Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1142

"Since you were born, my soul has entered your body. I have seen you grow up since childhood. Don\'t I understand your character?" Jiuyin knows that Zhu Xi wants to save people, but she doesn\'t take action. Even if Zhu Xi threatens to die together, she is still very calm, because Zhu Xi can\'t do it.

"Your boyfriend\'s time is over, unless there is a miracle." since the treasure light of the treasure Pavilion soared into the sky, there was still some hope to save, but now there is no doubt that he will die. If Yang Ping sticks to the treasure Pavilion, Jiuyin will replace Yang Ping. It\'s a pity that the great seedling will die so young. Let alone the great saint level experts, he can resist several. What if the Heavenly Master takes the shot, Yang Ping died without a burial place.

But Yang Ping also stubbornly guarded the treasure Pavilion.

"Do you feel wronged?" nine Yin sneered and hummed, "at least I\'m here, and no one can hurt you. Let me tell you the truth, don\'t think you\'re the only one. Don\'t you think the girl around her is not the same?"

"That girl\'s name is Mingzhu. Mingzhu\'s identity is bigger than you. Even I can\'t afford it. But Yang Ping feels foolishly that finding love is just a market dream."

"Don\'t think about looking for him. If Yang Ping doesn\'t die, maybe there is still a chance. Xuanjizi can\'t get away from the South China Sea. Only xuanjizi can suppress the master above the Heavenly God with the five element gold needle. Other capable people also have their own responsibilities. This time point is the best. It\'s also strange that Yang Ping is unlucky. The most powerful backup can\'t come to support. You\'re dead 。”

"Tao Zun is not bad, but what is stronger than Tao Zun is not without. Your horizons are too low. Yang Ping, including Yang Ping, thinks that Tao Zun is his biggest enemy. It\'s a joke. There are at least three realms above heaven. It\'s too early to say it\'s over."

If other people here get the information of Jiuyin, they will be very shocked. In the Jianghu, it is impossible for ordinary people, including saints, to know that there are several realms above heaven, because they are so far away that few can touch them through the ages. Even the strongest person in the contemporary era, the leader of Cihang Jingzhai, the leader of the magic door, and even the mysterious machine, that is, the realm of longevity above the God, has a stronger existence.

The realm of that thing in the South China Sea has infinitely exceeded the realm of longevity. It\'s hell that Xuanji can catch up.

Jiuyin didn\'t deliberately attack Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi didn\'t know what heaven and longevity realm were. Even if she knew it, she didn\'t have a specific concept. She just knew that Yang Ping was facing an unprecedented crisis and couldn\'t go up to help.

"All right, go back obediently. I don\'t have much power at my disposal. Even if you used to make trouble for him, I\'ll delete the dialogue between us. You\'re still the original Zhu Xi and don\'t know anything."

Jiuyin patiently explained that if an expert in the dark place knew that he had to lose his chin, because the once supreme God was always an extremely high and cold image, but now he persuaded a girl, and it seems to have no effect.

A sigh.

Echoing in the night of tomorrow\'s middle school.

Capital, general\'s house.

Old Jiang and old Wang sat opposite each other and talked about interesting things at home, such as which child entered the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee without relying on family relations. For example, the young people valued by the family had strong political ability. They changed from the secret skill of the Secretary of the municipal Party Committee to a senior official in charge of real power. These things are big things for ordinary people, but for the two old people, they are just children playing the house. Because of different levels, the vision is naturally different.

Each super family has a very detailed plan for the future.

The most important reason why the Jiang family can kick out the Xuanyuan family and become one of the four strongest families in China is to fight steadily and win the positions that must be won. The family is not a person\'s family, but depends on the continuous accumulation of resources by all members of a family to reach the current level.

Mr. Jiang envied Mr. Wang because he was full of students. Many ministerial level cadres were his students. One of the leaders was Mr. Wang\'s most outstanding student. Now he controls the Department that state officials fear most.

Old Wang said with a smile, "come on, don\'t be hypocritical. I know you have got several good positions in the army. Within ten years, the voice of the Chiang family will be greatly improved. You can break with the Lin family at that time."

Old Jiang laughed and said, "ten years later, old Wang, you can\'t do bad things behind you and ruin the affairs of young people."

Old Wang smiled and said, "I\'m old. No matter how much you pull your family back, don\'t worry, I\'ll do it."

Old Jiang smiled and said, "old Wang, who doesn\'t know, the most shameless old guy in officialdom, you can\'t believe a word. I\'d better ask them to be careful, or they\'ll be black and die."

Wang Lao smiled with disapproval.

In officialdom, there are no absolute friends. Today the Chiang family and the Wang family are on their honeymoon, but last year the two families fought openly and secretly for a military rank.

Suddenly, the two were confident at the same time.

The two old men looked down at their mobile phones, looked at each other and smiled.

"A lot of things have been saved," said old Jiang with a sigh of relief and surprise. "I\'m afraid our arrangements are unnecessary."

Wang nodded. The message from the message was very simple. It was nothing more than Yang Ping\'s situation. But he had been in officialdom for decades. It was clear that Yang Ping was finished. If so many experts in the Jianghu were hostile to him, then the treasure came out of the treasure Pavilion, which was tantamount to sentencing Yang Ping to death. Mr. Wang also knows that the treasure Pavilion is not an ordinary place, but a fortress guarding the dark place. If there is a problem with the treasure Pavilion, it will cause huge losses.

But this is not what the two elders should consider.

Although they serve the country and the people, they know how to endure and will not rush to the front line like young people. They know that someone will jump out. As a family leader, they just need to watch quietly.

Jianghu and chaotang are different concepts.

Those so-called Holy Land masters, in fact, in the eyes of Mr. Wang and Mr. Jiang, are just objects of use. Who controls the lifeline of the national economy is the real boss.

The story is coming to an end before it turns.

This is the conclusion of the two elders.

Old Wang is never wrong.

Chiang seldom made mistakes.

Therefore, the capital immediately brewing changes. Yang Ping\'s death can involve too many forces, and the Li family will also be involved.

"I\'d like to see how the Li family handled it."

The pupil flashed the cunning light like an old fox. Old Jiang got up and leisurely walked to the pond of the general\'s house. He looked at the two jumping fish in the pond and said with a smile: "the pattern is very important."

All the great forces in the capital got the news of Longcheng, but they kept silent and stood still.

Mr. Mu didn\'t return to the capital. Lord Junshen was still protecting the law for Mr. mu. It means that the two most powerful people in the capital didn\'t have time to meddle in Yang Ping\'s affairs, and even their own affairs had to be worried by others.

The situation is surging, and everyone is waiting for the news of wood\'s recovery.

This is a problem that involves a generation.

It is also a problem related to the future pattern change of China.

Longcheng is just a small war, but it is very bloody and violent.

At the door of the treasure Pavilion.

Yang Ping drank a mouthful of Shaojiu, his eyes were burning, and his body improved to the peak. After waiting for a long time, there were no experts. However, the treasure light behind him burst into the sky and broke out from the underground of the bamboo forest, which meant that the seal was damaged and overflowed with the energy breath that should not appear.

go into action without delay.

Finally, a master, the sage realm, came to the treasure Pavilion step by step.