Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1136

The familiar pressure shrouded the sky again, and the sunset on the whole city turned red and shone on people\'s faces. However, any powerful warrior who feels the pressure and poor strength kneels directly on the ground.

Mother asked me why I knelt on the ground.

Those martial artists with low level turned red, but they couldn\'t tell why.

Tomorrow middle school.

A large number of experts let this side start again. There are countless experts lurking inside and outside the void. They move on hearing the wind, just for this powerful thing. This is a good thing. It startled all the martial artists from the heaven. But only a few people are really qualified to rob. Many people don\'t understand. They rush up and think that if they get that thing, they can be unparalleled in the world.

The treasure Pavilion moved.

The old fisherman rushed over with the fishing rod recast by Xuanji.

The magic door also moved.

Qingqing follows Shanbo and anxiously calls his subordinates to kill tomorrow high school.

The experts hiding in the dark of the dragon city have red eyes. They seem to see the hope of longevity and invincible power. They no longer hide their tracks. They would rather be exposed under the eyes of the enemy to get something.

But someone didn\'t move.

Tongde Medical Museum.

Relying on Yang Ping, the pearl is enjoying the gentleness under the sunset and thinking about whether people\'s feelings are the same as the sun. There is always a ups and downs process from sunrise to sunset, and the same result in the end.

When people die, they are no different from the weeds in the ridge, and even more difficult to distinguish from the clouds floating overhead.

"Do you want to go?" Mingzhu asked with bright eyes.

With a faint smile, Yang Ping\'s eyes became brighter and brighter. He shook his head and said, "no matter how beautiful things are, they can\'t compare with being with you."

This is the most beautiful love word pearl has ever heard, so she smiled, nodded and asked, "what do you want to eat at night?" Yang Ping didn\'t answer, but whispered in her ear, "can I eat you?"

Rao is the Pearl and the first lady in Longcheng. She is used to big scenes and still blushes. She is the easiest to be shy in front of her lover. She bowed her head and said, "I\'m ready every day. I\'m afraid you won\'t eat me."

Low key and coquettish are more tempting than bold and wild.

Yang Ping always felt that Mingzhu was the most attractive woman he had ever seen. Her words and deeds were full of wisdom and charm. That was the case. Longcheng master\'s eyes are focused on tomorrow\'s middle school. He only wants to be gentle with the Pearl.

Tomorrow high school.

Baoguang soared into the sky.

At the place where the first group of people were shining, the court was stopped by a strong force as soon as they entered. A tall man stood outside the court and shouted, "I\'m the elder of Brahmin valley. This place has been requisitioned. Who dares to take a step? I\'ll kill him."

This is an expert in the realm of saints. To be exact, it is the peak of saints in the early stage. It is only one step away from the mid-term realm. Fanyin Valley is a third rate holy land, which is better than Xuankong Temple, but not much better.

The man continued to scold. The experts at the edge of the playground looked at each other, and then all shot at him. Whether it\'s the seventh level, the eighth level, the Ninth level or the second holy level, he may not like a single attack, but when all the attacks are superimposed, the man has time to shout stop, and then he is drowned by the attack.

Without leaving the body, he became a ghost.

Blood was flowing on the playground and didn\'t enter the Baoguang cave. The pit is a bottomless hole that can accommodate any number of attacks. When the saints of Vatican sound Valley died, those people stood at the mouth of the cave, trying to compete for the first place to eat crabs, so they began to kill each other.

Blood and roar filled the night sky.

One by one, the lives of living people disappeared, and the blood entered the pit, which made the treasure light brighter than the sunset in the sky. Tomorrow\'s high school today is a weekend holiday. No one in the school, except the security guard at the door and several teachers in the dormitory, fainted with strong blood.

The principal\'s office. Sister Mei stretched out her head from the window and saw her red eyes. She was so frightened that she closed the window and sat shivering on the ground. She has experienced the chase of hungry wolves in the grassland and the threat of death, but she still feels cold in the face of the light emitted by human greed. She remembered what Yang Ping had said.

Living is the best.

Knowing that the situation was out of control, sister Mei couldn\'t help calling Yang Ping and saying that there would be a disorderly war in the middle school tomorrow. After listening to this, Yang Ping said seriously, "if you don\'t want to have an accident, just stay honest. The disorderly war will soon be calm."

As soon as the voice fell, sister Mei didn\'t understand the meaning carefully, and the scream outside stopped.

There was a dead silence on the playground.

Bodies everywhere.

Then sister Mei saw in horror that one tentacle climbed out of the hole and dragged the body down each other. The hole made a terrible sound of chewing. Her back was cold and her teeth began to tremble.

The first broken man came and disappeared.

In addition to the realm of saints in Vatican sound Valley, others are under saints, which is equivalent to some. It can be regarded as cannon fodder in the complex situation of Longcheng.

The real master is still observing and has no impulse.

They know it\'s not easy to get it. If they don\'t handle it well, they will lose their lives.

In the corner.

The old fisherman stood under an old banyan tree with a fishing rod on his back. His strength was further and his eyes were bright. He just could almost touch the threshold of heaven, but he still didn\'t move, but called Yang Ping.

"Come on, something was born?"

The old fisherman took the initiative to call for the first time after the daozun incident and said in a deep voice, "that thing can\'t fall into other hands, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Yang Ping, come and help me."

"I have something else to do."

Yang Ping\'s calm voice responded to the fisherman. There was still no emotional fluctuation when he heard that something was born.

The fisherman was stunned and asked, "don\'t you want it?"


This is Yang Ping\'s truth.

The fisherman was stunned again. He made sure that Yang Ping\'s tone was not too urgent. He said helplessly, "OK, but you have to be careful. After I come out, the power to protect you will be weak. The seal is weak. It\'s a close call. I must take this opportunity to get it."

"Fishing for the old man." Yang Ping suddenly shouted.

The old fisherman said, "what\'s the matter?"

"In fact, you can\'t go down." Yang Ping thought for a moment or persuaded, "there must be a mystery in it. Don\'t you find so many crazy people? Is there something wrong? Do you think things will be easy to find when they are born?"

The old fisherman also thought about this possibility, but that kind of invincible coercion can\'t be fake. Only artifact can have it, and other things are almost impossible. He said, "Yang Ping, you don\'t see the real artifact. It\'s extremely powerful and the first in the world. If you miss the opportunity, it\'ll be difficult in the future." in fact, he wanted it very much, but he didn\'t mean it well.

Yang Ping said again, "take care."

Some words need not be said.

Xuanjizi didn\'t say he wanted to grab that thing, but the fisherman was unwilling to explore the way to promote the emperor, so he fought. People are always greedy. Even if the fisherman is a great saint, he still wants something.

That is the realm of heaven.

The second group of experts came. The fisherman saw a familiar background and hurriedly said, "don\'t talk first. I saw you ke Yidao, and this guy came. Talk back." after that, he hung up the phone and stared at the front.

But I just noticed that the second group of people suddenly disappeared, shrouded in the light from the pit, and quietly turned into a pool of pus and blood. Ke Yidao was sneaky and acted according to the circumstances. Fortunately, he was alert, or he would die in the hood.

Ke Yidao is known as the magic knife. His psychological quality is excellent. He can\'t kill anyone but nod his head. However, seeing the master who disappeared out of thin air in the playground, he was so scared that he turned pale and hurried back. If it wasn\'t for flowers, he warned him not to be greedy, otherwise he would die even worse if he walked in the front.


A light flashed across.

Ke covered his neck with a knife and showed frightened eyes.

He had no time to scream and fell to the ground.

The great saint, the first to die on the playground, died in the territory of competing for unparalleled artifact.

The blood red night of Longcheng has just begun.