Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1139

"Come on, boy, I give you great strength." the voice in the pit was excited. He was very interested in Yang Ping and knew that general means were useless to him. He could only hypnotize.

Seeing Yang Ping walking to the edge of the pit, a black light came out and stabbed Yang Ping\'s eyebrows. If you are stabbed, the immortal cannot be saved.

At a critical juncture.

Yang Ping suddenly opened his eyes, sealed his hands, injected all the Qi of Nine Yang, and the power in his body was continuously input into it, forming a Tai Chi eight trigrams, and shouted: "five element seal!"


The five element seal fell into the pit. Before long, there was a sad cry.

"Nine Yang Qi, five element acupuncture, who are you..."

The voice slowly disappeared, but it could be vaguely heard: "I will come back, the descendant of the five element gold needle, wait, I will make your life worse than death..." finally, the dark breath completely disappeared.

Yang Ping exhausted his strength, paralyzed on the ground and couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

If the strength attribute did not just restrain the other party, Yang Ping could not be sealed, but the other party clearly recognized his cards and would not be fooled next time. Once his strength is restored, he will make a comeback.

Everything withered under the black light.

This is the power of death.

Yang Ping almost lost his color when he was shot by the black light, because the power attribute of the black light absolutely suppressed the martial artist\'s Qi. At that moment, Yang Ping felt that his body lost air, as if he had fallen into the nine secluded places and the devil\'s abyss, and the endless cold frozen his body. Fortunately, the Nine Yang Qi in the body reacted instantly, defeated the black light entering the body and returned to normal, which was sealed by the other party\'s surprise.

Tomorrow middle school is [email protected] ^^$

The five element seal is not for fun. It\'s absolutely safe. Yang Ping has heard of the control of the dragon city and gradually understands an absolute seal, that is, the five element seal, which is just a reduced version of the treasure Pavilion, but it is extremely powerful. The fisherman knew Yang Ping\'s ability before he let him come.

However, the endless resentment from that thing seems to be disgust and killing of the five element gold needle. Yang Ping knew that the other party was not injured, but lost the opportunity to rush out. However, there are many loopholes in the Longcheng array, and opportunities may appear at any time. I just don\'t know when I\'ll stick to it.

After handling the seal of tomorrow\'s middle school, Yang Ping wants to leave, but she feels the familiar smell. It\'s sister Mei\'s smell. Strangely, everyone else is unconscious, but sister Mei is still fine. Without thinking about it, Yang Ping came to the headmaster\'s office. He just walked in and faced a pair of scissors.

The sharp scissors couldn\'t hurt Yang Ping. He held the scissors, looked at the person who did it, looked at the frightened face, and said helplessly, "sister Mei, it\'s me."

Sister Mei was stunned. After seeing Yang Ping clearly, she suddenly rushed into Yang Ping\'s arms. Her delicate body trembled violently. Obviously, she didn\'t recover from her previous fear. She trembled and said: "many people have died, too many people...! $*!

"That\'s an illusion!"

Yang Ping felt sister Mei\'s mind was confused and her spirit was about to collapse. But yes, an ordinary person saw the miraculous events on the playground and saw countless Tragedies with his own eyes. In particular, sister Mei was still a quality-oriented person. How could she not collapse.

"Hallucination?" sister Mei looked up, showing a dazed color.

Yang Ping\'s eyes flashed. Sister Mei entered deep hypnosis and murmured, "hallucination, hallucination..."

"It\'s just a dream, a nightmare. You will feel your body soaking in the hot spring and slowly heal your wound. You feel very familiar. Yes, you relax and relax slowly..."

Yang Ping uses hypnosis to make sister Mei forget the past and start again. Otherwise, this killing may affect sister Mei\'s whole life.

Sister Mei closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Yang Ping settled down with sister Mei. Without time to continue communication, she left tomorrow middle school. When he stepped out of the school gate, sister Mei suddenly opened her eyes and showed a meaningful smile in the headmaster\'s office.

"The power is more pure than I thought. Before the harvest, Yang Ping, you need to grow up quickly." if Yang Ping is present, she will be absolutely shocked, because sister Mei seems to have changed a person. Her pupils are silver, her black hair is windless, and she dances wildly. The airflow in the headmaster\'s office turned into a vortex, a dark vortex, like an abyss.

When Yang Ping went to the treasure house, he didn\'t see the old fisherman. His mental strength was released, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Even lost the trace of the old fisherman.


Yang Ping continued to search, but he never found the smell of the old fisherman. He seemed to disappear. An ominous premonition emerged in his heart. He said secretly that there would be no accident. The old fisherman is an old man\'s person, and there are endless means to protect his life. It should be no accident.

Tomorrow middle school.

The old fisherman suddenly appeared after Yang Ping left, staring at the office building, standing at the door, motionless. He took out a purple pill and hesitated, but soon showed his determination and swallowed it.

The old fisherman coughed violently and his face turned red. Slowly, he calmed down and his breath soared. It was worse than before he was seriously injured.

"I hope it\'s time."

The fisherman sensed that the breath was in tomorrow middle school, tracked most of the Dragon City, sensed the familiar breath in an instant, and came to tomorrow middle school. He must have tracked down the person inside. He guessed whether the other party had been sealed for too long and wanted to recover his strength with some force after coming out.

You must kill the opponent before he recovers his strength, or the consequences will be unimaginable.

The old fisherman came to the office building and started the strongest exploration mode. The old fisherman in his hand was like a snake letter. He kept huffing and puffing. Suddenly he pointed to the principal\'s office. His face was dignified and quietly went upstairs to prepare for an assault.


The door of the headmaster\'s office opened automatically, revealing a face that is suitable for anger and joy. It is extremely beautiful and exudes dark charm. Sister Mei sat in a rotating chair, looked at the old fisherman with great interest, nodded and said, "after eating the life renewal pill of Xuanji, she forcibly restored her strength, but lost the way to promote heaven in the future. Don\'t you think it\'s a pity?"

The old fisherman\'s eyes were afraid. He didn\'t dare to relax his vigilance against sister Mei and said, "Zhu Xin, I advise you to go back to the seal honestly, or Xuanji will come back and you will be doomed."

Zhu Xin is a unique evil in the mouth of the old fisherman.

She is also sister Mei now.

The fisherman was not sure, because when the bamboo fell, it was hollow, which means that the seal may have been broken long ago. Zhu Xin has escaped from the seal for some time. The fisherman is just not sure how much his heart power has recovered.

I hope you can kill the other party before he recovers. It\'s best to seal it again.

The old fisherman gathered his strength, clutching the fishing rod and preparing to make a move.

Sister Mei quietly looked at the old fisherman and sighed, "didn\'t you find that you entered the abyss world from the moment you went out? I didn\'t want to kill you, but you sent it to the door, so I had to ask Xuanji for interest first. As for Yang Ping, I played slowly, because the Qi of Nine Yang in his body hasn\'t been completed yet."

The fisherman looked up. There was no roof of the office, but a gray sky.

Oh, no, we\'re in each other\'s world.


Sister Mei showed a cold smile, like the king of demons climbing out of the abyss, releasing a breath of heaven, but she only felt it in the field world, which can shield everyone\'s perception.

The fisherman felt the boundless pressure and said in horror, "you have recovered..."