Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1143

The pointed hat is like a woman\'s high-heeled shoes. It is worn on the elongated head. A pair of small eyes rotate slowly, sometimes cunning, sometimes cold and desperate. This is a very smart saint. The realm is in the middle of the saint. Such a saint with strength and head is naturally reused in the sect.

His name is Taoist impermanence. He is a good brother with the life compensating sword. He comes from the second rate holy land of China, Sanskrit valley. Sanskrit Valley is much stronger than Xuankong Temple. After all, the gap between the second rate and the third rate is still obvious, not only one gap, but also more than one great saint in Sanskrit valley.

Taoist impermanence is a very powerful elder in the Vatican valley. He is mainly responsible for external communication. He is equal to the foreign minister of a country. In addition, he is strong in evasion. General saints can\'t kill without paying attention, because he cultivates the ancient martial arts of emptiness and has achieved little. Very experienced in evasion.

When Taoist impermanence came over, he was quiet and timid, as if he was afraid of something. But when he approached, he found the old fisherman\'s body lying quietly on the ground, smiled and said, "the rumor is true. The old fisherman in the South China Sea has died. Alas, it\'s a pity that a great saint died in the dragon city." he shook his head, ignored Tao\'s ugly face and tut tut said, "Since people are dead, it\'s easy to do."

Tao Chengqi shouted, "old beast, who are you talking about?"

Similarly, as a saint, Tao Chengqi is just the initial state. Yang Ping has not pierced the film. At least it is nothing in the eyes of Taoist impermanence. He glanced at the body of the old fisherman and said, "don\'t you understand enough?"

Tao Chengqi said coldly, "tell me, I really don\'t understand."

Taoist impermanent uttered ouch ouch. His tone was sharp and mean. He was used to being superior. He was absolutely unambiguous when he should kneel down, but he could reach the extreme when he should be forced. In his opinion, cangbaoxuan resisted tenaciously and didn\'t know what the supreme elder thought. He came to persuade him to surrender.

"Well, boy, I\'ll explain it again. If I don\'t understand it, I\'ll bear the consequences. In this way, our supreme elder sees that you two can be made. It\'s a pity to waste. You can not only be protected but also live well if you join us in the Vatican sound Valley."

Taoist impermanence smiled.

Tao Chengqi sneered, "are there conditions?"

Taoist impermanence nodded and thought Tao Chengqi was excited. Yes, anyone who faces the attention of countless experts is frightened. Moreover, those experts are not ordinary people. Everyone is a big man outside. Now they gather in the Dragon City, naturally they will not easily let go of the rest of the treasure Pavilion. The Brahmin Valley is the top among the forces in the Dragon City, and there are supreme elders sitting Town, everyone should give some face.

Taoist impermanence said with a smile: "of course, there are conditions, but they are all very common conditions. I believe you will happily agree, because you die and have nothing, right?"

Tao Chengqi heard the irony of Taoist impermanence and sneered, "don\'t you just want to enter the treasure pavilion? What you said is so high sounding."@^^$

Taoist impermanence stretched out a finger, shook his head and said: "You are young after all. How can you think of us as robbers? After you two joined the Vatican sound Valley, everyone is a family, right? In that case, it\'s right to hand over all your things to the Vatican sound valley. So, to be precise, we don\'t ask you to agree to go in, but go to our own industry. There\'s no problem at all."

Tao Chengqi laughed and said in a cold voice, "do you want to swallow it alone?"

Taoist impermanence glared and said displeased, "don\'t be so ugly. It\'s called occupation, not swallowing alone. After ordering books for many years, young people, there is still a long way to go in the early realm of saints."

"So you\'re here to recruit." Tao Chengqi heard that the other party\'s purpose was impure.

Taoist impermanence squinted and smiled happily, saying: "You\'re too stupid. You should have heard it. It\'s not a sign of security. It\'s just to collect and make use of the waste of the treasure Pavilion. In fact, we don\'t lack saints. We\'re more powerful than you. We don\'t know how many, but we lack two watchdog dogs. What\'s the matter? If you want to live, call out the treasure Pavilion obediently, and then go to the Vatican Valley and start from the lowest disciple. It\'s your punishment for offending an elder Penalty "! $*!

Ignoring Tao Chengqi\'s anger, the impermanent Taoist pointed to the Pearl and showed greedy eyes. His small eyes twinkled with a faint light. He smiled obscene and said, "and her, follow me. I\'ll teach you well. If I\'m tired of playing, I may give it back to you."

"By the way, what I just said is too direct. What I want to express is that if you want to join the Brahmin Valley, you must contribute everything, including your women, money and your own life."

Taoist impermanence thought it was a normal thing, so he looked up and said, "kneel down and lead the order."

In his opinion, in the face of such terrible pressure, not to mention others, even ordinary holy places dare not stand out. At the same time, a supreme elder ranking in the top three came to fanyin Valley, so he was full of confidence and wanted to swallow the treasure Pavilion alone, ignoring the threat of others.

The treasure light is hidden, the array is still there, and the entrance is the gate of the treasure Pavilion. If you want to enter, you must go through the gate. Of course, the best result is that someone will guide you to reduce the loss. Fanyin Valley has a crush on Tao Chengqi and Yang Ping.

Husband and wife are birds in the same forest. When a disaster comes, they fly separately.

Not to mention the treasure Pavilion.

Taoist impermanence felt that Tao Chengqi and Tao Chengqi should have cried bitterly and offered everything when they heard that they could be sheltered. But after waiting for a long time, there was no news. They were unhappy and said, "if you miss this opportunity, no one dares to protect you. You should think about it?"

He\'s a little impatient and going to be angry.

In the past, when people outside saw Taoist impermanence angry, they couldn\'t show their mother and put out his flame, because Taoist impermanence was unhappy and someone must die.

"Not yet?"

Taoist impermanence shouted with disdain on his face: "I count three times. If you don\'t know the phase, you may die miserably later. Do you understand?"

Tao Chengqi said coldly, "go away. It\'s never possible to want us to surrender. Some people like to be dogs. When they get used to it, they think people all over the world like to be dogs. Sorry, we are human. Even if we die, we have to die standing."

"I\'m almost moved."

Yang Ping, who had been silent and regarded Taoist impermanence as a fool, finally opened his mouth, thumbed up and said, "this is the most meaningful thing I\'ve ever heard you say."

Tao Chengqi stared, smiled and scolded, "you don\'t know me very well. You think the boss does it casually, but I can have a lot of soul chicken soup. Would you like some more?"

Yang Ping quickly shook his head and said indifferently, "I don\'t like to argue with dogs."

Impermanent Tao\'s popularity trembled and roared: "you two want to die. I can\'t tolerate you. I wanted to..."


A figure appeared in front of him. Taoist impermanence\'s pupils opened wide and his neck was suddenly pressed by one hand. He just felt that the sky was spinning and the Qi in his body was crazy flowing towards the other party, and his strength and realm were declining.

He was so frightened that the dead came out and wanted to ask for help, but after three seconds, he had no strength and knelt on the ground.

Yang Ping kicked Taoist impermanence away, looked ahead and said coldly, "only I Yang Ping is here. Unless you step on my body, you don\'t want to go there." after his outbreak, his spirit shocked everyone.