Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1161

Yang Ping looked at principal Qu with a blank face. It turned out that principal Qu is also a humorous person and likes to joke. If you didn\'t help me, I would be happy for nothing.

President Qu handed the ancient books to Yang Ping and said with deep meaning, "some things must be done by yourself. Yang Ping, you should not live up to the blood in your body, let alone those who look at you."

Yang Ping said with a wry smile, "President Qu, can you stop playing charades? I really want to ask an expert without the realm of heaven. Can the dragon city be held?"

Principal Qu smiled and asked, "isn\'t there no God during this period of time? You still guard well. It\'s hard to doubt your ability. I still have information for you."

Why does it sound like soul chicken soup.

Yang Ping helplessly looked at the unfathomable principal Qu and knew that it was difficult to get the help she wanted from her mouth, but she would not give the list to the other party because the other party gave the ancient books. Unless principal Qu was willing to lower his identity and rob, no one would give it. What Yang Yuxin bought with her life, how can she give it to others casually.

But I have to be grateful.

President Qu is kind to himself and will repay him again in the future.

Yang Ping left the office politely.

Principal Qu suddenly said, "well, you see the people. Are you still going to rob them?"

At this time, a person came out of the compartment. She was a beautiful bubbling girl. She was about 20 years old and looked like a flower. The man was ecstatic. She had this capital. Look carefully, the girl looked very similar to principal Qu.

"Mom, with your strength, it\'s easy to keep Yang Ping just now. Why let him take the list? You should know that the list is what the military has always wanted. The old man Junshen doesn\'t want this list for one or two days."

The girl\'s name is Qu wanting. She is president Qu\'s biological daughter. Her pretty face is full of discontent. Obviously, I despise Yang Ping and feel that a sub Saint realm is worthy of my mother\'s attention and human kindness. You know, with her mother\'s strength, few people in the world can be respected by her. They are all leaders of super forces.

"Well, you\'ll know later. The dragon city is more troublesome. Don\'t go on fooling around. The organization you created still needs to be restrained. Even daozun\'s disciples dare to take in. I think it spoiled you." principal Qu said reluctantly. He spoiled most of his daughters from childhood and didn\'t get angry. Even if Qu wanting wanted to play, she was allowed to accept an ancient organization.

The ultimate class, which has existed for hundreds of years, has a profound foundation, but in front of President Qu, it is said that organized are paper tigers.

"Mom, I\'m your most clever daughter, but I\'m obedient. How can I mess around." Qu wanting narrowed her eyes and bent into a crescent moon. She was very good-looking. She smiled and hugged her mother\'s arm. "People just want to see how powerful the young people you like are."

"Well, the people you sent out have long been cleaned up." principal Qu laughed and shook his head. After the two Yasheng joined hands, they were not the generals of Yang Ping, and the other party obviously felt Qu wanting\'s breath. They just gave themselves face and didn\'t kill anyone.

Qu wanting exclaimed, "no, they are one of my most powerful men. I thought I could get them back."

Every word, in fact, the battle has long ended.

But the two mothers and daughters did not take it to heart.

This is the confidence.

"Mom, I still don\'t understand. Why did you pass on our skills to Yang Ping, but not to me?" Qu wanting was indignant and hummed.

Principal Qu shook his head, ignored his daughter and sat back in his chair to continue working. As a headmaster, there are a lot of things to deal with. As a banner and benchmark of Longcheng education, how can the president of Longcheng university be a simple figure.

But Yang Ping can\'t dream. President Qu, who once fought a fight, is an existence that he needs to look up to. The other party\'s words show the momentum that heroes in the world are nothing. Daozun must be afraid of such figures.

No wonder Longcheng university has been as stable as a mountain in the past 20 years.

This is a third of an mu of land owned by principal Qu of others. Who dares to be wild here.

Yang Ping looked at the two Asian saints on the ground. His face was very helpless. He couldn\'t kill them. It was still a little difficult to stun the two Asian saints. We can only rely on the mental pressure of experts far beyond the same level to hypnotize directly.

From the mouth of the two Yasheng, they know that their master is a girl named Qu wanting, very mysterious and powerful.

How strong is it?

With the surname of President Qu, I want to know why people are so strong and have a good background. Think about yourself, there is also an awesome master. It is said that he is still the strongest one. He stands at the top of the world, but his life is just the opposite. He comes and goes in the wind and rain all day. That time, he didn\'t lick blood at the edge of the knife. The more he thinks, the more depressed he becomes.

He turned to leave.

But was stopped.

A tall girl, riding a heavy motorcycle, just stopped at the intersection. She was wearing a helmet, but her eyes as bright as stars seemed to be talking. They were very charming eyes, but they were full of kindness to herself.

"You are Yang Ping."

The girl didn\'t get out of the car. Her tone was frivolous and said, "hand in the list. It\'s not good for you to take it with you."

Yang Ping smiled, shrugged and said, "I often dare to do bad things, but now I live well."

The girl sneered and said sarcastically, "that\'s because you didn\'t meet a real opponent. Yang Ping, you can\'t touch some things and have a lot of trouble. I advise you not to oppose me, or you\'ll regret it."

"You\'re not young, but your tone is not small. I\'m wondering why you should be. If you look like you, do you have general strength? Make do with it. Maybe you have a background at home, so let\'s mess around."

Yang Ping said tit for tat.

The girl\'s eyes shot cold light, jumped out of the motorcycle directly, then jumped at Yang Ping and hummed, "let\'s see what it means to have a day outside."

Broken yuan!

The girl broke the yuan with one move, and the surrounding area seemed to be vacuumed. The timid powder fist impressively produced a sonic boom and showed strong combat effectiveness. If the fist was hit, he would have to drink a pot with his nine Yang body.

what the fuck.

Violent girl.

Compared with her, Wang is really nothing.

Space confinement.

The fist is in front of you.

There is no escape.

In desperation, Yang Ping showed his five element footwork to avoid the girl\'s field. The strength of the other party reached the realm of saints, which was higher than himself. However, his combat effectiveness was very strong, which could be much higher than that of ordinary saints.

The girl let out a light sigh, but one punch didn\'t work. Her delicate body rotated soft in the air, like falling off, and then triggered a tornado. The wind was harsh, and countless space cracks appeared around.

Broken yuan second formula.

The girl didn\'t intend to let Yang Ping leave, so she used her unique skill. Broken yuan is a unique skill created by her promotion to the sage realm. It is very powerful. It is estimated that she will be abused by the same realm.

Yang Ping knew that he could not keep his hand, so he made a move of six in eight wasteland, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

The tornado dispersed.

Yang Ping broke each other\'s confinement in the field, but a cool wind blew, and the list on her left. At the next moment, the girl took the envelope and made a shooting gesture. With a proud smile in her eyes, she drove away. There was a charming laugh in the air: "you\'re not so good, how powerful you thought."

Yang Ping didn\'t chase, but showed a playful smile. He didn\'t know when he had an extra jade pendant from the girl\'s neck.

And the envelope is still there, but the other party took another one.

"Is it a little too much?"

Yang Ping subconsciously stole a belly pocket. It is estimated that the other party will have the heart to kill. Thirty six strategies are the best.

Sure enough, Qu wanting\'s angry scolding soon came from behind.