Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1141

Bronze was startled when he heard the nine Yin, but he didn\'t leave. Instead, he said, "your strength has not increased, but your courage has increased a lot. If you want to design the nine Yin, forget it. You dare to mess with what the great Emperor didn\'t accomplish."

Zhu Xin stared at the bronze and said, "who says I want to design Jiuyin. Isn\'t Jiuyin still awake? I want to give her a good fortune."

The bronze mask looked sharp and said in a cold voice, "nine heavenly masters, you are ranked below the age of nine Yin. You have always been unconvinced. You want to challenge the age of nine Yin, but it\'s a pity that you can\'t design the age of nine Yin. Kill your heart. I advise you to forget it. This time, because you have a hunch that the opportunity is coming, you must not be the opponent of Taoist Masters alone. It\'s better to unite. There\'s still a little hope."


When Zhu Xin heard the name, his eyes shot out huge resentment, which seemed stronger than Xuanji, but he soon recovered his silence and said indifferently: "sooner or later, I will let daozun kneel in front of me."

Bronze said: "from time to time, his opponent, the Dark Lord, died in his hands. You are not much better than dark. Even Mengji is not worse than you. You are almost scared by Taoist Zun."

Zhu Xin was silent.

The bronze mask did not worry, but waited. The method of motivating generals has no effect on the strong at the level of Zhu Xin. The strong who have reached the heaven and respected the heaven have jumped out of the five elements, which is difficult to calculate. However, Tao Zun is really powerful and crafty. He has the wisdom that ordinary Tianzun does not have, which is very difficult to deal with.

"It\'s not impossible to cooperate, but if you help me catch someone, I need her body." Zhu Xin suddenly said.

The bronze mask is in peace. As long as you can talk about the conditions, it shows that there is hope. Last time, Taoist Zun went to the treasure pavilion to find something. Unexpectedly, Xuanji Zi appeared, seriously injured three people and fell into Taoist Zun\'s calculation, making Taoist Zun go further.

To respect Tao alone is certainly not an opponent.

As for the things born in Longcheng, bronze masks are extremely eager. No Taoist priest doesn\'t want to get artifact. With artifact, his strength is completely improved to a higher level. Why is the leader of Cihang Jingzhai the best in the world? He has a flying sword. One sword can kill the emperor. This is the representative of strength.

"Of course. As long as you say your name, I\'ll catch it right away. It\'s not the human body." the idea of the bronze mask is very simple. As long as you can catch it at any time in Longcheng, you still have the ability.

"Zhu Xi."

Zhu Xin smiled and showed a strange smile. He seduced him and said, "it\'s just a human body. Our cooperation can definitely defeat Taoist Zun. Don\'t you want to?"

The bronze color changed and scolded: "madman. You are completely madman. You want the carrier of Jiuyin, but you want to cut off the hope of Jiuyin. It\'s impossible. You don\'t know the temper of Jiuyin. If you dare to touch her things, you will never die."

Zhu Xin said with a smile, "can\'t the two of us fight a nine Yin without recovery?"

Bronze frowned but quickly shook his head and hummed, "it seems that you have no sincerity to cooperate. Kill your heart. Don\'t play with fire. You will burn yourself sooner or later." then he turned and left.

Zhu Xin hummed: "waste, the guy who doesn\'t even know his positioning wants to grab the unparalleled artifact. I don\'t know where you get your confidence, and those idiots. Do you really think that the unparalleled artifact can be manipulated casually? If an artifact is completely inspired, the heaven is not enough."

Others were dazzled by the treasure, but the heart of punishment after being trapped for 20 years was very clear, not to mention bronze. Even if Taoist Zun wanted to seize the artifact of the old man in the heavenly tomb, it was just a mirror.

Killing the old fisherman was very easy for Zhu Xin. At least the old fisherman was Xuanji\'s arm. In order to make things more chaotic in Longcheng, she added a fire. In fact, she also wanted to kill Yang Ping, but thinking that Yang Ping still had use value, she continued to wait and occupied sister Mei\'s body, so she could do it at any time.

"The soul inside is so noisy!"

Zhu Xin\'s eyes flashed and his thoughts moved. Another soul in his body began to scream. Zhu Xin wanted to kill and erase sister Mei\'s memory, but sister Mei\'s willpower was amazing and couldn\'t be erased for a while. This makes Zhu Xin very unhappy. She used many secrets to refine sister Mei\'s consciousness, but it was a pity that they all failed. Sister Mei was crippled, but she always breathed.

"Cheap human beings." Zhu Xin hummed.

"The next step should be to continue to kill the people in cangbaoxuan. No, people close to Yang Ping should be killed. Who will make the situation in Longcheng more chaotic. Well, what about the Secretary of the municipal Party committee?"

Zhu Xin smiled and showed a cruel smile.

She came out to kill and choose the old fisherman. In fact, the timing was very good, because it was clear that xuanjizi had a new situation in the South China Sea and might not be able to return. It was at the time of the greatest pressure that she finally killed the old fisherman.

In fact, Xuanji Zi knew that the old fisherman was dead, but he missed a moment. There was a sudden change in the South China Sea and he had to stay.

You can imagine xuanjizi\'s painful expression. Zhu Xi couldn\'t help laughing wildly, and the tears of laughter flowed out.

"Zhu Xi, nine Yin..."

Zhu Xin had another terrible idea, that is to kill Zhu Xi, make Yang Ping more painful, fall into madness, and then stimulate Xuanji. Everything I did was aimed at Xuanji, trying to make him suffer and make him collapse.

"Zhu Xi, the body of nine Yin, is mine." Zhu Xin\'s idea has just come out. He is ready to drink some wine and enjoy life outside. But tomorrow, a beautiful shadow appears at the gate of the middle school. He is wearing a curvy black uniform. His temperament is cold and elegant. The branches on both sides are frozen in the places he passes by.

She walked quietly on the campus, aimlessly, as if enjoying the scenery of the school.

But Zhu Xin suddenly stood up and stared at the visitor.

Imperceptibly, a panic flashed in her eyes, but it soon turned into anger and resentment. Zhu Xin would resent all those who hindered her. The seal of 20 years made her character stubborn and crazy and abnormal to an endless end.

But behind the abnormal psychology, there is still fear.

Hidden deep.

But I saw someone show it.

Zhu Xi, to be exact, Jiuyin, came to tomorrow\'s middle school playground and looked at the God pit, which was about to restore calm. The dark smell inside was getting less and less and would soon disappear. Standing silently, Zhu Xi looked calm.

At this time, Zhu Xin appeared on the playground. He couldn\'t help but say sarcastically, "it\'s ridiculous that nine people are the first. They should live by a body of nine Yin."

Nine Yin ignored.

Zhu Xin narrowed her eyes, as if her self-esteem had received the same damage as before. Once, the nine Yin also despised her and stood high above her. It was like she was facing other mole ants, which made her very uncomfortable.

"The dragon city is in chaos. Don\'t you worry that things will be robbed? If I were you, I wouldn\'t appear in the dragon city to avoid being found. Taoist Zun won\'t let you go." Zhu Xin sneered.


A light came.

Zhu Xin sneered and wanted to avoid it.

But the knot was solid and hit his face, and his heart covered his cheek with horror.

Nine Yin turned around and said coldly, "I was just a maid, but I am still. You are not qualified to talk to me. Don\'t think you will be free if you escape from the treasure Pavilion. I could suppress you before, but I can still do so now."

With that, Jiuyin left.

Zhu Xin\'s heart was filled with fire, and he shot out towering resentment.


Zhu Xin stopped and looked in the direction of the treasure Pavilion.

A dark yellow breath rose into the sky.

Baoguang drowned the treasure Pavilion and couldn\'t stop it. The array inside was vulnerable.


Jiuyin shook her head and heard another voice in her heart asking her to save her, but Jiuyin didn\'t move. She looked at it quietly and felt that the treasure pavilion was unlucky. No one thought that the treasure really came out of the treasure Pavilion.