Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1133

Eighteen black cages quieted down when they heard Yang Ping\'s name, but then a sneer broke the calm. They said coldly, "a hairy boy can turn the sky in less than half a year in Longcheng. Our local forces don\'t speak, but they think it\'s the world of outsiders."

The central cage said indifferently, "Heart K, are you willing to do it?"

Heart K is a code. Each symbol represents a faction, but not limited to the experts of dragon city. Everyone comes from all over the world and has unimaginable energy. However, they all have one thing in common. They are experts who come out of dragon city.

"If I kill Yang Ping, I\'ll choose the treasure first." Heart K is not a fool. Killing Yang Ping is not a good job. I want to bargain.

"I have no problem."




The crowd said they had no objection and let the heart K take the shot. Then, the monitor of the central cage announced the adjournment of the meeting, and the cage soon quieted down. When the crowd left, the dark curtain of the central cage opened and came out of a graceful shadow, full of strange magic, as if it could subdue the devil in the moment of twisting its delicate body, which shows its strong charm.

Instead of leaving immediately, she stood in front of the window and looked at the Boulevard under the club. A young man walked on the flagstone road with steady steps and peaceful expression. It seemed that the world would not be nervous if it sank.

The young man felt her eyes, did not look up, but directly left the club and disappeared.

"It\'s a little interesting."

The monitor exclaimed.

The ultimate class is just an organizational form, secretly ruling Longcheng for many years. Each member has a pivotal position in China, but few people know that it has an extremely terrible influence. Because the ultimate class is too low-key, low-key to other Jianghu experts who enter the Dragon City, and even forget this existence.

The monitor wants everyone to forget.

"There are two days left." the monitor muttered to himself. His eyes were faint, as if he could see through the void and directly to the essence. All of the Dragon City, mole ants, ordinary people, and even the black clouds floating in the sky were clearly visible under his eyes. He sighed, "twenty years of reincarnation may be more violent this time. I don\'t know how many people can live."

The phone rings.

The monitor connected and said coldly, "I\'ll go back to school now."


Yang Yuxin came out of the threat of death with sad eyes. After entering the organization, she must devote everything to the organization, including her life. The organization controls its members through drugs. Disobedient members will rot through their intestines and die without an antidote. Modern medical equipment can\'t check it out, and even the miracle doctor can\'t explain the condition. Yang Yuxin tried many ways to find many medical experts, but she didn\'t dare to find Yang Ping for fear of being found abnormal. It\'s a kind of spiritual poison. It\'s very overbearing.

She vomited the water from the inner lake and retched by the lake. She finally recovered her strength and wanted to go back to the company. She didn\'t know how to deal with it for a while. Before leaving, she thought she would not go back, so she left a suicide note. Unexpectedly, things changed too fast. The organization asked her to return to China Airlines Group and Zhu Xi.

Walking out of the campus blankly, I met many little boys on the road. Seeing her so beautiful, her clothes were wet and wanted to come and chat up, but Yang Yuxin didn\'t seem to see it and went straight ahead.

The little boy who accosted touched his head and hesitated to help. Yang Yuxin had a more mature temperament than the girls on campus. The maturity and attractiveness he had experienced outside attracted the most to the little boy.

As soon as the little boy gritted his teeth, he thought he could pursue it, but just came to Yang Yuxin, he was hit by a huge force.

Yang Yuxin turned her head and saw the senior student smiling at her not far away. She was cold all over.

The little boy got up and stared angrily at the senior, but he felt a cold breath and hurried to turn around and leave. After walking hundreds of meters, he suddenly spurted blood, and then his meridians were broken inch by inch. He died unexpectedly, causing great panic.

There was a mess around.

The senior smiled and said, "let\'s go and take you to take a bath."

Yang Yuxin, like a living dead man, followed the senior students to the Haodu Hotel, which is the most luxurious and luxurious place in Longcheng. In the top suite, the senior students sat on the bed, pushed the glasses shelf, listened to the sound of the water in the bathroom and smiled like a poisonous snake.

After taking a bath, Yang Yuxin came out wrapped in a bath towel. He brightened his eyes and showed greedy eyes. He looked up and down, which made Yang Yuxin uncomfortable. He seemed to be seen through and felt very disgusting.

"Take it off," the senior ordered.

Yang Yuxin\'s face was pale and trembling, showing a pleading expression, but the senior turned a blind eye and said with a smile, "since you are ready to be played, why care about the present moment. Yuxin, I am very optimistic about you when you come in to organize."

Yang Yuxin\'s palm was pinched and bleeding by her fingernails. She held back her anger, and tears swirled in her eyes. If the devil hadn\'t bewitched her to join the organization, she wouldn\'t end up now.

"You can take it off if you don\'t take it off, but you should help me bring Zhu Xi out." the senior student suddenly said.

"No!" Yang Yuxin screamed, shook her head and said in a trembling voice, "senior, no, Zhu Xi is very good to me, and she has great use value. It said that she can\'t mess around."

The senior blinked, shrugged and said, "I didn\'t say what to do. Don\'t you know that there is a psychedelic drug in the organization that can make the other party feel with the people they love? Everything will be forgotten when you wake up."

"Zhu Xi is the first beautiful woman in Longcheng. If you don\'t want it, it\'s a pity." the senior showed a regretful expression and rubbed his hands.

Yang Yuxin also disagreed.


The senior slapped Yang Yuxin over on the bed, looked ferocious and shouted, "if you don\'t do it, I\'ll kill your brother. Don\'t doubt my patience."

Yang Yuxin shed scarlet blood from the corners of her mouth, flopped down on her knees and begged, "senior, don\'t hurt my brother. I\'m willing to do whatever you want, don\'t you want me? I can, I\'m willing to do anything." holding the senior\'s thigh, she kept begging, but the senior looked down on her like a slave owner, showing a sarcastic smile.

"You\'re too dirty."

The senior picked up Yang Yuxin\'s chin and said, "although you look beautiful, you are an organizational tool and a tool to please men, so you\'d better be obedient and bring Zhu Xi here. My room is open."

Imagining pressing Zhu Xi under him, the senior students couldn\'t help showing their excitement.

Yang Yuxin also begged, and the senior exposed the cold opportunity to kill.

"Isn\'t Zhu Xi with Yang Ping before? Do you know how far they have developed?" the senior came interested and asked with a smile.

Yang Yuxin hesitated.

"Did you go to bed?" the senior narrowed his eyes.

Yang Yuxin shook her head and said uncertainly, "I really don\'t know. They are on and off. They shouldn\'t have..."

The senior laughed and was very excited. Hearing that Zhu Xi was still perfect, he gave birth to a strong desire for possession and said with a grim smile: "very good. Would Yang Ping be very sad if he knew that his woman was played with by me?"

Yang Yuxin muttered in her heart that there must be a huge contradiction between the senior and Yang Ping, otherwise she would not be angry and kill the opportunity.


The senior student gave a cold order and didn\'t forget the threat: "your brother is coming. I\'ll treat him well."

Yang Yuxin weighed for a long time, but when he thought of his brother\'s appearance, tears flowed out. Heaven and man fought. The senior sat slowly without urging, and had strong self-confidence. Yang Yuxin can\'t escape his palm.

Finally, Yang Yuxin took out the phone and opened Zhu Xi\'s number.

The senior smiled and said with satisfaction, "yes, that\'s right. Don\'t worry. When you play with Zhu Xi, you\'ll have a good time with you. Follow me, you don\'t have to be bullied. At least you won\'t sleep with anyone."

Yang Yuxin made a call.


Yang Yuxin shouted, jumped at the senior and shouted, "go to hell."

She stabbed the senior with a sharp knife and used all her strength to snipe on the sharp knife. She could kill the senior with one shot. She was determined to die together.


A sharp knife pierced his chest.

Yang Yuxin bowed her head and looked at the bloody sharp knife. She had severe chest pain, but she showed a relieved smile.


The senior was shocked and angry. He kicked Yang Yuxin over and shouted, "you dare to disobey my orders. I\'ll make your life worse than death." he spit out a black bug and got into Yang Yuxin\'s mouth.