Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1162

How can Yang Ping be caught up? He wants to escape in one third of an mu of Longcheng. No one can catch up with him unless Tianzun imprisons heaven and earth in advance.

The sound faded away.

Completely leaving the other party\'s perception range, Yang Ping weighed the jade pendant with more than a mild girl\'s body fragrance, shook his head and said, "play with me, you\'re still a little tender."

Enter the treasure Pavilion.

Yang Ping was shocked to learn that Mingzhu left Longcheng to work. Tao Chengxi told him not to worry. Mingzhu said before leaving that she would come back safely. He didn\'t know what Mingzhu was going out for at this time, but he didn\'t think much. He scanned his mental strength once and didn\'t feel the breath of Mingzhu. He couldn\'t even detect it, which showed that Mingzhu had a set of ancient martial arts with a special secret breath.

"What is this?"

Taochengxi sees the jade pendant on Yang Ping\'s hand, a heart-shaped jade pendant that looks like a dragon rather than a dragon and a phoenix rather than a Phoenix. The connection between dragon and Phoenix, the breeding of yin and Yang, is full of magical charm. It will be much quieter in body and mind.

Feeling the uniqueness of the jade pendant, Tao Chengxi was surprised and said, "this is a priceless treasure. You have a heart for the Pearl. If she knows your gift, she will be very happy. No girl doesn\'t like this jade pendant."

When Yang Ping heard the envy of taochengxi, his old face turned red and hurriedly said, "if it\'s okay, I\'ll go first."

"Yang Ping, you bastard, come out!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Ping was startled. NIMA, the girl\'s tracking speed was not ordinary. As soon as her front foot fell, the other party\'s back foot arrived. It can be seen that the girl used a special tracking method. Although she would not chase hard, she could not run out of her perception range.

"Who is this man? He calls wool in the daytime." Tao Chengxi frowned and was a little dissatisfied. He had no rules and education for daring to shout in the treasure Pavilion. If it was someone else, he would have slapped him to death.

"I don\'t know. It\'s strange. I think it\'s a beautiful girl who admires me. Don\'t pay attention." Yang Ping left without looking back.

When taochengxi heard the beautiful girl, his eyes brightened and said with a smile, "you have a pearl, which other women can\'t see, right?"


Yang Ping has disappeared in the field of vision. Tao Chengxi rubbed his hands, whispered, and listened to the voice. The girl\'s voice is spicy, but it\'s my favorite type. Yang Ping can\'t want it. I can only make it difficult.

With a beautiful rush, taochengxi walked towards the door.

The gate of treasure Pavilion.

A tall girl was sitting on a heavy motorcycle, shouting at the door of the treasure Pavilion. Her voice was like a yellow warbler, sweet and ethereal, but even Tao Chengqi\'s mouth twitched after listening to the content. Secretly, the girl was too strong.

"Yang Ping, come out. Believe it or not, I\'ll rush in and open your ass. don\'t think you can\'t see anyone if you hide. You\'re a thief, son of a bitch."

"Well... Come here..."

When the girl saw Tao Chengqi coming out of the treasure house, her eyes in her helmet flashed and waved, "hurry up, dawdle. Believe it or not, I\'ll smoke you."

Tao Chengqi is happy. There are girls who smoke him in the world. It\'s too rare. He likes the girl\'s temper, especially when he sees the perfect figure on the motorcycle. Although he wears tight leather clothes, he outlines a curve, which is particularly tempting. Tao Chengqi, an old bird, can\'t stand that resistance.


Tao Chengqi thinks that girls at this level are too hot tempered. Yang Ping doesn\'t like them. It\'s better to be cheap. Anyway, after a continuous war, they bear a lot of psychological pressure. It\'s better to find a girl to be happy.

"Call Yang Ping out for me!" cried the girl angrily. "Let him give me back my things."

Tao Chengqi didn\'t leave. He said with a smile, "beauty, why are you looking for Yang Ping? He\'s very busy and has a wife. You might as well find me. What do you want? My brother will find it for you. What I can get is beyond your imagination."

The girl stared at Tao Chengqi.

Tao Chengqi shook his black hair and showed a mature and steady expression. Such momentum can attract the screams of countless girls. He tried bailing and said in a sad language: "to tell you the truth, in fact, I have a heavy weight in Longcheng. In a word, I can help you solve many problems. For example, if your family is threatened, I will make the whole Longcheng fly."

The girl stared at Tao Chengqi.

Tao Chengqi kept smiling, his eyes were full of melancholy, and sighed: "to tell you the truth, the first time I saw you, I thought we were destined. If I\'m free at night, I\'d like to invite you..."

"Go away!"

The girl showed disgust, pointed to Tao Chengqi\'s nose and scolded, "crazy."


Tao Chengqi looked at the girl speechless and said bitterly, "I\'m crazy. I\'m completely nervous after seeing you. Please give me a chance. I\'ll let you feel what love is."

"Get out."

Another word, roll, Tao Chengqi was very hurt, but in the spirit of chasing women, he continued: "I won\'t roll, you teach me."

The girl took off her hat and looked at the peach coldly.

At that moment, Tao Chengqi\'s eyes flashed a surprise. My God, when did Longcheng run out of a fairy level beauty? That face seemed to be a masterpiece of heaven. It was perfect. There was also that figure. Tut Tut, it was amazing. The girl was the most beautiful she had ever seen, that is, compared with Yang Ping\'s woman pearl, it was no less impressive.

We must seize the opportunity and not let Yang Ping be a disaster.

Seeing the girl\'s face, Tao Chengqi is more determined to pursue the Jue heart.


"Get out."

"Introduce myself. I\'m actually a complete man and very single-minded..."

"Get out."

"Beauty, can you stop talking about rolling? I can\'t roll, and it doesn\'t accord with your temperament. I\'m full of fantasies about you."

The girl finally didn\'t say to roll, but looked at Tao Chengqi quietly.

Tao Chengqi\'s heart beat faster and said secretly that she would not like me because of my insistence. No, she knew that when she came out, she would wear beautiful clothes and look more handsome. According to her age and realm, Saint realm, wherever she went, she was the overlord. Who doesn\'t want to hook up with herself, as long as he has an eye, Those in large families will try their best to send their daughter or sister to bed.

He hates that kind of life and should be reserved for what he likes.

So Tao Chengqi decided to let the girl see her ability, which was an extremely easy thing.

"To tell you the truth, I\'ve been hiding something. You don\'t know me and haven\'t heard my name. It\'s normal because you\'re not from the Jianghu, but I\'m very famous..."

The girl squinted and said faintly, "who are you?"

As if he didn\'t see the flame beating in the girl\'s eyes, Tao Chengqi looked at the sky with a deep voice. His face was full of melancholy expression and sighed: "in fact, I am..."

"Yang Ping!"

Tao Chengqi silently recites in his heart, Yang Ping, you can stay in it at ease. I\'ll borrow your name.

He looked back smartly, ready to welcome the girl\'s embrace.

One fist grows bigger.

Then he hit his nose firmly. With great strength, Tao Chengqi only felt that a mountain was pressed down and flew out directly. His body hit the ground, rolled for tens of meters and drew a long trace.


Tao Chengqi was shocked. Looking at the girl\'s fist, NIMA felt fooled. The baby was so strong that she couldn\'t see how the fist hit him with her own strength.

No better than me.

Tao Chengqi was startled and quickly became vigilant.

The girl stared at the treasure Pavilion and said coldly, "if you don\'t come out again, I\'ll kill him."

Tao Chengqi was stunned and became angry at random. Your sister, I\'m a saint at least. I even threatened me with my life. Do you think the tiger doesn\'t get angry when I\'m a sick cat? He got up and sneered: "do you think you can beat me by sneaking attack on me, joke, I am..."

One hand grabbed his neck and smashed it on the ground. His face rubbed against the floor, rubbing hard

"Lying in the trough, I knew I wouldn\'t force it."

Tao Chengqi\'s heart is full of ten thousand Cao NIMA.