Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1138

The old fisherman was seriously injured. To be exact, he was almost dead.

Yang Ping helped the old fisherman into the hospital and checked his body. He was shocked. The old fisherman is already very powerful, but he can instantly destroy the body mechanism of the old fisherman and almost kill the old fisherman. Unless Tianzun makes a move, he thinks that the underground thing will not be Tianzun\'s realm, right?

But it was quickly denied.

That thing is just a weapon. It has no active attack ability. It is absolutely possible to seriously injure the old fisherman. In a moment, Yang Ping thought about many possibilities. Yang Ping pricked the old fisherman. Under the five element needling method, the dead can live. The old fisherman finally took a breath and spoke.

"Great fear."

The old fisherman gasped heavily, his eyes showed a look of horror, and shouted, "all the people who went are dead except me. It\'s not that thing at all. Unparalleled artifact can\'t kill so much. It killed everyone. The whole playground is blood donation and corpses..."

Thinking of the tragedy, the old fisherman couldn\'t help but be shocked. He held Yang Ping\'s hand tightly and said bitterly, "fortunately, you reminded me and left a heart, otherwise I would die in tomorrow\'s middle school at that moment."

Yang Ping said in a deep voice, "don\'t talk for the time being to avoid moving the wound."

The fisherman nodded, closed his eyes and began to regulate his breath.

Yang Ping continued his treatment. Half an hour later, when the fisherman recovered a little, he said, "fortunately, you escaped early, otherwise the force in your body will completely erode your body." then he pulled out the silver needle, which was wrapped with black gas, and rushed frantically at Yang Ping, trying to get into his nose.

The Qi of Nine Yang vibrates, and the black Qi dissipates by itself when it meets the nemesis.

When the fisherman saw the black gas, he was terrified. His pupils flashed and said, "I didn\'t expect it to be a trap. It\'s not an unparalleled artifact at all, but something I haven\'t even seen. He suddenly killed."

Black Qi is the power released by that thing, which can kill the warrior instantly.


The old fisherman thought of something and changed his color and said, "I see. It deliberately simulates the power of unparalleled artifact. It just wants to devour the blood essence of the warrior. If you guessed correctly, it has countless connections with the dark place. If you want to come out, you need to absorb the blood essence of the warrior. Now don\'t you know enough?"

Yang Ping was awe inspiring and secretly said that these people were eager for quick success and instant benefit. Unexpectedly, they just became fish in the net and were slaughtered. His nine Yang Qi is the only energy to restrain the black Qi. Only he can be safe in the black Qi. Because the attribute of black Qi is very familiar, the project manager also has the same attribute, that is, to restrain the power of the warrior, which is also overbearing, not only to restrain but also to devour the blood essence of the warrior.

The old fisherman looked worried and said, "it\'s just that I\'m too greedy and give half my strength to tomorrow middle school. Now it\'s difficult to suppress the seal. Maybe something has run out underground. Come on, Yang Ping, we\'ll go back to Zang Baoxuan right away."

Without time to ask, Yang Ping took the old fisherman back to the treasure Pavilion.


Mrs. Zhu\'s cocoon is still, absorbing the power of emptiness and ready to explode at any time, but she remains the same. There is no event. In the bamboo forest, a pillar falls to the ground like a thunder splitting fire, and the whole bamboo is like coke. The fisherman looked closer, his face changed wildly, stamped his feet and said, "one more!"


A purple light flew out of the bamboo forest and wanted to leave the treasure Pavilion.

The old fisherman shouted, "five element seal, set!"

He released the seal and injected all his strength. The five elements of eight trigrams appeared over the bamboo forest. The eight trigrams rotated violently and shot a silky force through the shadow\'s body. The shadow screamed and struggled desperately. It was a pity that they could not resist the power of the five elements seal and were sealed again.

The old fisherman was paralyzed on the ground and gasped violently.

"Go to the middle and see if the nine seals are loose." the fisherman was very anxious and wanted to fly over, but he barely spoke until he exhausted all his strength. Yang Ping was already standing in the center of the bamboo forest. When he looked carefully, the bamboo in the center was fragile. A gust of wind blew and crackled, and fell to the ground in the fisherman\'s frightened eyes.

The old fisherman screamed and shouted, "no, he ran out. My God, isn\'t the dragon city going to be in chaos." he patted his legs and said painfully, "it\'s all my greed. I want unparalleled artifact. I didn\'t expect to make a big mistake. It\'s over. It\'s really over. Even he ran out. How can I do it this time."

Yang Ping didn\'t know why. Although he knew that the bamboo forest was sealed with many strong people, the realm of fishing for old people was somehow the peak of the great sage. How could he be so rude? He asked, "it\'s OK. Since you can seal it once, you can seal it a second time."

The old fisherman kept shaking his head and murmured, "you don\'t understand. If he wasn\'t a coat, it would be difficult for your master to seal it with all his strength, but he......" he stopped talking and sighed heavily at last. He was ten years old in an instant.

Yang Ping couldn\'t help but say, "you can\'t make it?"

The fisherman just shook his head.

Yang Ping\'s heart sank. He knew that there was a lot of trouble. Even the old fisherman was afraid of his existence. He was a terrible expert. He was estimated to be at the same level as Mengji. He was the strongest under the emperor in those years.

It seemed that he knew Yang Ping\'s idea. The old fisherman lengbuding said, "he is a real God, and his ranking was still above the Taoist statue."

I\'m Cao!

After hearing this, Yang Ping almost scolded his mother. NIMA, the real God, farted in Longcheng after it was released. Not to mention the old fisherman, it is estimated that everyone in his treasure Pavilion will die. He personally realized the horror of Taoist reverence and the master of heaven\'s realm, which can\'t be described in words.

Tianzun, the existence that even Tiandao respects, has been divorced from the common customs.

"The dragon city is getting out of control now. So far, the treasure pavilion has been out of control and may fall into chaos at any time," the fisherman said in a deep voice, "Yang Ping, you go to tomorrow\'s middle school to seal the hole. It\'s impossible for that thing to come out for the time being. You\'d better restrain your Jiuyang Qi and hope to succeed. I\'ll go out to track down the man\'s trace. Maybe the man\'s strength has declined because he hasn\'t appeared for too long. I try my best to recover it."

"I see."

For the sake of the people of Longcheng, Yang Ping had to fight. They left the treasure Pavilion and fought in two ways.

Soon, Yang Ping came to the playground of tomorrow middle school. Strangely, the playground was very clean. Except for a huge pit, which was the place where the stone tablet was broken out last time. Now it is dark and like a devil\'s mouth. It is a little strange and quiet around without any anger.

A gust of Yin wind blew, and the cave made a whine.

"Come here, come here..."

Suddenly, a magical voice came from the pit, which confused Yang Ping\'s eyes and forcibly distorted the spiritual world. This voice was like the command of the God of death and could not resist.

Yang Ping walked slowly to the pit.

"I give you great strength. As long as you surrender to me, you will get everything you want. There is infinite hatred in your heart. If I give you strength, you can take revenge..." the voice saw through Yang Ping\'s hatred in his heart, his hatred for the Taoist priest and his thirst for strength.

Just now, Yang Ping could barely stay awake. When she heard that she could gain more strength, she struggled for a moment in her eyes, and then she was very confused. She moved slowly towards the pit on the playground.