Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1144

Taoist impermanence\'s fighting power is nothing but scum among the saints, but he has a great ability to escape. Tao Chengqi and Yang Ping moved, and he knew that something was going to happen, so the air flow around his body suddenly broke out, and he had to escape with a touch of oil under his feet. Unfortunately, he underestimated Yang Ping\'s ability, let alone a certain understanding of the void. Even if he mastered the origin of the void, no one could escape under Yang Ping\'s grasp.

Taoist impermanence was strangled by his neck, his eyes protruded, and his blood was wandering in his pupils. He wanted to shout, but Yang Ping sneered and directly abandoned him. Taoist impermanence fell to the ground and wanted to get up. He was shocked to find that the power in his body had disappeared and was swallowed up by a mysterious black hole. He sat on the ground and was stunned.

Tao Chengqi was also startled. Yang Ping almost couldn\'t see clearly from the beginning to the end. You know, Taoist impermanence, but the sage is not a local chicken and tile dog. He estimated that he would have to work hard to kill him. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping was very easy to handle.

Is this guy really not a saint?

Not only Tao Chengqi was shocked, but others were silent. They could vaguely hear the heavy breathing sound in the dark. Obviously, the tragedy of Taoist impermanence made them awe inspiring, but soon there was a terrible killing opportunity in the dark. Yang Ping was so old that he could easily deal with Taoist impermanence. If he grew up and became a saint, the great saint realm and NIMA, he would not raze all holy places to the ground.

Yang Ping must die.

This is the common idea of all masters hiding in the dark.

Pearl\'s pretty face showed a worried look.

The more severe Yang Ping\'s performance, the more frightened the enemy is. What the Jianghu stresses is to cut down the roots. As long as they don\'t threaten, they are willing to do anything. Although xuanjizi\'s reputation is so famous that he won\'t let those heavenly masters do it, but there are so many people below. Can xuanjizi really be destroyed one by one if more than a dozen super forces do it? If you get artifact, the second-class holy land will become a first-class holy land, are you afraid of xuanjizi?


After a long time, Yang Ping shook his head and said, "you should spare some strength. I thought that the experts in Vatican valley were so powerful that they wasted my strength."

Tao Chengqi smiled bitterly and regretted.

If you give Yang Ping time, he can definitely become an invincible saint, a great saint. However, seeing the terrorist forces he shows, they can compare with the heirs of one fast and two gates. If he grows up, he must be a murderer.

It\'s a pity.

Taoist impermanence was abandoned. Thinking of his miserable life in the future, he couldn\'t help crying. Without the realm of saints, you will make life worse than death for those who offended before. Taoist impermanence usually does all kinds of bad things. Relying on the identity of the Vatican Valley, he can do a lot of harm to others. Those enemies endured because of the Brahmin Valley, but the urination of the Brahmin valley would not protect a waste. If Taoist impermanence doesn\'t die, he will be miserable in the future.

Therefore, Taoist impermanence cried very sad, which made those masters in the dark have scruples.


A heavy curse came from the dark, as if the thunder fell, shaking the dust on the outer wall of the treasure Pavilion, the old tree in the front yard splashed down green leaves, and a bird usually lives in the tree. Now, feeling the crisis, he left the old tree and disappeared.

Ke Yidao died.

The old poison is missing.

The treasure Pavilion fell apart overnight because of the death of the fisherman and fell into the most terrible disaster.

The voice fell and Taoist impermanence died miserably.

Then an old figure appeared in front of him. His wrinkled face showed a pair of small eyes full of fine light. There was thunder flashing in it. When walking around, he was full of lightning flashing, like a charger, containing amazing power of lightning.

The thunder attribute of the great saint is only in the middle of the great saint, but its combat effectiveness is absolutely terrible.

Only when you reach the great sage realm can you have attributes. If you can develop attributes in the sage realm, it is peerless genius. Generally, the attribute field owned by peerless genius is very great. For example, Fulai around Wu Changxing is an expert in the attribute field. Generally, three or five people in the same realm are basically not opponents.

Supreme elder of Brahmin Valley, Lei Wanjun.

Although he looks ill, his attack power is terrible. A roar shook Tao into a strange place, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. It was obvious that he was injured internally. Yang Ping looked at Lei Wanjun coldly, with a hot flame beating in his eyes.

"No one in the world dares to deal with the people in the Vatican valley. Although he is a waste, it should be the Vatican Valley to waste." Lei Wanjun walked to the door of the treasure Pavilion and didn\'t seem to see Yang Ping and others in his eyes. He said casually until Yang Ping stopped the way.

"Young people, only when they know how to advance and retreat can they make continuous progress." Lei Wanjun\'s face was numb, his eyes wanted to see through Yang Ping, releasing a ray of great holy pressure. Behind him, there was a momentum of thunder and galloping horses.

Yang Ping didn\'t step back and said, "you crossed the line."

"How about crossing the line?" Lei Wanjun smiled.

"I\'ll kill you."

Yang Ping calmly responded that he did not step back because of Lei Wanjun\'s threatening eyes. As long as he was there, no one could pass.

Lei Wanjun sighed, shook his head and said, "that\'s a pity."

A move of thunderous anger fell from the sky and took Yang Ping\'s head. Lei Wanjun said it was a pity, but he was merciless. The move is the strongest ancient martial arts, thunderous anger. This is a move to deal with experts in the same realm.

Peach became strange and turned pale. Feeling the power of death implied by the anger of thunder, he quickly shouted, "Yang Ping pushed away."

It\'s too late.

Because Tao Chengqi just realized that the attack had come to Yang Ping\'s head. He looked up and his eyes were full of lightning, as if he were in a new world. The thunder was furious and everything recovered.

Thunder enters the body.

But he was safe and sound.

Lei Wanjun\'s pupils narrowed, then showed his appreciation and said, "although I just want to punish you for your disrespect to your elders, it\'s all right for Xianyi to teach your disciples. I might as well teach you a lesson for your master."

A move of thunder anger failed, which shows that Yang Ping can absorb the power of thunder, which is great. You know, if thunder enters the body, it will explode if it is not handled properly, but Yang Ping\'s Mao affair does not show that his strength is seriously underestimated. Lei Wanjun\'s killing heart is more serious.

Tao Chengqi was bitter and anxious in his heart, but he had no choice but to watch.

"Start with you."

Yang Ping suddenly sighed. There was a touch of sadness in her eyes. Experts in the dark were ready to move and might jump at the treasure Pavilion at any time. The back mountain of the treasure Pavilion kept emitting treasure light, which made the night sky of Longcheng gorgeous. People who didn\'t know thought it was fireworks here that dyed the night sky red.

However, the endless treasure Qi that only experts can perceive shows that the artifact is about to be born.

The night was filled with restlessness and cold killing.

Lei Wanjun\'s eyes twinkled and thunder roared from time to time. He extracted the power of thunder from the void in his body and was ready to make a strongest attack. He not only wanted to kill Yang Ping, but also wanted others to see who was the first attacker in Longcheng at present.

Vatican sound Valley needs an artifact promotion too much. If others want to compete, there is only a dead end.

This is the purpose of Lei Wanjun.


Lei Wanjun really became a thunder Wanjun. The whole person turned into a wide thunder column. The crackling sound and the terrible power showed an absolutely powerful momentum and threatened the night.

Others felt the destructive power and took a cold breath.

Too strong!

No one can resist Lei Wanjun\'s move.

Will Yang Ping die?

This is everyone\'s question.

But Yang Ping himself is very calm. The golden pole of the spiritual world absorbs the power of the new world. His temperament is changing and rising. A golden column of light rises into the sky and drowns the Baoguang.

At this moment, everything is dead.