Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1134

Yang Yuxin is dead.

Died in Haodu Hotel, five-star hotel, where celebrities come and go. It is impossible for the hotel to seal the news, because Yang Yuxin jumped out of a building and died. She jumped angrily, and even the senior students had no time to stop it.

The most important thing is that today, local public security police came to Longcheng for a meeting. Because there were too many people to live in the hostel, a group of high-level police were arranged to live in Haodu Hotel. Just after the car stopped, a body fell down, which was a frying pan.

Jumping off a building in front of several first-class police supervisors is difficult if you don\'t want to file a case. Soon, the homicide case of Haodu Hotel was focused. The senior wanted to hold it down with a relationship, but knew it was too late and had to leave as soon as possible.

Longcheng Public Security Bureau.


Wang looked at the corpse with an expressionless face. The air in the morgue was originally cold, but now it was very cold. The forensic atmosphere next to her didn\'t dare to breathe. She looked at the Wang Bureau curiously and thought that she was very strange today. In the past, she was not afraid of the head and tail. She was highly praised by everyone, but the Wang Bureau reacted strangely at this time.

"You go out first." Wang Lengleng said.

The coroner and the other interpols left the morgue. Wang Shu sighed quietly at Yang Yuxin\'s body and murmured, "I haven\'t seen you for a few days. Heaven and man are separated forever. No matter who killed you, I won\'t let the murderer go!"

"Duan bureau!"

There was a nervous cry outside the morgue. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of Duan Bureau. During this tense meeting, Duan Fei and Wang were the focus, but they came to the morgue to see a body.

Is the identity of the body special? The coroner and the other police surmised.

Duan Fei walked into the morgue, glanced at Yang Yuxin\'s body, and then looked at Wang. A look of fear flashed in his eyes. Although it was very vague, it did exist. The dignified public security director was famous for his toughness. He never knew what fear was. When he saw Wang, he was afraid.

It\'s scary to get out.

Wang didn\'t seem to notice Duan Fei\'s arrival. He gently stroked the white cloth covering Yang Yuxin\'s body and said softly, "I will give you justice, no matter who\'s behind it."

"Dragon city is not as simple as you think." Duan Fei couldn\'t help but say.

Wang smiled and scoffed at the so-called dragon city forces and said, "it\'s not simple, I\'ll make them simple. Director Duan, I don\'t ask you to help me, but please don\'t trust me. I know your identity and you know my origin, don\'t you?"

Facing Wang\'s smile, Duan Fei\'s back was cold and instinctively stepped back. He clearly felt that there was a force that made his soul throb in the king\'s body. With his current realm strength, he couldn\'t help but step back. It can be seen that Wang\'s is not simple.


Whoosh, there was another person in the room, with a face full of vicissitudes. His eyes were fixed on Yang Yuxin\'s body. A wave of sadness filled the morgue. When he appeared, Duan Fei noticed that Wang was the same. Both of them looked at the visitor with great fear.

But when he saw the visitor clearly, Wang bowed his head and didn\'t look at each other. Duan Fei\'s eyes flickered and wanted to talk.

"Did you find out the appearance of the murderer?"

Yang Ping asked in a calm tone.

Duan Fei sneered, perhaps because of his face and disdain to answer, but Wang and Yang Ping looked at each other, their faces were calm, and they were not nervous because of his appearance, which was very different from Wang at ordinary times.

"The video was destroyed. There was no trace of the murderer. The other party was very professional and a top expert." Wang said his judgment and said in a deep voice, "you are not suitable for this matter."

With that, Wang went out of the morgue.

Duan Fei snorted coldly and said, "Yang Ping, don\'t catch me the handle of your crime, or I\'ll catch you and go to jail."

Yang Ping said faintly, "come on."

In fact, Yang Ping has many handles, but many people deliberately can\'t see it. Duan Feiming knows that it is impossible to put Yang Ping in prison, but he still can\'t help threatening. The only thing he can show off in front of Yang Ping is his name as the public security director.

This is also tantamount to a disguised show of weakness.

But just after that, Duan Fei received a call. After receiving it, he looked at Yang Ping strangely and said, "it\'s a coincidence that someone above wants to catch you. Let Longcheng Public Security Bureau cooperate."

Yang Ping didn\'t think so and turned to leave.

Duan Fei couldn\'t help saying, "Yang Ping, don\'t you wonder who it is?"

Yang Ping stopped, took a deep breath and said, "do you think I will care who it is at this time? I hope to have some powerful characters. Two or three saints are not enough for me to kill."

He vaguely knows who can directly order Duan Fei to do things. In addition to the provincial public security department, there are other higher-level departments.

Someone in the capital wants to kill him.

"You can do it now," said Yang Ping.

Duan Fei was tangled in his heart and wanted to call people in, but he held back and said, "I just don\'t like the tone of the other party talking to me. Yang Ping, things in Longcheng are very complicated. I hope you can live. To remind you, the local power of Longcheng is not as weak as you think. There are only four families."

Yang Ping squinted and said, "thank you."

Duan Fei\'s words could not be heard by others, but Yang Ping was very clear that the other party was reminding, and may have leaked a very important news, that is, the local forces of Longcheng may be very powerful and have been hidden in the dark, even he didn\'t notice.

"Wang she..." Duan Fei hesitated for a moment, wondering, "although I don\'t know what happened to her, please find a chance to say sorry to her."

At that time, Wang AI and Duan Fei were crazy and willing to do anything, but Duan Fei took Wang as a tool. Now his identity has changed. Wang is not the former king. Duan Fei\'s dusty heart twitched and whispered, "I hope to find the real king."

Yang Ping said, "it seems you noticed it, too."

"Wang shouldn\'t be like this."

Duan Fei\'s tone was firm and said in a deep voice: "I will try my best to find the real king, but the strength of the king\'s body is too strong, I\'m not sure."

"Sometimes force can\'t solve all problems. The secret of the king can\'t be solved by force. Only by awakening the real her can we find the real king." Yang Ping also reminded and left.

Duan Fei was thoughtful after hearing this.

Tongde Medical Museum.

Pearl cooked the meal, looked at the wolfing Yang Ping with her chin and said with a smile, "slow down. It\'s all yours."

Yang Ping came back from the outside with a happy face and a happy meal.

After dinner.

Pearl goes to wash the dishes.

Yang Ping didn\'t rush to do it, but sat at the door and smoked hard. Tap water falls on the dishes and chopsticks, splashing water drops on the clothes, like a sense of taste. The Pearl silently feels the sadness emitted by Yang Ping, which can not be hidden. Pearl can feel the pain and sadness in Yang Ping\'s heart.

A military vehicle stopped at Tongde Medical Museum.

Two burly special forces soldiers got off, loaded with guns and stood at the door. Then a tall female officer walked to the door of Tongde medical school and saw Yang Ping smoking. A complex flash flashed in her eyes.

"Long time no see." Lin ruoya sat next to Yang Ping, grabbed a cigarette and smoked. She couldn\'t smoke. She smoked too hard and coughed violently. Yang Ping grabbed the cigarette, smiled and said, "if you guessed right, you came to catch me."

Lin ruoya smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "military orders are like mountains."