Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1163

Tao Chengqi has never been so humiliated since he was born. His self-esteem was severely trampled on the ground by the girl. His handsome face rubbed against the floor. His heart was broken. He was full of resentment towards Yang Ping. Your sister, you knew that the woman Yang Ping provoked would be a simple commodity. The consequences of spermatozoa on the brain are serious.

"Yang Ping, come out."

The girl is naturally Qu wanting. She was spoiled and spoiled since childhood, and her strength is also strong. With the supreme master like my mother, countless resources accumulate, and even a pig will become a saint.

Qu wanting was angry that Yang Ping stole her jade pendant and was cheated. She was very angry and vowed to find the venue.

"Come out!"

"Or I\'ll kill him."

Qu wanting angrily threatened.

"Don\'t say anything. I\'ll go in and call him out for you. You can talk slowly." Tao Chengqi was carried along the way and softened all over. He was afraid that Qu wanting would get angry again and let his wise and powerful image collapse. He was busy flattering.

"Shut up."

Qu wanting shouted.

Tao Chengyi quickly shut up for fear of provoking Qu wanting\'s anger.

When Qu wanting saw Tao Chengqi\'s cowardly appearance, she was angry and scolded: "didn\'t you just say that you were very capable? There are no things you can\'t solve in Longcheng. Now you call Yang Ping out, and I\'ll let you maintain a glorious image."

"No problem, but you put me down first." Tao Chengqi said.

Qu wanting hummed, "I\'m worthless and incompetent, and I don\'t know what a man like you is doing in the world. A good Saint doesn\'t do it. You\'re called Tao Chengqi as a housekeeper in the treasure Pavilion, right? It\'s much weaker than I thought."@^^$

Sleeping trough, she knows the name, it was intentional before!

Tao Chengqi was hit hard again in his heart. The other party was not a fool, let alone naive. In fact, he knew where it was. If he didn\'t know how powerful it was, he would have rushed into the treasure Pavilion. However, it is estimated that the other party can\'t cope with the array of the treasure Pavilion, so he can only shout outside.

"In that case, I\'ll help you."

Qu wanting was ready to do it. Tao Chengqi screamed. He felt the real killing of the other party, and it was very powerful. It was like facing a great saint. It was terrible.

"Show mercy!"! $*!

Just when Qu wanting was about to make a strange peach, he was scared to pee and thought he had to peel off his skin if he didn\'t die. He shouted and scolded very hard. What, Yang Ping, you bastard, you don\'t save when you die, just like a bitch scolding the street.

Fortunately, a helpless voice came out of the door. Yang Pingshi came out and looked at Tao Chengqi speechlessly.

Tao Chengqi almost screamed when he saw Yang Ping.

Finally saved.

Qu wanting stared at Yang Ping and said coldly, "give me back my jade pendant and the list."

Yang Ping saw Tao Chengqi excited. He really wanted to know him. He had never seen such a shameful saint. He lost his face and went to grandma\'s house. He said, "didn\'t you come out to pick up girls?"

Tao Chengqi\'s old face turned red and hesitated without speaking.

"Let him go. Something\'s coming to me."

Yang Ping smiled.

Peach turned strange and hurriedly shouted, "take it easy. Let me slow down and go back by myself."


Qu wanting threw Tao Chengqi into the yard of the treasure Pavilion.

"I told you not to throw it away... Ouch, my ass."

A man climbed out of the door of the treasure Pavilion. Tao Chengqi looked at the two and said angrily, "pay attention to your fight next time. Don\'t let me see it."

"Bring me something."

Qu wanting sneered, stared at Yang Ping\'s pocket and hummed, "don\'t force me. I was just trying to test you before. If you show your real skills, you will be miserable."

Yang paperback was confused and said, "what do you take?"

"Jade pendant! That\'s a gift from my mother." Qu wanting gnashed her teeth and threatened, "don\'t think I can\'t clean you up. If you dare to disobey my order, today is your death date."

Yang Ping smiled and said dismissively, "give you a jade pendant, but first tell me how Yang Yuxin died."

Qu wanting\'s face changed slightly, stared at Yang Ping and said coldly, "you\'re challenging my patience."

"How about a bet?"

Yang Ping had an idea and said with a smile, "you are very confident in your ancient martial arts. We can bet that I let you do three moves. You can touch my clothes. Even if it\'s anything on your body, I can give you the jade pendant and give you a list."

"And the book in my house, which my mother gave you." Qu wanting snorted.

Yang Ping\'s heart beats faster. It turns out that this woman is president Qu\'s daughter. No wonder she is so abnormal. From her tone, the ancient books president Qu gave him are very unusual. Can it be simple to find books to cure the Pearl?

"No, it\'s not a bet. You can exchange it for something else." Yang Ping shook his head. Anything can be lost, but the book alone can\'t, because there is hope to save the Pearl.

Qu wanting seemed to see through Yang Ping\'s idea and nodded: "read your infatuation. OK, three moves are three moves, but Yang Ping, you don\'t need three moves. I can handle it with one move."

"Broken yuan step!"

She moved and turned into a broken vitality. She was everywhere, but invisible. She seemed to disappear out of thin air. Yang Ping frowned and opened her perspective eyes. She couldn\'t see each other\'s voice. She sighed that her powerful pace was almost comparable to the five element footwork. Broken yuan step is to use the broken vitality to cover up the traces of the body. It is equal to using the vitality to hide the body. It can\'t be found at all. It is very effective against the enemy.

But she met Yang Ping.

Five element steps.

Yang Ping stepped on the five elements step and stepped on the yin-yang five elements according to the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Then he saw Qu wanting\'s delicate body right behind him. He grabbed his pocket and wanted to steal the jade pendant and the list.

that was close.

Yang Ping quickly turned around and pulled away to avoid Qu wanting\'s sneak attack.

Qu wanting\'s sneak attack was unsuccessful. She showed her delicate body and frowned: "you can even take the five element step. It\'s unfair. Although your five element step is incomplete, it\'s already the first step in the world. Although my broken yuan step is powerful, it\'s not Wu Jialing\'s opponent."

Yang Ping was shocked. She knew a lot and had a high vision. She could see that it was a five element step at a glance.

"There are two more moves."

Yang Ping smiled.

Qu wanting took a deep breath and knew that she couldn\'t beat Yang Ping without taking out real kung fu. She was angry at him. However, why did my mother attach so much importance to him and even give away the unique skills of the family. So she was very angry, so her body became empty.

The source of emptiness.

Yang Ping was awe inspiring. He didn\'t expect that after Mrs. Zhu, others could touch the origin of the void. When ancient martial arts reached a certain level, they could derive various attributes. Gold, wood, water, fire and earth are basic attributes, but there are other special attributes, such as thunder, but the void is very rare, because understanding the origin of the void means rarely killing, because it\'s hard to escape.

The radius is virtualized.

Domain virtualization.

Even yourself.

Yang Ping felt that his body was out of control. It was like that ordinary people were in the deep sea. One hand came out of the void and grabbed Yang Ping\'s pocket.


Yang Ping didn\'t finish printing. He broke a broken word and followed the law. Then the field broke open, emptied and solidified, and oppressed Qu wanting with strong force. She blushed. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping could break her empty field.

"Look down on you."

Qu wanting\'s face was dignified and related to the family\'s reputation. She must not lose to Yang Ping, so she made a decision.

what is it?

Yang Ping felt the change in Qu wanting and was startled.