Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1129

Wu Changxing\'s words echoed in his mind for a long time. Yang Ping recalled each other, but found that he didn\'t see his face clearly from beginning to end. In addition to Fulai\'s rough madness, Wu Changxing seemed to be an invisible person.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified.

If the other party really comes from wujialing, what\'s the matter with the legendary disappearance of wujialing overnight.

He couldn\'t figure it out, so he stopped thinking.

In short, what he had just experienced was like a dream. Wu Changxing was like a dream, telling him that there was a place he would go in the future.

Outside the city gate.

A young man was holding a folding fan in his hand and enjoying the beautiful scenery. In fact, the scenic spots in Longcheng were not as good as those outside the city. Fu Lai followed him and said depressed: "young master, why don\'t you let me fight Yang Ping and weigh his strength and whether he is qualified to enter our wujialing."

The two people walking on the road are naturally Wu Changxing and Fulai.

Wu Changxing shook his head and said, "the dark place is ready to move. It will come back sooner or later. Now it\'s just a small one. The real experts are still waiting for the opportunity. I\'m afraid the Longcheng stronghold will be overrun. Let me see if Yang Ping can do it."

Fulai asked curiously, "what\'s the result?"

Wu Changxing said with a smile, "I\'m very relieved."

Fulai was surprised. He had never seen his young master so relieved. It\'s great to know his identity. He is the only descendant who can surpass yizhai and Ermen. Now he has entered the world at a great cost just to see a boy named Yang Ping with his own eyes. It\'s a little expensive.

It\'s very difficult to get out of that place.

"Young master, where shall we go next?" Fulai asked again.

"It doesn\'t matter where we\'re going. What\'s important is that we have guests coming." Wu Changxing looked ahead and stopped his pace. His tone was not slow. "It\'s said that the princess of the magic gate is the son of destiny. As soon as I saw her today, she really deserved her name."

A beautiful shadow appeared in front of us.

The princess of the magic gate stared at Wu Changxing and her eyes were suspicious. Even if the sky fell, she would not be shocked, but she looked at Wu Changxing with shock.

"You are..."

The devil gate princess still stared at Wu Changxing, her beautiful eyes flickered, and there was no need to say more about the shock in her pupils.

"I am."

Wu Changxing smiled gently.

The devil gate princess smiled bitterly. After confirming the origin of the other party, she said with a bitter smile: "I\'ve never been sure. If I didn\'t happen to pass by, I really couldn\'t find you. Childe Wu is polite and spends thousands of words."

Spend a thousand words.

Wu Changxing exclaimed, "good name."

"I\'m flattered."

The princess of the magic gate couldn\'t help but wonder, "I don\'t know what happened to childe Wu\'s entry into the world?"

Because she wanted to know so much, her tone was inevitably excited. I believe anyone in the world would be very shocked if they knew that Wu Jialing\'s people had entered the WTO, even the demon king was no exception. Cihang Jingzhai will also come to see why people who have joined the WTO come, and want to know the secret of the disappearance of wujialing.

The first major event in a hundred years.

Who doesn\'t want to know.

"I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to travel with me?" Wu Changxing asked.

Princess Mormon nodded hurriedly, took a deep breath and said, "it should be my honor."

Fulai stood behind him, his face unchanged. He seemed to have known the reaction of Princess Mormon for a long time. It\'s still good. If other people had poor concentration, they would probably kneel down on the spot. Because he knows what his little Lord stands for.

They walked side by side and disappeared at the end of the road.

The next moment, a dark shadow fell in place, silently looked at the place where the princess of the magic gate stood, and whispered, "has wujialing entered the world? Master, do you remember to go home?"

The devil looked up at the sky with long eyes.

Yang Ping doesn\'t know what Wu Changxing stands for. He may be the first person to see Wu Changxing, flowing like time, silent and traceless.

Mingzhu woke up and was in good condition. Her spirit reached the peak. Yang Ping was surprised and happy. She hugged her tightly and said, "I was scared to death. I thought something had happened to you. Mingzhu, you can\'t be so stupid in the future, you know?"

"People are watching." Mingzhu lies in bed and is hugged. She sees the Phoenix lying quietly next door. Although the Phoenix doesn\'t wake up, Mingzhu is uncomfortable all over. Her pretty face is crimson and says angrily, "get up."

Yang Ping hurriedly looked back at the Phoenix and breathed a sigh of relief.

Consultation room.

Yang Ping checked Mingzhu\'s health and confirmed that she had fully recovered. After the meeting, she admired the mountain and river map. If there was no mountain and river map, she didn\'t know whether Mingzhu could wake up. He thanked Zhu Xi for giving him the most precious thing.

After hearing Yang Ping\'s rescue, Mingzhu listened carefully and didn\'t interrupt. Speaking of Zhu Xi, Yang Ping\'s heart beat faster and carefully observed the change of Mingzhu\'s face, worried that she would be angry. After all, the relationship between Zhu Xi and Mingzhu is very complex and can\'t be explained clearly in a word or two.

"Are you worried that I\'m unhappy?" Mingzhu laughed when she saw Yang Ping\'s nervous look.

Yang Ping twitched at the corners of her mouth, dared not deny it, and asked, "I\'m afraid the result would be completely different without Zhu Xi. However, Zhu Xi and I are just friends now, not what you think."


Pearl covered her mouth and smiled, shook her head and said, "fool, how can I blame you. It\'s too late to be happy. I never thought of today. Before, I always felt that I could never see hope in the dark, but now I feel alive breathing the air of Longcheng."

Yang Ping held the Pearl\'s hand tightly and was moved in her heart.

For her own sake, Mingzhu didn\'t hesitate to escape into the darkness and almost died. This kind of friendship can\'t be repaid all her life. Yang Ping only knew to accompany her as much as possible and vowed not to hurt Mingzhu.

They didn\'t find it. The Phoenix suddenly opened his eyes when they left.

The phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that it was the old man\'s, Yang Ping looked serious and connected the phone.

"Is there someone surnamed Wu looking for you?" the old man asked several times in a hurry. Obviously, he wanted to know the answer very much.

"Wu Changxing." Yang Ping was surprised at the old man\'s reaction and asked, "what\'s the matter? Do you know this man?"

The old man exclaimed, "where are the people?"

"Let\'s go."

"Lying trough!"

The old man burst out rude words and scolded, "you little bastard, why don\'t you keep him? Do you know you missed a big chance? My God, you let him go. I don\'t know when I can see him. No, I want to go back."

Yang Ping forced, "I said it was just one person, not your lover. Do you need to make a fuss?"

The old man scolded, "you know a fart. You... Really annoy me. Little bastard, you don\'t know who the other party is."

"Wu Jialing."

Yang Ping didn\'t think so, but the mystery on the other end of the phone wanted to explode. He roared, "you know it\'s from wujialing, why don\'t you keep him. Do you know how many years I\'ve been looking for wujialing? Countless people in the world are looking for it. If you miss it, you may regret it all your life."

"All right."

Yang Ping doesn\'t think Wu Changxing in wujialing is different. It\'s just that he is a little stronger. If he makes full use of his strength, he may be able to beat one or two moves. It\'s nothing great.

The old man was convinced and didn\'t have the strength to swear, but said, "you\'re powerful. The most awesome thing you\'ve done since you\'ve been your master for so many years is to let the people in wujialing go. If I hadn\'t been unable to walk here, I really wanted to slap you to death. Do you want to cure the Pearl? If wujialing did it, nothing would be a problem."

"But the pearl is good."

Yang Ping said Zhu Xi\'s mountain and river map again, not without pride.

There was silence, a long silence.

Yang Ping whispered, "are you stunned by my luck? See, this is life."

"Yes, life."

The old man sighed, his tone was full of unspeakable sadness, and youyou said, "sure enough, you two have a deep relationship with the mountain and river map. Unexpectedly, the Pearl still absorbed the power of the mountain and river map."

Yang Ping felt a bad feeling in his heart and said in a trembling voice, "don\'t scare me, old man. You can\'t joke about this."

The old man sneered and hummed, "do you think the pearl is better and healthier than before."


"You collect Mingzhu\'s body. Mingzhu was cursed and had hope to be saved, but now it\'s becoming more and more impossible. Someone calculated deeply whether someone deliberately gave you the mountain and river map." the old man said in a deep voice.

Yang Ping thought of Yang Yuxin and was in doubt.

Is Yang Yuxin a Taoist?