangle the surrounding involvement. It is precisely because of this fate line that people have love and hate.

But strangely, I have no destiny line.

Yang Ping frowned and wondered why he didn\'t have a destiny line, while others did.

After practicing for a long time, there was still no way to become the second city of the art of death. Yang Ping felt that he would go out for a walk and relax. Pearl hasn\'t come home yet, but after Yang Ping practiced the first floor of the art of death, he vaguely felt the location of the Pearl, as if it were the location of a village in the city.

On a whim, he walked out of the treasure house.

Tao Chengqi was cleaning the yard with a broom. When he saw Yang Ping coming out, he didn\'t pay attention at first. Suddenly, he exclaimed, looked at Yang Ping suspiciously and said, "it\'s strange. How do I think you\'re wrong."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "something\'s wrong with you. I have something to go out for a while."

Tao Chengqi hasn\'t recovered from Qu wanting\'s injury. He complains: "if you see her, mention my name to her. For her, she will try to cultivate and strive to be like a man in front of her."

Yang Ping despised and said, "you are so promising."

Tao Chengqi reluctantly said: "you do not know, just arrived at your two battle scenes, horse eggs, it seems that you two are saints, I am a woodlouse, you are scared to death. Ah, when will you be able to fight your strength to pack up and force bubbles?"

"You will." Yang Ping said seriously.

Tao Chengqi was overjoyed and asked, "really?"

"Next life."

Yang Ping left with a smile.

Tao Chengqi\'s face turned black, raised his middle finger and scolded, "shameless."

Yang Pingshun walked along with his feeling. Towards the village in the city, the breath of the Pearl became clearer and clearer. At the same time, he wondered what ancient martial arts the Pearl used to hide his breath. You know, a great saint wants to hide. If he uses all his strength, he can feel it.

But pearl is very special.

Sure enough, it is in the village in the city, and it is also the place where the core seal is sealed.

The construction site is calm.

Since the last warning, the project manager has stopped work because some supernatural events often occur. No matter how much money is given, the migrant workers will not work, because no matter how much money is not important to their lives.

Strange plants grow on the construction site, purple vines, crawling all over the whole land. The project department composed of movable plank houses leans on the edge of the construction site. The project manager sticks to it alone, and others have long retreated to a place thousands of kilometers away from the construction site.

The project manager stood beside the construction site, looking at the purple vines and meditating quietly.

"The seal is breaking."

The project manager said.

Yang Ping came to him and stared at the purple vines. Although there was not much magic gas, it affected the surrounding air. The air was full of magic gas. Entering the human body would trigger the same crazy devil as the last turmoil.

The consequences are terrible.

"This is the magic vine. Just like the plants in your world, the plants here produce photosynthesis, and the magic vine spits out magic gas. The magic vine belongs to the lowest plant in the dark place, but it has tenacious vitality."

"Wild fire can\'t burn to death, but spring breeze blows again."

"Ordinary pesticides don\'t work on magic rattan. Don\'t look at a little magic rattan. It occupies this place, but once it develops, the whole village in the city can be occupied in just one night."

The project manager is not alarmist. He speaks very seriously and shows nostalgia. Survival in the human world requires strong adaptability. The air in the dark place is different from that above.

But the project manager did it and adapted very well.

"I\'ll do it."

Yang Ping knew that the departure of magic vine did not do much harm on the surface, but after it grew, it would produce a lot of magic Qi, enough to breathe in a stronghold in the dark place. At that time, a large number of monsters appeared, and the villages in the city would be swallowed up in an instant.

He won\'t allow such a thing to happen.

Seeing that Yang Ping was going to do it, the project manager hurriedly said, "don\'t waste your time. These magic vines are not so easy to die."

"How do you know if you don\'t try."

The project manager looked at Yang Ping and looked forward to it. He felt that with Yang Ping\'s ability, he would use the mysterious technique to destroy the magic vine. After waiting for a long time, without seeing Yang Ping\'s action, he muttered to himself that the preparation time would not be so long.

When Yang Ping picked up the hoe on the construction site and dug into the magic vine on the ground, the project manager was dumbfounded.

I\'m Cao.

The way you say is to dig it yourself?

The project manager was speechless.

Yang Ping dug for a while and was even more shocked. It was not a problem to dig the magic vine with his power, but it was very difficult to cut down the roots. The magic vine took root ten meters down and was difficult to eradicate.

Trying several methods, the tenacious vitality of magic vine completely shocked Yang Ping.

"Help, someone is crazy!"

Yang Ping still had to continue to dig and get rid of it a little, but there was a cry not far away. Looking back, he couldn\'t help turning pale. He looked through the obstacles and saw a large area of purple vines growing in a civilian house.

Purple vine is magic vine.

Has the magic vine flooded the villages in the city?

A terrible thought welled up in Yang Ping\'s heart.