Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1145

Baoguang represents the extreme, and the artifact is invincible in hand. Baoguang rushes out of the underground of the treasure Pavilion, which makes countless experts in Longcheng jealous, but Yang Ping\'s breath just overshadows the Baoguang emitted by the artifact for a moment.

Then Yang Ping realized what he said before.

I\'ll kill you.

Lei Wanjun really died when he sent out the strongest attack.

A golden light didn\'t enter Lei Wanjun\'s eyebrows. His terrible momentum suddenly stopped. He stood upright on the ground with incredible eyes. But he just kept watching, strange silence.

Lei Wanjun is dead.

It was so easy to be killed by Yang Ping.

Yang Ping looks at the night and seems to see through the experts hidden in the night. Lei Wanjun is the strongest expert outside. His attack power is the strongest. Even if others are a little more powerful than Lei Wanjun, they can\'t far surpass him. When Lei Wanjun dies, the backs of those hidden experts cool, and Yang Ping\'s eyes are completely different.

The night ebbed like a tide.

All the experts left immediately. They originally wanted to rush up and fight with Yang Ping, but when they saw the tragedy of Lei Wanjun, they finally woke up. What about the cow forced weapons? If people die, they can make wedding clothes for others for nothing.

Except for the bodies of Lei Wanjun and Taoist Impermanence in Vatican sound Valley lying on the ground, other people who didn\'t take the initiative congratulated themselves. Fortunately, they didn\'t take the lead. Otherwise, Lei Wanjun was not lying on the ground, but themselves.

Tao Chengqi opened his mouth and closed it for a long time. His eyes completely changed when he looked at Yang Ping.

I\'m Cao.

The master in the middle of the great sage died like this. Is there any mistake.

Tao Chengqi began to suspect that Yang Ping had already become a great saint. Only by becoming a great saint, can he crush the experts at the same level with his talent, just like Yang Ping killing Yasheng is like killing a chicken in the same realm.

Nima, the descendant of the immortal medical sect is so awesome.

Tao Chengyi instantly felt that his sage realm was a slag in front of others.

"Go in."

Yang Ping pulled the Pearl into the gate. Tao Chengqi looked back and watched. Those people had left long ago. Although they paid close attention, they didn\'t dare to show up for fear that Yang Ping would be killed. No one knows if Yang Ping can make a move. What if he can?

After the Helian mountain master came, he went to the bamboo mountain to suppress the thin Baoguang. He wanted to strengthen the seal of the bamboo mountain and take over the old fisherman\'s work. Only after he really presided over the seal did he understand how much pressure the fisherman faced.

Yang Ping climbed the mountain carrying the body of the old fisherman. He came to the outside of the bamboo forest and saw the Helian mountain master in the center of the bamboo forest. He was bent, white haired, with his back to them and didn\'t look back. Tao Chengqi wanted to shout, but Yang Ping stopped him, shook his head, and then walked towards the bamboo house. Tao Chengyi feels his head and doesn\'t know why.

The Pearl looked at the back of Helian mountain Lord and sighed.

Tao Chengqi didn\'t understand it any more and asked, "why sigh? It\'s good to finish Lei Wanjun with one move. I\'ll pull a grass. Yang Ping, when were you so awesome? I thought I would die before I said it. I\'m ready to buy a coffin."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Ping fell to the ground.

Pearl\'s pretty face changed greatly. She rushed up, helped him up and said in a trembling voice, "are you okay?"

Yang Ping opened his eyes and gasped: "it\'s all right. Just rest. I just started the array of cangbaoxuan and reinforced it with the rest of my strength. Unless it\'s the direct invasion of Tianzun, the great sage can\'t detect it. Don\'t let others know that I\'m seriously injured, or it will be very troublesome."

Peach becomes strange and stops talking.

It looked good before. Why are you seriously injured now?

Mingzhu hugged Yang Ping, touched his head and whispered, "why do you bother? Even if you can stop them this time, they will react and attack again soon."

Yang Ping sighed, "I know. But if you let them in, the seal of the treasure Pavilion will be opened. At that time, many dark creatures will run out, and one expert will kill the fisherman. What if they all run out?"

The old fisherman has been the highest combat effectiveness of the treasure Pavilion, but he was easily killed. He can\'t even find the trace of the murderer. It shows that the other party\'s realm may really be Tianzun. If one or two more escape, everyone won\'t have to live.

Tao Chengqi gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Ping, I understand that those people won\'t sympathize with the people in Longcheng at all. For their own personal interests, whatever monsters you run out of Longcheng, as long as they get the artifact, they will leave quickly. These people are very selfish."

"Do you think they care about the life and death of the people in Longcheng?" Mingzhu sighed.

Tao Chengqi smiled bitterly, clenched his fist and said, "I don\'t think it\'s worth it. My wife was still there before, and I also have the momentum to serve the people, but when I see selfish people, they are also known as holy places and specialize in destruction, what qualifications do they have to become holy places!"

"And those murderers, if the dragon city is destroyed, they will be better? We worked hard to maintain the stability of the dragon city. Unexpectedly, the dark creatures didn\'t kill a few, but fought with their own people. It\'s really oppressive."

Tao Chengqi thought more and more unworthy. He got up and said, "I really want to put all the monsters here and kill these selfish bastards."

Yang Ping looked at Tao Chengyi with a pale face and said with a smile, "well, don\'t say anything frustrating. Each has its own way. The mountain master can\'t bear it alone when the fisherman is gone. I will recover my strength as soon as possible, take over the mountain master and let her rest. The mountain master will tell her..."

With a heavy sigh, Yang pingpan sat up and breathed.

Mingzhu bit her lips and felt the power flow in Yang Ping\'s body. Although she was walking in a good direction, there was a difference of 18000 miles from the recovery of her body. It was very expensive to use golden light. Otherwise, how could she kill a great saint mid-term master with super attack power.

This kind of superior killing will be damned by heaven.

Mingzhu is worried about more than that. After Yang Ping recovers, she will succeed the mountain leader. That\'s the seal array that the great sage is qualified to support. Can Yang Ping go up? Somehow, looking at Yang Ping\'s stubborn eyes, Mingzhu couldn\'t help crying.

Tao Chengyi carries the body of the old fisherman to deal with it. He can\'t be buried for the time being, but can only be kept in the freezer. Mingzhu silently sat beside Yang Ping and watched him enter a rapid recovery state. She felt pity and wanted to help him in person. But her ability is limited and she can\'t replace the mountain master.


The sound of spitting blood came from the bamboo forest.

Pearl looked in horror and her face changed wildly.

Lord Helian was barely able to eat. Because the load was too heavy, his body couldn\'t bear it, so he was seriously injured and couldn\'t hold on. Yang Ping suddenly opened his eyes, rushed to the bamboo forest and said, "I\'ll come."

Lord Helian smiled, and his pale and bloodless face showed a relaxed expression. It should be intentional and said, "Yang Ping, recover your strength as soon as possible. Those people outside will turn back soon. If they find that they have been cheated, they will attack more fiercely."

"The old fisherman can hold on for so long. Can\'t I do it in a few days?" Helian mountain master pretended to be relaxed.

Yang Ping felt a pain in his heart and nodded, "mountain Lord, please rest assured, I won\'t let the fisherman\'s efforts go in vain." after Lei Wanjun died, he really shocked everyone. No one dared to harass again until dawn, but as Baoguang gradually calmed down, some people began to get restless.

After a night\'s repair, Yang Ping\'s spirit is much better.

early morning.

The dew wet his shirt. Yang Ping sat on the hillside and looked at the sky.

The sun rises in the East and the purple air comes in the East.