Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1135

military orders are like a mountain!

Yang Ping can still smoke peacefully, but Lin ruoya is more or less angry. When she is ordered to arrest people, she can hardly believe that the top military officials have to deal with a person who has made great contributions to the people of the country.

Lin ruoya is very aware of Yang Ping\'s position in the military. It is a legend and the object of worship of countless soldiers. If she is taken to a military court, the consequences will be very serious.

"They can\'t wait?"

Yang Ping asked Lin ruoya to come in and asked with a smile. He obviously didn\'t care about the possibility of being arrested.

Lin ruoya said with a wry smile: "old Mu is still in a coma. Lord Junshen has been guarding old Mu and has cut off contact with the outside world."

Yang Ping suddenly realized that it\'s no wonder the other party has no fear. It turned out that they can do anything without the support of Mr. Mu and Lord Junshen. It\'s a pity that they are not the people they used to handle casually.

"This is..." when Lin ruoya entered the door, she saw the Pearl, and a surprise flashed in her eyes. She secretly said how can there be such a beautiful woman in the world. As a woman, she can\'t be jealous of the appearance of the Pearl. She is also a flower in the army and the object pursued by countless men. However, compared with the Pearl, she has a little less quiet temperament. Looking at Yang Ping, her eyes can\'t help complaining.

Yang Ping\'s heart beats. The relationship with Lin ruoya is more complex. They go to bed purely because of mutual attraction. They haven\'t talked about love between men and women. But after confirming the relationship with Mingzhu, I basically didn\'t go out to play.

He deliberately ignored Lin ruoya\'s grievances and said with a smile, "Lin ruoya, the rank of Colonel, is the second in command of the Supervision Bureau." he looked at Mingzhu and observed her expression for fear that Mingzhu would be angry, "Mingzhu. My love."


Yang Ping\'s back was cold. I thought Lin ruoya would do something special. Unexpectedly, Lin ruoya was in line with the rules. After congratulations, she went to Mingzhu and said with a smile: "Yang Ping used to be a prodigal son in the army. I didn\'t expect to be subdued by his sister. He used to bully me. My sister should help me take revenge and deal with him hard."

Mingzhu chuckled and said, "come on, it\'s dinner time. The two big brothers outside come in together." she didn\'t take the move, but scanned between Yang Ping and Lin ruoya with great interest.

Lin ruoya was awed to see that the Pearl was not [email protected] ^^$

The pearl is not only beautiful, but also very smart. The key is to know the general. This kind of woman is terrible. You can not only tie men with your body, but also control men with wisdom, so that men can\'t live without her.

Lin ruoya thinks Mingzhu is hard to deal with.

Finish your meal.

Lin ruoya suggested going out for a walk. Yang Ping looked at the Pearl and asked for advice. Mingzhu said with a smile, "go. Just like you, there are no girls like you except me."

"Who said, Yang Ping is excellent."! $*!

When Lin ruoya heard Mingzhu belittle Yang Ping, she was unconvinced and cried out quickly.

Yang Ping covered his forehead and said in a secret way, Lin ruoya, can\'t you see that the Pearl has been unhappy for a long time, and you are smart enough to test others. Lin ruoya is far from the well-informed pearl.

Sure enough, Lin ruoya returned to her senses, blushed and hurried out.

Yang Ping smiled awkwardly, "that... May be different from what you think. My relationship with Lin ruoya is not so complicated."

"Go ahead. She has something to do with you."

Mingzhu smiled generously, walked into the kitchen and left a natural and unrestrained figure, which made Yang Ping feel that it would be thunderous in the future. The pearl is not noisy and tossing. It looks magnanimous, but the effect is the best. Yang Ping happens to eat soft rather than hard.

On the streets of villages in the city.

"It\'s settled?"

Lin ruoya stared at Yang Ping\'s eyes and asked very seriously, more seriously than when she just got off the bus.

Yang Ping didn\'t dare to see Lin ruoya, so he gave a sigh of grace.

In fact, he really doesn\'t know how to face Lin ruoya. The other party is her first woman, and she is also her first man and only man. The relationship between them is very subtle, but it\'s so simple that Yang Ping feels guilty.

Lin ruoya smiled, patted Yang Ping on the shoulder and said, "why, I\'m afraid I\'m pestering you?"

Yang Pinglian hurriedly said, "how can you? You have a lot of suitors."

Lin ruoya sneered: "nonsense, I don\'t need you to say a lot of suitors. If you decide, I should be happy for you. Really, you are completely different from before. I see attachment from your eyes. Mingzhu is a good woman, at least more suitable for you than me."

Yang Ping opened her mouth and stopped talking.

Lin ruoya looked at the sky and said to herself, "in fact, I came here to tell you something. It was very difficult, but now I feel much more calm when I see your appearance. At least don\'t worry that you will be sad."

Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly.

Lin ruoya continued, "I\'m getting married."

The conjecture in my heart has been confirmed. Although I know that Lin ruoyasheng will inevitably become a tool for marriage in the future in the top rich Lin family in Beijing, I once naively felt that Lin ruoya\'s character will not follow the crowd, it seems that I overestimated Lin ruoya and underestimated the cruelty of life.

Somehow, his heart was sour. When he heard that his first woman was going to marry, Yang Ping took a deep breath, piled up a smile and said, "who has the courage to marry you. You are a tigress."

Lin ruoya suddenly stared into Yang Ping\'s eyes, then hugged his neck, kissed him on his forehead, and whispered, "goodbye, my man, you will always be my favorite."

With that, Lin ruoya turned and left without looking back.

Yang Ping looked at the beautiful shadow that Lin ruoya decided to leave under the setting sun, and was flustered in her heart.

Women eventually get married.

That\'s absolutely true.

Yang Ping thought she was open, but the more calm Lin ruoya showed, the more uncomfortable she felt.


Yang Ping said softly in his heart that he can only do so at present. When a stable situation is determined, he must say goodbye to the past. Sooner or later, it\'s just a problem. Choosing to be with the Pearl means breaking up with other women. Whether you like it or not, life will always go to this step. But when she really saw Lin ruoya leave, Yang Ping was still very uncomfortable.

An indescribable sense of man selfishness surged into my heart.


In a trance, a familiar voice came from her ear. Yang Ping looked back and saw the Pearl around her shoulders. Her bright eyes were smiling at her and could not see sadness and joy.

"Really gone."

Yang Ping\'s use of the word "true" is to tell Mingzhu that he may not meet in the future, which is tantamount to breaking the relationship. This is to show his loyalty and express his little sense of loss at the same time.

Mingzhu came over, held Yang Ping, stroked his head and said softly, "I love you."

Yang Ping was shocked, looked up blankly, looked at Mingzhu\'s firm eyes and felt guilty. Mingzhu loved him so wholeheartedly, but he was sad about another woman\'s marriage. It\'s really unreasonable.

"Go home," Yang Ping said with a smile, holding Mingzhu\'s hand tightly.

Pearl felt Yang Ping\'s heart, and then she showed her real smile. She had pretended before, but fortunately, she pretended to be valuable and could feel Yang Ping\'s wholehearted love.

She is not the kind of person who knows that men make noise when they have other women. Noise can\'t solve any problems. Wisdom is the key to solving problems.

Yang Ping didn\'t know that he had fallen into a trap.

But even if you know, you are willing.

Under the setting sun, the figure of the two people holding hands pulled very long, as if forever, but the breeze blew, the roadside branches shook, and the mottled shadow of the tree cut off the figure of the two people, as if the hand of fate cut off their happiness.

At this moment, they are happy.

At this happy moment, it seems that fate is joking. There was an earthquake in Longcheng, and a sky light rose from tomorrow middle school, which was beyond everyone\'s expectation.

Unparalleled artifact was born.