Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1137

Ke Yidao died.

He died miserably.

To be exact, Ke Yidao didn\'t know how to die. He didn\'t have time to see it. With the perception of the great sage realm, he didn\'t see how the power to kill him came, but the fisherman saw it.

So the fisherman was cold all over.

After dusk, night fell and the sky was red.

I never thought that there would be so many tragedies in a place of reading and educating people. Maybe tomorrow morning, the blood color will dye the campus red, and those students who come to school will scream, but now everyone in the school except sister Mei is unconscious.

Sister Mei huddled in her office and waited for dawn.

I can\'t get out.

Compared with the blood color of tomorrow\'s middle school, the villages in the city are calm and terrible. The construction site is shut down at night. The workers play cards in the shed. The fatigue of the day makes most migrant workers lie down and sleep. They don\'t know that the killing has been started in a corner of Longcheng.

On the streets of the village in the city, perhaps because today\'s business is particularly bad, the vendors go home early and close the door to sleep. The streets look very calm.

A team quietly entered the village in the city, carrying heavy weapons and trapped Tongde Medical Museum.

The leader of the team is a major. Jianmei Xingmu looks a little powerful. All he brings are good players in the army. They don\'t know who they are going to deal with before receiving the task. Only the major knows that once the person in the medical school gets angry, everyone present may not be able to go home.

But the major came.

military orders are like a mountain.

Before Lin ruoya returned in vain, this time he sent elite troops to encircle and suppress. Obviously, this team has made amazing achievements in performing tasks in the Middle East and has the spirit of invincible division. However, I don\'t know why it entered the village in the city and didn\'t enter the darkness of the dragon city.

The major remembered the task assigned by his superiors before. He was not allowed to catch Yang Ping at all costs.

There are two options.

Now Lei Ling saw the purple medal. Her face turned red and her whole body trembled. She cried, "Captain Yang, is that... Is it... Really?"

"Of course."

Yang Ping smiled.

Lei Ling saluted again. This time, he admired more and said, "Captain Yang, take care."

With that, Lei Ling left with the team members in the clouds.

The village in the city is quiet again.

However, this is only the beginning. The previous two waves were to test Yang Ping\'s bottom line and the relationship between Yang Ping\'s ability and background. However, up to now, those upper level figures who want to deal with Yang Ping have not seen through Yang Ping\'s cards, so they continue to wait.

The enemy\'s Revenge did not come.

Yang Ping waited for the fisherman.

The old fisherman was covered with blood.