Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1128

The fields that can develop attributes are experts with extremely terrible talents. So far, Yang Ping only saw it in the princess of the magic gate. Her attributes can contain all things. If there is nothing, it looks like chaos attribute, which is one of the strongest attributes.

The ice attribute is a relatively common attribute, but with the understanding of attribute blessing, the combat effectiveness and defense can be enhanced several times. For example, a saint with attribute field can defeat ten saints without field, but the attribute field is very special and rare, and ordinary people can\'t develop it. This is a natural talent, also known as blood boundary.

The visitor was about thirty-five years old, with a face full of flesh and eyes as bright as a bronze bell. He stared at Yang Ping. He had the impulse to kill if he didn\'t agree. As long as Yang Ping dared to say no, he shot immediately.

The Tongde Medical Museum was covered with ice and the temperature dropped sharply.

Yang Ping frowned and the artistic conception changed suddenly.

In ice and snow, thousands of pear blossoms bloom and then turn into invisibility. For Yang Ping, the most powerful attribute field is nothing but a local chicken and a dog. He is absolutely confident that he can suppress all. Even the man in front of him is an extremely powerful sage king, comparable to the master of the great sage realm.

"You want to die!"

Seeing that Yang Ping dared to resist, the other party smiled grimly and said, "boy, toast, don\'t eat and punish wine, take me to break your limbs and drag you away."

Just do it. The other party is serious.

Yang Ping\'s face was calm and had no defensive attitude. The contempt made the other party angry. He had never been so despised before. He shouted, "do you know who I am? Even if you are the descendant of the holy land, you should kneel down when you see me."


Yang Ping replied with disdain.

I haven\'t seen such an idiot before. You know who I am. You think it\'s the second generation of dandies pretending to force.

However, the other party does have the capital to pretend to be forced, because if he has the strength, he can dominate in how many places, but this does not include Longcheng. Longcheng is Yang Ping\'s territory. No one can be wild, including the man outside the door.

There\'s someone outside.

Yang Ping didn\'t see the people in the house from beginning to end. Even if he was the sage king, even if the person outside didn\'t emit a stronger breath, it was just the beginning of the sage, but Yang Ping felt that the person outside was stronger than the people in the house. I don\'t know how much.

Really strong!

Yang Ping sighed in his heart that the other party was aware of the distance of 100 meters and had broken his early warning range. Obviously, the other party has extraordinary ability, but it is very low-key. This is the most terrible.

There was indeed a man standing at the door.

Yang Ping looked at the door and said, "if you don\'t want him to die, let him disappear from me."

The people in the house were furious. Seeing that Yang Ping despised him so much, they said angrily, "don\'t force me to kill you, boy."

"Fu Lai, step back."

There was a gentle voice at the door, which seemed to express his attitude towards the world. Moderation was his pronoun. The sound wave came, and the irritable blessing came. It turned out that the initial calm, obediently retreated and disappeared.

This shows the horror of the man outside.

The two never met.

Clearly in front of you, but you can\'t see it. It seems that the other party is just an idea coming, not a real person, but the breath is so strong that there is no way to doubt the truth and falsehood.

"Sorry to disturb you."

At this time, a young man appeared at the door. He was about the same age as Yang Ping. He had a folding fan in his hand and had the temperament of feather fan and Lun towel. He didn\'t know how he appeared. He came to the house with a gentle smile and politely said, "my brother is used to being reckless in the mountains. Please don\'t be surprised. Go down to Wu Changxing and meet brother Yang."

Yang Ping arched his hand and said, "nice to meet you."

"My sister is Wu Linlin. It is said that she almost had an accident in Longcheng, and brother Yang is the party. I want to ask what\'s the matter? Fu Lai bumped into Yang Ping. I\'ll pay for it first, but brother Yang will help me." Wu Changxing smiled, which makes it difficult to get angry.

Yang Ping couldn\'t see through Wu Changxing and was surprised. He had a strong hiding ability. He looked like an ordinary martial artist. No one thought he was a sage king who could command the attribute field.

"Wu Linlin\'s brother."

Yang Ping thought quickly in her mind that Wu Linlin came from the capital and had something to do with the legendary place, but no one proved it, but when she saw Wu Changxing, Yang Ping was sure that the other party must have something to do with Wu Jialing.

Who else in the world can cultivate such a powerful young master as Wu Changxing!

Yang Ping asked himself that if he didn\'t use some cards, he might be 50-50 with Wu Changxing. This person is really terrible. If he becomes an enemy, he is the most worried. Fortunately, the other party has no intention of hostility.


Yang Ping came straight to the point and said, "Xianyun temple, I don\'t know if the body is still there."


Wu Changxing took a deep look and invited him.

Yang Ping thought it was an opportunity to contact Wu Changxing and maybe know some secrets. Before leaving, Wu Changxing looked at Tongde Medical Museum and said with a smile, "I admire it."

Both admire each other.

Yang Ping admired the other party\'s secret ability, and Wu Changxing admired Yang Ping\'s array.

They have the illusion that they cherish each other but are hostile to each other.

Immortal cloud view.

Red hair\'s body was missing. Saran\'s death attracted the attention of his companions. It must not be made public and was taken away. The resentment in the Taoist temple has been cleared, and there is almost no trace. It seems that nothing has happened here.

Wu Changxing stood for a long time, silently looking at the statue of the Taoist temple.

Yang Ping was curious.

Wu Changxing smiled, pointed to the statue and said, "I happen to know a set of positioning methods. I can find the person who handles the body. Brother Yang, I\'m making a fool of myself."


the order , once given , will be strictly enforced.

A wisp of black energy was sealed, then turned into an arrow and disappeared. Wu Changxing smiled and said, "please." he looked relaxed and walked. Half an hour later, he came to a broken house in the village in the city. The broken house was broken and uninhabited, but the black atomized arrow shot in.

Wu Changxing said, "brother Yang, step back first. I will meet these dark creatures."

Yang Ping nodded and looked quietly.

Wu Changxing strode in. He was not afraid of the strong in the dark place hidden inside. In a flash, he disappeared into the house. Less than a cup of tea, Wu Changxing came out with a good head and threw it on the ground, saying: "It\'s just the beginning of being a great saint. Brother Yang, my sister was bullied. Naturally, she wants to find justice. I hope you don\'t blame me for being troublesome. The dragon city is your destiny and your responsibility. I shouldn\'t meddle casually."


Yang Ping stared at Wu Changxing and was extremely shocked. Fate, responsibility and Longcheng seemed to have caught the key thing and asked, "brother Wu, excuse me..."

"You and I are all mortals. There is no need to ask. When you know, you will know."

Wu Changxing seems to know what Yang Ping wants to ask, but politely refuses, "the dark place is just the beginning. Yang Ping, your future responsibility is very heavy. I hope you can get through the difficulties and go to that place with me one day."

Yang Pingyun is in the fog, but Wu Changxing has left.