Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1132

Yang Yuxin seems to have changed a person. Her pretty face is full of light sadness, which permeates the air. Zhu Xi downstairs can also clearly feel that this is not the Yang Yuxin she knows, as if she had completely changed overnight.

Zhu Xi shouted, "Yuxin, what difficulties do you have? Let\'s carry them together. Don\'t do anything stupid!"

Yang Yuxin smiled sadly and stood on the roof. The lingering sadness fell straight down, as if to tear Zhu Xi\'s heart. She said sadly, "difficulties? Death? Do these have anything to do with me?"

Zhu Xi hurriedly said, "Yuxin, can you come down first... Let\'s have a good talk."

Yang Yuxin closes her eyes and releases the phone in her hand.

The phone fell straight down and broke with a slap. Hearing the beep of blindness, Zhu Xi looked nervously at the roof. With a swish, Yang Yuxin jumped down from the roof and seemed to see a relieved smile on her face in the air.

Death is the best relief.

Zhu Xi shouted, "no!"

I don\'t know where the power came from. Zhu Xi\'s eyes flashed. Seeing that Yang Yuxin was going to hit the ground, a soft force supported her delicate body, and then rebounded. Yang Yuxin gently fell to the ground.

Zhu Xi\'s hands were relieved, her face was pale, and she gasped.

She just used the power above the nine grades to form a defense array to catch Yang Yuxin who jumped from the building and exhausted all her strength in her body. This leapfrog energy impact almost made her faint.


Zhu Xi rushed over, hugged her tightly and shouted, "don\'t do anything stupid. If something happens at home, I can help you."

Yang Yuxin opened her eyes, flashed a bitter, pushed away Zhu Xi, and then quickly disappeared in the campus. Zhu Xi wanted to catch up, but she didn\'t have the strength. She could only watch Yang Yuxin leave and said, "Yuxin, wait for me..."

I don\'t know how long he ran. Yang Yuxin came to the inner lake and looked at the lake in a daze. The water in the inner lake is dead. It\'s like your life. It\'s gray. There\'s no regret medicine from the beginning. Who let you do something wrong that year, who let you get obsessed that year.

"Die, free."

Yang Yuxin opened her arms and was ready to jump.

"Tut Tut, that\'s great."

Just as Yang Yuxin was preparing for liberation, a strange voice came from behind. It seemed that she heard the devil\'s life, her delicate body trembled, turned slowly, her pretty face was pale, and her pupils could not hide her inner fear.

In front of him stood a man, exactly a boy, but the maturity and ruthlessness in his eyes are not what students should have. Only those who have seen the ups and downs of the official sea and the great winds and waves will have them.

Moreover, the boy\'s eyes fell on Yang Yuxin, which filled the inner lake with a repressive atmosphere.

Yang Yuxin was frightened and said, "senior, you... Why are you here..."

The student walked up to Yang Yuxin, stroked her cheek and looked pitifully. Tut tut said, "you\'re going to commit suicide. How can I not come. Yuxin, how can you say hello? What a beautiful youth. If you leave like this, your brother will be very sad, right? Wanyi can\'t figure it out. He will go with you, and your family will be reunited below. In fact, it\'s good."

"Your brother can\'t figure it out. He\'s going to leave Longcheng. Just when I met him, I invited him to work in my company. He doesn\'t work and earns 20000 a month. You see, how sensible your brother is. He knows how to reduce the burden on the family and make money for her sister who takes drugs."

Yang Yuxin turned pale and begged, "senior, please, my brother is innocent."

The senior exclaimed, "there are still people in the world who are innocent!" immediately his face changed, grabbed Yang Yuxin\'s hair, plopped into the water and pressed her into the water. Yang Yuxin choked half dead and begged, "living is the original sin."

"How does death taste?"

The elder smiled at the devil, dragged Yang Yuxin to the shore like a dead dog, shook his head and said, "it seems that you are not very similar, are you?"

Yang Yuxin cried, "senior, I don\'t want to die, I really don\'t want to die." for my brother, I can\'t die. If she dies, my brother will be treated cruelly, and many years of humiliation will be wasted. Unexpectedly, they caught my brother as soon as he ran away.

She was disillusioned.

"I did what you told me. Why don\'t you let me go?" Yang Yuxin cried.

The senior shrugged and looked very natural and unrestrained. He said reluctantly, "when you joined the ultimate class, you should know to devote your life to the organization. I didn\'t let you sleep with those old men or let you suffer losses. You are the most relaxed and happy member of the organization. You can not only live in a high position, but also enjoy life."

Yang Yuxin\'s biggest regret in her life is not to find a heartless boyfriend, but to join the ultimate class. It was a gathering place for demons, not a place for people to stay. Yang Yuxin didn\'t know how many methods were used to escape the devil\'s hand, but it didn\'t help.

They take pills to control members. Life is better than death.

"You want to stay with Zhu Xi, okay?" the senior pulled out a handkerchief and gently wiped the stagnant water on Yang Yuxin\'s face, but her smile made her creepy. "There are important things for you to do these two days. If you finish, you can leave with your brother and get a sum of money."

Yang Yuxin\'s eyes are uncertain.

"But before that, go to the club and take a bath, and then entertain a distinguished guest. If you serve well, you may get a reward in advance."

Yang Yuxin turned pale.

Entertaining distinguished guests means having to sleep with them. All distinguished guests in the organization are perverts and try their best to torture people. Last time a sister went to the hotel to serve, she didn\'t expect to die directly the next day. She was abused and died directly in bed.

"How\'s it going?"

The senior took out his mobile phone and showed a picture. Yang Yuxin\'s head burst open and bowed his head.

Smiled, the senior got up, patted his palm, and then threw his handkerchief on the ground, showing his disgust. It seemed that Yang Yuxin was a very dirty thing. He turned and left: "I\'ll send you the time and address."

Yang Yuxin sat up and looked blankly.

The senior student strolled around the campus of Longcheng University and was at ease. If he didn\'t see his cruel means, it\'s hard to imagine a beautiful man with such a snake and scorpion heart. If Yang Yuxin wasn\'t useful, he would torture her in the most cruel way.

Come to the administration building.

The senior stopped and smiled strangely.

There is a clubhouse outside Longcheng University. It is a very low-key clubhouse. It is basically not open to the outside world. The high courtyard wall is guarded and isolated from the world. The senior entered the club, went directly to the second floor and entered a black cage.

The second floor is a temporary meeting room.

Eighteen cages were placed inside, each with a channel in, and no one could see anyone.

Soon, the members were all together.

"Let\'s start the ninth meeting." a very pleasant voice came out of the middle cage and said coldly, "how\'s the matter with Zhu Xi?"

"Act according to the plan." this is the voice of the senior. He is very afraid of the owner of the pleasant voice and says with a little respect.

"Yang Ping is out of control. Who is willing to do it?"

The master said suddenly.

The meeting room was suddenly quiet.